1599. Chapter 1599 Ponzu's counterattack

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    In the outbreak, Kurapika suddenly stopped when he reached the CC, and several tiny wires bound his arms.

    "You are thinking that since I am the opponent of the control system, then the strength itself must not be so good? Pity……My original Strength is very good, have you seen it? ”

    CC swayed a silk thread that was emitting silver light, saying, "A precious spider silk purchased in the underground black market, with a strong strength, even a common blade is difficult to break the spider silk, I am not as good as many players, but I pay more attention to protecting myself. Attacking you also falls into my trap…"


    At this time, a hook came flying and the brand of the CC chest was taken away…

    Young Gon wiped his nose and stood up with a fishing rod and said, "Leave Leorio and Kurapika, then this grade is for you…"

    "Young Gon, don't look at her eyes! Put your ears on! ! ”

    Kurapika suddenly said loudly.

    "Is it really amazing, can I break through my trap?" Yes, forget it, I will agree with your conditions, but I will not simply leave it, give me my original grade, and then give me one of the grades in your hand. One score is all, not you. Your own brand can also be…"

    CClooks at Young Gon closed the book, a good little guy, actually able to pass through the traps she arranged, still not found, amazing, well…Sesoth’s guy rushed over. His goal is Young Gon. It seems that he can’t continue. Siss is a dangerous person…

    Her power of GEASS has only just returned. If she wants to control the Siss, she can't reach it. There is no way for the spirit to be stronger than her.

    Although she had been out of the "Lelouch of the Rebellion" world, her GODE power was sealed, but because of the end of the internal test, the system erased everything, her GODE has the true meaning of return, but it is not perfect. So, it became the power of GEASS, and after the system sealed the Qwazer of Stigmata's ability, her Strength is returning.

    This is actually a contract.

    The system with which she entered into a contract, with the ability of the qwazer of Stigmata, did not have the power of gode, then without the power of the Qwazer of Stigmata, the promise of the system was even violated, in the power of her attempt, Geass's strength was opened It came out, and as a witch, it was easy to regain the power of Geass, even after she had been bound by the rules of the world of Lelouch of the Rebellion, and her Geass power had become free to manipulate.

    Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. In other Dimensional World, the strength of GEASS is disturbed and not perfect.

    However, she has recovered the power of GEASS and GODE, which is very good, and the original GODE is unable to use GEASS, but now she can use it.

    The CC that both Strengths can use naturally finds a stronger direction.

    "Okay, give you the grade…"

    Young Gon took the two grades to CC, one for CC and the other for Young Gon after defeating a candidate.

    "Good, refreshing…"

    CC lifted the spider silk and said to Kurapika, "Your companion has disarmed, but the memory of his attack on you will disappear. How to deal with it, do you understand?"

    Kurapika looks at the unconscious Leorio nodded. I don't know if it is better than knowing. Leorio knows that he will blame himself after attacking himself.



    At night, as the toxins gradually dissipated from the body, Feng Yu Chen's body became more and more uncomfortable. The feeling of overdraft is really painful, not pure pain. It was taken away from the general feeling.

    Taking off the body's clothes, Feng Yu Chen walked into the hot springs with a naked body. The warm feeling made Feng Yu Chen squat up and it was awesome.

    Feng Yu Chen, who enjoys the hot spring bath, is not sure that someone has followed him all the way. Although he is vigilant, he is vigilant, but the scope of vigilance is only about ten meters.

    Ponzu stared at Feng Yu Chen quietly 50 meters away. She just saw Feng Yu Chen's naked and couldn't help but admire it. It was so beautiful. The beauty is better than the tranquility of the night and the hot springs. It seems to be God's. The masterpiece-like body, even if you see the shameful thing, don’t feel ugly…

    Of course, the emotion is emotion, so cute, but it is a boy, it is really unreasonable.

    More crucially, Ponzu has to deal with Feng Yu Chen. If it is poisonous, Ponzu feels useless. If the toxin is light, it will be useless. If the toxin is heavy, it may make Feng Yu Chen go crazy, then she will be tragedy…

    Therefore, toxic drugs can not be used, then use other good, anesthetics and the like, but the amount must be large, Feng Yu Chen's physical fitness is too strong.


    Ponzu took all the drugs such as the body's anesthetics, and all the medicines collected on the island were combined and handed over to the bees, letting them sprinkle into the hot springs a little.


    Soak in the hot spring, Feng Yu Chen feel the body more and more sleepy appearance, began he thought is the cause of fatigue, but gradually feel something wrong, although the body immune toxin strength, but for some non-toxic strength, but the same as normal people, But his physique is very good, these strength can grudgingly accept, but because of the fatigue now, the physical resistance has also been affected.

    And he was aware that the time was too late.

    Really, I am going to fight the geese all the time. Today, I was blinded by the geese. He should be more alert!

    However, the opponent should not be the kind of armed faction, it should be an ordinary person, afraid of his own Strength, so this method is adopted, so the opponent is not strong, then now…


    Ponzu observed quietly in the distance. After seeing at Feng Yu Chen's body, he suddenly understood that he had anesthetized his drug, but she still watched it carefully for five minutes, and the look at the water surface did not move. Go slowly, come to the hot spring and search for his brand from the clothes that Feng Yu Chen took off…

    Just at this moment! ——


    Feng Yu Chen broke out of the water and the body tied Ponzu with the shackles of judo…


    Ponzu screamed, and the huge yellow hat worn on his head flew out of a wasp, and the tail needles pierced into Feng Yu Chen's body, but this poison had no effect on him.

    "It turns out that your goal is me. If you care about it, you will be counted."

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes flashed with icy light. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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