1597. Chapter 1597 Capricorn

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    Feng Yu Chen The strongest bloodthirsty madness in history, he was incarnate with the 613th incarnation.

    Frost's Strength turned into black ice under the influence of madness, holding black ice and two swords, and Feng Yu Chen's feet stepped on the ground, and a strong explosion occurred, followed by his body. To the front of the 613, the two swords slammed down…

    613 did not think that Feng Yu Chen was so fast that it seemed that he was doubling the strength of the madness, and as a necromancer he really discovered the source of Feng Yu Chen's Strength.

    Those creatures who had been killed by Feng Yu Chen were imprisoned in the sea of his murderous aura, and perhaps Feng Yu Chen was unaware of it, and it was difficult for those who had been killed by him to get away from his kil when his murderous aura grew rich. Ling intent the world fled and was imprisoned in Feng Yu Chen's murderous aura barrier, which is why Feng Yu Chen was able to create a fantasy as soon as he released murderous aura.

    Then the source of Feng Yu Chen's Strength is not from the body, but from the murderous aura barrier. Compressing those dead souls into Strength and then releasing them is equivalent to having a murderous aura barrier that can extract Strength infinitely.

    And there will be no fatigue, the more the war and the more courage, the more people will be killed at the same time, the stronger the strength.

    It’s really a Shura!

    But 613 can't be defeated like this –


    A light and crisp voice, the black ice sword hit the 613's cheekbones, but did not smash the seemingly loose cheekbones, but left two prints on it.

    With Feng Yu Chen's sniper, 613 lifted his foot to Feng Yu Chen ——


    But he only played afterimage, and the real Feng Yu Chen had come to his behind double-handed and grabbed the two ribs of the 613, and then broke it with force! @


    Pain no longer exists for 613, but the skeleton has been destructed, but it has surprised him a bit of Feng Yu Chen's Strength.

    "I-am-the-bone-of-my-sword- (as a sword bone)!!"

    Like the sound of the abyss, a black ice sword smashed the blade in the space. As Feng Yu Chen's waved, he quickly crashed toward 613…


    613 did not expect that Feng Yu Chen's Strength continued to increase, and gradually became somewhat fearful. However, he still had no fear. Does the dead know what fear is?

    For a time, one by one bones came out from the ground and hit the black ice swords.

    "Da da da……"Bang!"KA-CHING!

    A noisy sound screamed in the space, and the ground was filled with black ice blades and black bones.

    Primal Chaos style – gossip wind pusher!

    Feng Yu Chen put up the Gentle Fist's frame, with legs separated, left arm moving backwards, and a black storm in the right hand, completely different from the previous white dragon.


    A shock, followed by the violent fluctuations of the air, out of the air, 613 was shot hundreds of meters away, his cheekbones were covered with cracks.

    613 didn't even have the strength of Strength, not because he didn't want to start, but because Feng Yu Chen's battle was too fast, Speed ​​was beyond his imagination. In the case of Seal Strength, his Skeleton Strength could not play. Out, what can be played is only the soul of Strength, but his movements are much slower than Feng Yu Chen…

    Assassination Technique – Snake! ! !

    Without waiting for the 613 to land, Feng Yu Chen's body has appeared in his behind, his arms are swiftly waving, and he can hardly see the afterimage. His arms are like two black snakes. The people are dancing fast, one bone is being Feng Yu Chen folded down from the skeleton of the 613…


    Feng Yu Chen's current state is not a coma, nor is it occupied by the body. He is still him, but he is violent. The bloodthirsty Innate Skill is awakening, and he is slowly awakened by his hidden bloodthirsty Innate Skill. And he is just playing out the awakened Strength…

    Innate Skill is not bloodline, just like the Zoldyck family, a few children's bloodline is the same, but Innate Skill are different, Innate Skill is a person born with the soul of the kind of s Trength, is a part of the soul, and Feng Yu Chen hidden bloodthirsty Innate Skill in the beginning if the bloodthirsty is also suitable, but now because the accumulation of volume has been qualitative, said to Thurus Innate Skill More qualified.

    In fact, Feng Yu Chen does not want to use this Innate Skill, which will make him think that he is not himself, not because of others, just because he, in the eyes, any existence is meaningless, contempt for life, trampling This makes him have a sense of kindness and he does not want to face such a self.

    But the repressed darkness will become violent.

    Under normal circumstances, Feng Yu Chen's defeat of 613 is not so easy, but now his strength has doubled, doubled, and even higher, which is already a unilateral killing.

    For a time, the skeleton of 613 was mixed into pieces.

    Go to hell!

    With Feng Yu Chen's indifferent voice, his hand is inserted into the skull of 613 like a blade of death. It should be his key point…


    The 613's cheekbone quickly cracked into two halves, but a vague Shinigami phantom was drilled out of it and wanted to escape…

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed a sneer, the scarlet eye of Shura spread the crazy killing intent, slowly raising his right hand –

    “Dark Malevolence Heaven * Eight Cold Hells* Capricorn!!!”

    Above the head, the space was torn by two bones, and a scarlet eye appeared. Then, the whole time and space were instantly frozen in black ice.

    The soul of 613 was frozen in the black ice, and the time and space of the entire time and space were frozen.

    The killing intent was unfolding, the blood was spreading, and a dead soul flew out of the blood sea. The soul of 613 was pulled into Feng Yu Chen's killing prison. The person killed by him, the soul could not be separated from his hell prison. Always be driven by him to become his killing intent nutrient…

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen has surpassed the realm that people can imagine, and is already the incarnation of Shura.


    At this moment, in the distant Esdeath suddenly sensed the familiar Strength, Capricorn, that is her own creation, can freeze the entire time and space, used to capture the opponent's moves, under this trick, nothing People can escape her killing.

    Who is using this kind of Strength that is similar to oneself? It should be to know how their talents know how to use this ability… (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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