1567. Chapter 1567 Busujima Saeko

聽聽聽聽[Today's third, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward)

聽聽聽聽Tendou Miss ?

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen has a hint of implication in his own mind.

聽聽聽聽Tendou Kisara ?

聽聽聽聽No, she is not here.

聽聽聽聽The moment of the gaze of the eye caught a purple long hair at the moment of turning the body, and the blade in her hand was shining –


聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen's body instantly disappeared in place.

聽聽聽聽Some of his black hair on the ground fell.

聽聽聽聽Assassination Technique – shadow step * true.

聽聽聽聽Heart, pulse, blood pressure, etc. are all in harmony with nature. Feng Yu Chen's sense of presence gradually disappears in space. The face of the Y- tattooed man and the face of 'Tendou Miss' are a bit surprised. What is this strength? Is it reading? No, no, it鈥檚 definitely not something that can be achieved, because…

聽聽聽聽Using the 'condensing' technique to gather on the eyes can't capture the opponent's body.

聽聽聽聽It seems to exist and it seems that there is no general feeling.


聽聽聽聽The throat of the man with the Y-word tattooed agitated, worried that he might be killed at any time. After all, the opponent, but the Zoldyck family, would accept his life for convenience before he showed his teeth.

聽聽聽聽"Dazona Captain…You go outside, since it is necessary to test the strength of the candidate, is it not a test? I will bet on my life to test each other. 鈥漈he girl with long purple hair slowly separated, her body crouched, and her scaly right hand stretched two times and then placed on the handle and closed her eyes…

聽聽聽聽With such an action of the purple-haired girl, a chilly bitterness permeated the entire room.

聽聽聽聽Dazuo suddenly withdrew from the room and slipped a cold sweat on his forehead. The two masters who didn鈥檛 read the relationship from the 'Ten Mafia Dons' were simply too embarrassed. Even if they didn鈥檛 use it, they were strong. It鈥檚 terrible!

聽聽聽聽He didn't even have the confidence to beat the two guys.

聽聽聽聽This time, Quest is very special, because the family mainly tests the ambush in the home, but if the user guard is at the side of Miss, the spy will definitely not reveal the horse. After all, the person who uses the mind will be clear. Perceived, so the two who want to use will not use the master of the mind.

聽聽聽聽This kind of request is a bit too outrageous.

聽聽聽聽If you don't use the person you are trying to defeat the person who will use it, it is simply an impossible thing under normal circumstances, but now it is a possible thing.

聽聽聽聽Both Feng Yu Chen and the purple-haired girl have such conditions and factors.

聽聽聽聽In fact, the request can also be relaxed. It is a success after being able to delay the time to reach the squad and they arrive.

聽聽聽聽As a rapidly rising Nostrade La family, there are many people who are naturally embarrassed. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp the spy who is hiding in the opponent to be relieved. Otherwise, it will be difficult to sleep.


聽聽聽聽Purple-haired girl At the moment of closing her eyes, she uses the sense of hearing and taste to make sense, but she found that there is no existence, only the air, the ability of the enemy to use is too terrible, it is not like Assassination The technique is hidden and integrated with the air…

聽聽聽聽However, there are some clues. Since you can't observe it with your body, use 'heart'.

聽聽聽聽With the advent of this idea, the lavender airflow from the body of the purple-haired girl with closed eyes turned into a purple snake, and the snake letter confided in one direction-

聽聽聽聽At this time, the purple-haired girl also began to attack –

聽聽聽聽Zheng @锛佲€?/p>

聽聽聽聽An invisible light was littering, and the entire room was instantly slammed into a huge deep hole.

聽聽聽聽However, dozens of ice needles were also gathered in front of the purple hair woman.

聽聽聽聽"I lost it…"

聽聽聽聽After loosening the handle of the hand, the purple-haired girl stood up. When she was looking for Feng Yu Chen, she had already been counted by her opponent. At the moment she showed her murder, she was all gathered together. The moment, also representing her perception, was reduced to the weakest moment, and at the moment she sent the attack, Feng Yu Chen's attack came quietly.

聽聽聽聽"Hey, your strength is very good, do you have a knife?" I have encountered a similar guy in Meteor City before. Your knife is much faster than that guy. It鈥檚 really a strong woman. The body鈥檚 anger is not a thought. Can you think of it as a similar body? There are thousands of avenues, and the same way is the same. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen looks at purple-haired girl. I don鈥檛 know why. He feels that she is very kind. This is why he didn鈥檛 start. If it is not this feeling, she is already dead!

聽聽聽聽"The two are qualified…"

聽聽聽聽The deep hole above the wall and the ice needle floating in the space suddenly fell cold sweat, and the polite tone said, "Please come with me, my master is already waiting for two, hope two The position can play the same strength in the next work…"

聽聽聽聽"I haven't found it yet, Dazuo Captain, there is an ice needle on your hair…"

聽聽聽聽Purple-haired girl stretched out the hand of Dazuo.


聽聽聽聽Dazuo quickly reached out and touched his head, and there was nothing.

聽聽聽聽"Beside me…"

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen said, playing with the ice needle in his hand, "If you are not a Quest trustee, this needle will be inserted into your brain from your Baihui point. Frost's air-conditioning will freeze your brain instantly, indeed, The guys who use you can use my mind to defend against my attacks, but can you always use them? In the case that you think is the safest, you are already my soul, don't underestimate the Zoldyck family. This time, even after that, I will go out to pick up Quest for the first time. Next time, you understand what will happen. ? 鈥?/p>


聽聽聽聽Dazuo鈥檚 cheeks twitched and felt the horrible things of Feng Yu Chen鈥檚. Sure enough, Zoldyck was a force that could not be used as an enemy. Even a teenager could not treat it as an ordinary teenager. What time? Putting the ice needle on his head, he is not clear, the terrible guy.

聽聽聽聽"I must be a partner afterwards, introduce it, Fu Xi *Zoldyck…"Feng Yu Chen reached out to the purple-haired girl.

聽聽聽聽"Busujima Saeko is on."Purple-haired girl Reaching out with Feng Yu Chen, Tendou is just a name.


聽聽聽聽In this way, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko followed Dazuo at the top of the building and took a helicopter to go in a certain direction to see the real trustee.

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