1566. Chapter 1566 test and Tai Tongmei

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    After completing almost 90% of the assassination of Quest, Feng Yu Chen has only one final Quest left, and is not allowed to be the assassination Guard Quest.

    However, if you secretly protect it, you can barely call it the assassination of Quest.

    But just to guard a person will use the Zoldyck family to come out, this is really important.

    According to the agreed location, Feng Yu Chen came to a room.

    One of the first to come in was the waiter, with a tray in his hand, and said to Feng Yu Chen: "Before quest, you need to test your strength, originally hoping to hire a more powerful killer, but since Zeno recommended you to do this quest, then my Master has But also very willing to believe the credibility and strength of the Zoldyck family.

    However, first of all, from the first floor to a room on the third floor, assuming that this is a kidnapping, you need to rescue the hostages, time and timing, etc., you need to grasp…"

    Feng Yu Chen's black pupil seems to see through the waiter's undulating heart. While condensing the ice needle in the hand gap, he said plainly: "So now Quest can start?"

    “Well, first of all, please take the layout of this floor to make it easy for you to search…”

    The waiter opened the red cloth wrapped around the tray, and then, with the thunder of lightning, grabbed the dagger on the tray and stabbed Feng Yu Chen.

“……Pledged of

    But the waiter's dagger stopped when he was only one millimeter away from Feng Yu Chen's eyes. A small needle was inserted into his neck and he was in a coma.


    Feng Yu Chen kicked the waiter out and sneered at the camera at Kakuzu's fall. "It's a test of idiots. Since Quest has started, it proves that all people may be enemies, and the words of intelligence." If the employment can be provided, do you still need a killer to complete the Quest?

    It is precisely because of the unpredictable Quest that professional killers will be invited to do it. The information will be obtained by the killers themselves. Any situation that is not out of their own hands is a trap for the killer. Zoldyck family Can't be easily fooled, or come up with some real strength…"

    "Hey…Ta-dah!Da da da……"|

    At the moment when Feng Yu Chen finished speaking, there was a masked man who appeared on the railing on the second floor and shot at Feng Yu Chen…

    But split second, Feng Yu Chen's figure disappeared, and once again appeared in the corridor on the second floor, as those who shot have been stunned by the ice needle.

    "The killer should always face attacks from all sides. Any change can't escape the eyes of the killer. When you act, my attack will be sent out in advance, then I just have to go to this place…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the camera in the corridor.

    Slowly moving forward, suddenly the ground broke open, and a few arrows shot out…

    Feng Yu Chen has almost no change in the vertical trajectory. In the Zoldyck family's punishment morning exercise, there is a more dangerous attack than this.

    After walking to a certain place, Feng Yu Chen stopped because there was a small, barely visible steel wire in front of him. If he walked away, he might be smashed in half. Right? This tiny wire is sharper than the blade.

    The next eyes can see everything even in the dark, and the small things can't escape his capture, although the ability of the Byaku-sharingan is sealed, but Ah, just can not use bloodline strength, the essence of the strength still exist, For example, the eyesight of the eyes is better than the average person and so on, Saint Mark body is the same, although can not use the power of Saint Mark, but its strong physical quality is still preserved.

    This is the difference between Bloodline and Unlimited Skill. The power of Bloodline, even if it is a seal, has its essence and roots, and the Unlimited Skill seal is nothing.

    A few glittering, Feng Yu Chen came to the end of the second floor, not a wire, with more than a dozen wires, and can not be cut off, once it is cut, there will be two risks, first, trigger the next institution Second, the location found by the enemy…

    So the best way is to use the body method to walk through more than ten wires.

    Finally, the stairs leading to the third floor on the second floor, Feng Yu Chen did not pass from the front, but gathered a few ice needle ice to break a pinhole camera, then stepped on the wall, directly from the wall The above entered the third floor, which is the so-called flying scorpion.

    In fact, after Speed ​​has reached a certain speed, you can get rid of the restraint of gravity and run a distance from the wall with centrifugal force.

    Walking directly from the wall, because the corridor also has organs, but also easy to be found, the killer is impulse according to the planned road, as long as you can complete the Quest, you can take any measures.

    After arriving at the third floor, there were obviously a few people wearing masks on their heads. Feng Yu Chen routinely used the ice needle to make these people into a state of suspended animation, then closed their eyes to perceive the sound of the entire corridor, and all the positions. Forming a simulated image in the mind and then discovering where the kidnapping target is.

    But he did not enter the room in an instant, but went to the fourth floor, came to a room that no one guarded, opened the room and said: "Well, the test is over? If I didn't guess wrong, I guess the person kidnapped on the third floor is fake. It is estimated that I will wait for my rescue and then relax the vigilant split second counterattack. The real goal should be in this room, right? ”

    "How do you know that the kidnappers on the third floor are fake."A man with two black Y- tattoos on his face came out and asked Feng Yu Chen.

    "Breath, since the guard target is a unwieldy object, then in the kidnapping at the same time impossible have a calm breath, through the gap in the water can feel a few people inside, the breath is tight or disordered, but unfortunately, that so-called ' Hostage ' breath so calm, presumably also a master, and, now I'm afraid it is already at the door? ”

    Feng Yu Chen stroked her chin with the hand and looked at the girl with the knife at the door with the light of Kakuzu.

    "Okay, qualified, the sense of smell is so sharp, the action is not a trace of muddy water, yes, Tendou Miss, your partner is the Zoldyck family…"

    The Y-word tattooed man said in a satisfactory fight.

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