1568. Chapter 1568 Prophet

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward)

    Sitting in the cabin, Feng Yu Chen looks at the purple-haired girl who is similar to his age. The temperament of the whole person gives a noble sense of sharpness. It is not like a girl born from ordinary people, but not ordinary people. Imagine the sharpness.

    The eyes seemed to be through the heart.

    Just a few meetings, Feng Yu Chen thinks she is the best Loli, but although it seems to be only about 12 years old, but it has a **** that does not match Loli's figure, is this the legendary Tong Yan ****?

    If you grow up, you still have it?

    Well, just the feelings, just showing up some kind of feelings, some are too abrupt, and more importantly, they are now killers, belong to different killer organizations, not true companions .

    Although it is indeed a companion relationship in this Quest, after the Quest is completed, they still have to go their separate ways.

    "Purple long hair…Are we where Satomi is? ”

    Feng Yu Chen feels that the head has a very familiar feeling, but it does not want to come. Is she a player?

    "I am trying to say 'Whether we are at Satomi', it seems that you also have this feeling…"

    Busujima Saeko caressed her long purple hair. Her heart knows that she has a man, but she forgets what her man looks like. After turning over the systematic record, she understands why it is the memory of the seal, and the age and The body has also been reduced to a young age.

    Her ambiguity tells her that Feng Yu Chen may be that person. In this world, even if she lost her memory, she will remember some vague feelings. The feeling that the body will remember is not the feeling that the brain remembers.

    However, before she was sure whether Feng Yu Chen was really the person, she could not be derailed. She must be loyal to her man. Even if there is a good man, she can only be an ordinary friend. If you dare to touch yourself, kill him!

    "Don't be excited, I will keep a distance from you…I haven't reached that point…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Busujima Saeko's appearance, immediately separated a little bit, or keep some distance good, after all, some women are clean, it is possible that you touch her, she will and you desperately, at least Feng Yu Chen is not want to and Busujima Sa Eko desperately, she is not a good deal of the guy, just in the room, she is actually also release water, the reason just do not want to lose both, as long as the completion of the Dazo of the test requirements will be completed.

    "Thank you for your understanding, because I have a contract (lifetime)."Busujima Saeko understands that Feng Yu Chen is not the kind of thought. It’s not a mistake to be a good lady, a gentleman, just like that, and my beauty is appreciated.


    Then the atmosphere in the cabin was calm.

    The helicopter finally stopped at the top of a villa.

    “Going straight from here, do you need a parachute?”Dazuo opened the cabin and said.

    "When the real crisis is, will the enemy prepare time for you?"

    Feng Yu Chen opened the door of the cabin and instantly jumped from the middle. Using [gravitational control], his body became as light as a feather and landed on the ground.

    As for Busujima Saeko, three quick Sword Draws were carried out directly in the air. Three trees were smashed to the ground, and the body was tumbling through the buffer of the trees.

    Dazuolooks at the performance of two people. If Busujima Saeko can see the cause and effect, then Feng Yu Chen's floor style is too strange, and it falls firmly on the ground, without any dust, it is almost There is a sense of no trace of snow, this skill is a sinister Strength if used in assassination.

    "Okay, let me come with me…"

    Dazuo felt that there was no need to test again. The two escort guards were very powerful and strong enough. Although they were still young, they were really powerful.

    OneTwoFive9Twenty Third

    Feng Yu Chen looked at the surrounding environment and said, "A total of twenty-three people are ambushing, five are on the top of the building, two are on the second floor of the two Kakuzu, and then there are four people in the front and rear of the entire courtyard. ……Mmm…If you count the two hidden behind the door, it is twenty-five people…"

    "Mm."Very good, don't kill these people, this is all of them…"

    Dazuo had to admire Feng Yu Chen's keen sense of smell. Can there be a glimpse of the wind and the grass, and it is terrible that the killer is in this state. Is this qualification a genius in Zoldyck?


    Entering the villa, Feng Yu Chen, they saw a girl like a dream, holding a glass sealed bottle with a bone hand, a very ordinary girl, then sitting on the side of the sofa with a look A sharp middle-aged man is just as common.

    This actually makes Feng Yu Chen wonder, can this father and daughter be so ordinary as a big family master?

    If it is the general merchant family even if, the key to this Nostrade family is Criminal Syndicate small leader Ah, Criminal Syndicate nature is to do that kind of shady activities of the underground organization, in addition to hard, the necessary strength is also to have, Although it is true that hunters can be hired to protect themselves, but they do not have a little particularity really very doubtful ah.

    "Two please sit…"

    The middle-aged man signaled that Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko sat opposite him and then said, “I am the owner of Nostrade La Light*Nostrade, two of whom are the descendants of the Zoldyck family, and one is recommended by Ten Mafia Dons. I must have been a genius with enough strength. This action, I think Dazuo has told you on the road…

    Next, you have to accompany my daughter, Neon, to visit the world's tourist attractions, to protect him around, of course, in order to make that spy do not doubt, you have to dress up as waiters and waitresses, is wronged you, in the case of not using the mind to defend the use of the opponent, for you should be able to? ”

    "Well, no problem, just paying, you can meet all your requirements, and you can put the money into the Zoldyck account according to the agreement…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, is it a waiter? There are no questions .

    "I have no problem. According to the agreement, after completing the Quest, I will make a no-charge prediction for 'XXX'…"

    Busujima Saeko also nodded without doubt.


    Feng Yu Chen listened to this vocabulary and felt a hint of opportunity.

    “Exactly, Mr. Fu Xi thought that our Nostrade pulled what was sitting in this position, it was prophecy, divination, and my daughter Neon had the ability to predict for others…”

    Light solemnly nodded and glanced at the Neon *Nostrade that was playing the collection.

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