1558. Chapter 1558 shadow step, poisonous mushroom, Killua

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    The sudden appearance of the old man made Feng Yu Chen feel that Yalishan was a lot bigger. When he took his fake ID card, he could know where he was from, and he had to walk for a month. Can you still find any clues?

    And he didn't even know when the old man was close to them, and the breath couldn't be captured. In simple terms, it was like air, knowing its existence, and not knowing its existence.

    "Grandfather, how come you?"The old man with white hair suddenly turned to look at the old man who appeared.

    "Well, well, I just came back from work, haha…Then I saw that the brothers and sisters were asking about Zoldyck, and they followed them all the way. It’s good, the eyes are fierce…”

    The forged documents in the hands of the old man disappeared instantly and returned to the pockets of Feng Yu Chen and Lilith.


    Feng Yu Chen has widened his eyes, his sense of smell and other feelings are very powerful, and he has the unique ability to perceive the battle, and he is aware that this guy has followed them all the way, the terrible guy, if he wants If they kill the killer, they are estimated to be even more likely to know.

    "How can it be possible? Kid, my grandfather is the world's most powerful killer…"

    The old-fashioned old man nodded to the old man, then said with his hand: "Come with me, from today you are the foreign disciples of the Zoldyck family, probably…Only you are special…It’s really talented guy…"

    The implication is that the old man seems to have already taken a fancy to Feng Yu Chen and Lilith. They are interested in getting them started, and they probably have a clear understanding of their identity. Otherwise, the killer's code of conduct will not do this.

    Moreover, Feng Yu Chen also felt that he and Lilith had a life-threatening life. Not to mention that they could not defeat the butler. The old man who had the "one-day kill" embroidery on his chest would not be able to deal with it if the old man did not appear. Both of them are now likely to be dead.

    And it is clear that after the start of the public test, the resurrection of this skill is also gone, if you want to resurrect, you can only count on the immortal power of the Dark Gold segment, and he has still one entity avatar existence, after the body dies, may return consciousness to the entity avatar, equal to the same Had another complete life, but then probably with Yuuki and blue Two people is one of the three souls.

    Although there are all kinds of cards waiting to be displayed, but the strength is still not enough, it really is that the skills of the killer can not be reached, the foundation has defects, like the feeling of the enemy's breath, it should be when not using any energy. Being able to perceive it, this is the most basic repair.

    Sure enough, is this place right?

    With the air…NoShould it be integrated with nature?

    Feng Yu Chen Gradually has a feeling, the pace of foot movement gradually has a regular, as if with the whole natural world breath perfectly integrated into one, Primal Chaos Ying and Yang's theory is the realm of nature to one, the boulevard nature, to the world as the natural, gossip also is to shape a small nature in their own, nature represents the endless …


    The housekeeper looks at Feng Yu Chen suddenly lost his breath, suddenly shocked, is this he just learned? If so, then it’s really a terrible Innate Skill.

    "Good field strength, today's dinner is poison. Under normal circumstances, you can poison an adult poison mushroom. Do you want to eat it?"

    The old man of 'One day kills' at the sight of Feng Yu Chen's breath can not help but nod, the 'shadow step' learned from the grandfather's body, what? It's even more powerful than the normal 'shadow step'. At a young age, you can learn to breathe in sync with nature. Yes, as a killer, it is very qualified. Since it has been investigated clearly, then the income of Zoldyck can be considered. This is an exception. Is it possible to adopt a child outside as a successor?

    "Please give me hundreds of times!"

    Feng Yu Chen mouth Kakuzu showed a slight smile, isn't it poison? In the blushing world, Altina also cultivated his intoxicating Innate Skill, whose body is already inviolable to ordinary toxins.

    “Lilith has a hundred times more…”

    Lilith said, she didn't feel the poison, she just thought it would be the same as Feng Yu Chen.

    "Really?"Gotoh, prepare the 'food' for the two young masters, a hundred times the amount, understand? ”

    The white-haired old man looked at the butler on the side.

    Young master?

    Feng Yu Chen doubts at the Lilith.

    “The Zoldyck family and the housekeeper use male names for all the next generation, regardless of gender. Therefore, Lilith’s name is also a young master. Like the Kajin Empire, the royal children are always called princes…Please come here, the two young masters…The Killua Master is eating…Because of fun, he was punished for eating poisonous mushrooms…"

    The butler called Gotoh introduced to Feng Yu Chen.

    So even if you enter the Zoldyck family?

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and took Lilith into the Hakka mansion. The inner house was still inside, but their temporary residence should be here, and they will be allowed to enter the house after they have met the requirements in the next test. Range?

    "Oh, good evening, I heard that you cried Mike, it’s amazing…"

    A short-haired teenager said to Feng Yu Chen and Lilith while eating poisonous mushrooms with relish.

    "Killua Master, Master Fu Xi and Lilith are the disciples of the future masters, outside disciples…Amane, preparing a dinner for the two young masters with a hundred times of toxin…"Gotoh looks at the same woman wearing a deacon uniform.

    "hundred times!……Ok.

    The deacon woman couldn’t help but be amazed. She tried to eat a hundred times. If this is the first time, then they might…

    "Oh, yes, I only eat ten times…A hundred times of eating will diarrhea (meaning that ten times of eating will not diarrhea)…"Killua said with the poisonous mushroom in his hand.

    "Young Master…I remember that my wife asked you to eat a hundred times. Amane, have you been fooled by the young master? ”Gotoh reached for the glasses on his face and said.


    Soon the kitchen came with a sound of falling plates –

    "Young Master, you are really lying to me, and will be ten times and a hundred times off!!"

    Amane suddenly walked out in angrily and said.

    "Ah, is that what I did?"

    Killua indifferently said, by the way, mischievously with Feng Yu Chen and Lilith.

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