1557. Chapter 1557 Gold Coin, Black Deacon, Speed

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    Beyond the apprentice butler, Feng Yu Chen and Lilith came to a house.

    At the moment, a butler wearing a Black Deacon costume is standing in front of the door.

    "Please stop the guest, my Master refused to pick up the guest this evening!"

    The black Deacon suitor’s housekeeper’s index finger with white gloves pushed down his glasses. At the moment when Feng Yu Chen pushed the door open, he felt the heavy breath, only the kind of killing that was endless. The atmosphere that Shura will have.

    He thought it was the enemy of the Master, but he didn't think it was two teenagers who were almost the same age as the young Master Killua. One man and one woman, both eyes reflected the fierce light, and the cold rays that seemed to be human and human were like The person being seen is already dead.

    Soon he came to the conclusion that the guys in front of him are born killers, and it’s not suitable to call them killers. After all, the killers have to meet several principles –

    The killer generally has the identity of an ordinary person;

    The killer lived a life without swaying;

    The killer generally does not have a formal marriage;

    Killers generally have a special life background;

    The killer generally has no past and future, because he can die at any time.

    The feelings of the two people in front of him are –

    Born to be the kind to be supreme;

    Will certainly sway through the city;

    I firmly believe that I will not die, and that death must be an enemy.

    Well, no matter what kind of person they are, it is impossible for them to disturb the rest of the Master. It is the duty of the butler to clean up unnecessary trouble for the Master!

    "I came to learn from the teacher. I don't want to let the ground be covered with bloody colors. Please let me go. We just come to study. Since the Zoldyck family is the most powerful killer family in the world, it is worth it. Learn."

    Feng Yu Chen said with indulgence that the test was really complicated. The housekeeper was a little different from the previous ones. He wanted to pass him not only with the kind of murderous aura, but also more calm than the beast. , so just rely on the condensed murderous aura can not scare him.

    "Zoldyck's killer skills are passed down from generation to generation and will not be passed on to outsiders. Please come back, otherwise I will be welcome…"

    The butler appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen and Lilith, and the white gloved hand was going to catch two people –


    Feng Yu Chen has already left Lilith and left, but the butler caught only afterimage! ! !

    ‘How?’ Is Speed ​​so fast that the naked eye can't capture it? No, it is just the afterimage of murderous aura. ”

    The butler was a little surprised, but it was just a surprise. Double-handed appeared two coins and shot quickly in both directions. The palm of his hand condensed a pale white air…


    Beyond the speed of Bullets.

    Feng Yu Chen's pupils can't help but grow up, and the coin will come to his chest without waiting for his blink of an eye…


    Lilith bites his mouth directly on the coin and instantly bites the coin into pieces!

    The other side of the coin pierced a tree, and the high friction caused the hole to burst into the smoke, and there was a trace of Mars.

    "In this direction? It’s not a good thing to be able to catch my Bullets. It’s amazing, your mouth is so good, girl? ”

    The butler was a little surprised at the Lilith that bit the coin into pieces. Is this ordinary?

    And still have no use to read the case, simply…

    "Don't hurt Nini!"

    Lilith said in front of Feng Yu Chen.


    Feng Yu Chen didn't think that Lilith actually protected himself. The reaction exceeded the speed he expected. The coin was accurately bitten into pieces, and the mouth was too damn. Ok, he vaguely thought that this guy would chew the bones before. Shallow swallowing, although Feng Yu Chen has long known a thing –

    She is not a person! ~

    But it is still amazed, no wonder hunting dogs are crying, your sister, this is the real beast, crisp 23333…

    "Hey, your two little guys are good quality, want to apprentice?"

    People have not arrived first.

    Just as Feng Yu Chen turned around, the speaker immediately appeared in front of him –

    This is a white-haired old man wearing a 'day-to-kill' embroidered suit. His white hair is not the kind of white hair of the elderly, but the natural white light, full of luster.

    "you are……"

    Feng Yu Chen blocked Lilith in behind, although the old man looked very weak, even without the mighty power of the butler, but it was a real expert. The degree of the Tao, the tension like Wang Yang is like a storm, he is attacked by him, although he is sure that there is no strong atmosphere.

    But Feng Yu Chen, who has gone through countless kills, can naturally discover the power of his body.

    "Oh, yes, I can see through my Strength. Your eyes are very interesting, yin and yang?"

    The old man looks at Feng Yu Chen, and the Kurome and the white singer feel that Feng Yu Chen's feet are floating in the yin and yang gossip, which is the same as the atmosphere of the world. He feels that his strength can still calm down. Because of this special Strength.

    at least

    The girl he is behind is also very special, and the body exudes a vicious atmosphere from time to time. It is the ultimate darkness in the world. Even if he has experienced a few decades of killing career, he feels a creepy feeling. No wonder Mike has no Can stop their entry, these two guys are very special.

    However, the skills of the Zoldyck family have never been said to be passed on to outsiders. Although they are two good seedlings, they cannot stay here.

    "Please accept us as an apprentice. I want to learn the skills of killing here."

    Feng Yu Chen Suddenly sincerely said, it is true that if his strength all returned, the old man in front of him may be able to defeat, but Ah, this guy did not rely on any energy will show a strong momentum, this is the place to learn, He has all kinds of infinite bloodline strength, but what is lacking is the most basic and fundamental growth.

    In this Zoldyck family, you will be able to find what he wants to learn.

    "Well, well, it’s feasible for the killer family to recruit some of their disciples. The two little guys will stay here. Special people can make an exception. The smell of the body should come from the place of Meteor City. Ok…"

    A short face looks like a sly bald old man with two fake ID cards in his hand.

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