1559. Chapter 1559 The first night of Zoldyck training

    [Thanks to the light, dark, no smash, vegetable radish, fantasy Yang Ge, book friend 150424195738109, drunk & drama & red dust, Wang Zhi hypo-children's shoes, the monthly ticket plus more conditions to meet, decisive plus more, today's six more 喵, the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward]

    Dinner is a poisonous mushroom, which is really a special dinner, and the poisonous mushrooms that Feng Yu Chen and Lilith eat are the weight of a hundred adults who are normally poisoned –

    If you black and white Witch Marisa Kirisame, would you like it very much? After all, she cooks poisonous mushrooms all day, and she definitely likes the new poisonous mushroom in the world of hunters.


    Feng Yu Chen picked up the chopsticks and put them in the mouth and chewed it up. It tasted good, but it was not enough to be tender. It seems that the fire is too long…

    "one more bowl……"

    Lilith's mouth was filled with poisonous mushroom mouth and crumbs. After a while, he finished a bowl and asked for another bowl.


    The waiters in the entire restaurant are sluggish, damn, is this fun to play with them?

    It’s punishable to eat poisonous mushrooms, and Master Killua can eat up to ten times more poisonous mushrooms, but now Lilith, the foreign disciple, still has to eat again, not afraid of eating and dying?

    "No, I have to go to the bathroom, you continue to eat…"

    Killua suddenly turned blue, and the poison of hundreds of people was really problematic, QAQ…

    "Give me a bowl too…"

    Feng Yu Chen has also finished eating. Although this poisonous mushroom is indeed toxic, but this toxic can absorb the power that can strengthen the body and the meridian, obviously, he feels that his body tissue is stronger, I am afraid it is not What is a simple poisonous mushroom, it is also a tonic.

    If you eat this kind of thing for a long time, the general weapon can not even cause damage to the body.

    And the bones seem to be strengthened as well.


    Amane sluggishly turned to look at the housekeeper Gotoh. How do you say that these two are also the young masters? Since they are outside disciples, the status is higher than them. If they poisoned the two young masters, the amount…

    Gotoh reached out and pushed the frame of the glasses and said, "Do it…"


    Amane has again brought a bowl of poisonous mushroom soup to Feng Yu Chen and Lilith.


    In the end, Feng Yu Chen and Lilith ate a total of nearly a hundred bowls. The poisonous mushroom is curious and will be decomposed into Energy in the stomach for less than ten seconds. In other words can support After ten seconds of immortality, the toxicity naturally unraveles and it becomes Energy into the body.

    But also depends on the power of the body, if the body can not absorb the Strength of the poisonous mushroom, then there will be the consequences of a diarrhea like Killua.

    It’s really a special style of cultivation.

    "Ahhhh……So comfortable…"

    Lilith patted the little belly and said.


    Feng Yu Chen has a feeling of washing the sauna, and the whole body seems to be braving.


    Even Gotoh is a bit sluggish, damn, is this two little monsters? I have eaten so many poisonous mushrooms and I have a look of 'good cool'. What is their body made of?

    "You need to be active before going to bed…Push-ups are 100,000…"

    Gotoh looks at the incoming Killua, to Feng Yu Chen, the three of them,

    "Ah, hurry up, I have to sleep…"

    Killua walked out of the room and started a push-up on the lawn, but Speed ​​was almost invisible, and a tall woman with two huge scorpions was counting the number of times –

    And every 10,000, this old lady will put down a iron plate to the body of Killua.

    Feng Yu Chen also started to do it. Although he said that he often does push-ups, but 100,000 times of push-ups have really not been tried, but should it be?

    "Please start, Fu Xi Master…"Amane looks at the watch above the wrist.

    Oh good.

    Feng Yu Chen immediately made a push-up, seemingly to catch up with Killua, speeding up the prone Speed, and gradually, he felt as if his body was expanding rapidly, the undigested poison mushroom Strength Quickly deep into the deep tissue of his muscles…

    I see……

    By quickly vibrating these energies, the energy actually penetrates into the deep tissues of the muscles, making Energy not as inert as gas, and the faster the Speed, the more light and refreshing the body feels.

    "Adding 100 kilograms of the first steel plate…"

    Amane placed a piece of iron next to Feng Yu Chen's body, weighing 200 pounds.

    With the release of this fast steel plate, Feng Yu Chen's Speed ​​was significantly slower. At this time, he found that Energy began to spread in all directions of the body instead of just gathering it on the arm. Is this principle?

    In the absence of heavy objects, Energy moves toward the most active arm, and once there is heavy pressure, Strength is squeezed in the other direction of the body as if it were squeezed…

    This takes into account the absorption of the whole body.

    Sure enough, it is a real killer family. Although the style of training seems like a scene of hell, if you can hold it down, it will be very progressive. It is not necessarily a delusion.

    When he reached the level of Feng Yu Chen, the thing that made him embarrassed was that there was no way for Strong to play 100%. In other words, his potential is great, but there is no way to play perfect, even 60% of the play is not strong. To.

    The infinitely increasing Attribute is considered to be a powerful bourgeoisie. Although it seems to be a very powerful basic Attribute, it is an empty Strength. To fully grasp it, it is necessary to accumulate time and experience.

    The training method of the Zoldyck family is to develop perfect potential and even grow beyond 100% potential…

    As the piece of steel plate covered the back, Feng Yu Chen found that it was a little bit more difficult, but he believed that he had the potential, so he insisted on it, constantly undulating his body, and the whole body was volatilizing. A lot of white gas, high Power's undulating Speed ​​even makes the space around the body appear temperature…

    "100,000 times of push-ups are completed, Fu Xi is a young master, you can go to rest…"

    Amane looks at Feng Yu Chen who finished the push-ups earlier than Killua, his eyes showed an incredible look, and he completed the push-up training in less than three hours, basically an average of ten times a second, which is simply…

    "Really?" O

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Lilith on the other side, but it’s almost finished, but this guy is actually sleeping while doing sleep, really a big husband? !

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