1252. Chapter 1252 has no mirror: Snake of the Festival & Dark

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    When Feng Yu Chen was awake again, he found himself lying in a dimly lit room, wearing a big hat, wearing a large cloak, with long shoulders and blue hair, and the inorganic three girls were sitting in him. Praying in front of me.

    "you are……That

    "Bal Masqué's Master Throne 'Hecate…"Shrine Maiden, a light blue hair, said.

    "Oh, is this still in Bal Masqué?"Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but sigh, recalling what he had said to him before, and let him merge with Snake of the Festival to become the leader of Bal Masqué, but is this really good?

    It’s a Flame Haze, but it’s a group that wants to join Crimson Denizen. Really…

    "Well, in my bedroom, Mr. Dark's things are already familiar with you?"Hecate said with a trace of respect.

    "吟咏炉? Well, it’s clear, not a lot…"Feng Yu Chen sat up and the body's injury had recovered because of the Saint Mark body.

    "Then let me proceed to the process, first of all, 'Psalm of the Grand Order'…"

    Bel Peol walked into the darkness and said, "In order to refine the prototype of the first stage of the defensive life, we began to construct the virtual will as the core of its core. This is the process of accepting the will of the leader and reproducing it. It can be said that it is a "doll" that is made to mimic human actions and looks like humans.

    Only the object becomes an abstract will. To make the initial state a blank 'thing thing', as a complete personality, we must first collect a variety of emotional samples and Convergence and composition, the armor you saw before – called "Treasure II" by Professor Dantalion, is the tool used to carry out the actual work. ”

    "Well, what do I need to do?"Feng Yu Chen asked.

    Bel Peol went on to say: "In short, Tyrant II is an emotional collection device, the purpose is to collect strong emotions into the tyrant 1, the tyrant is an empty shell, and the Treasure Tool 'Mystes' that links the tyrant 1 and the tyrant II is 'Reiji Maigo ', these years tyrant II has almost been completed, the next step is to find the fusion of Mystes 'Reiji Maigo '

    Psalm of the Grand Order is a combination of the tyrant II's innumerable image of the personality of the 'tyrant I' that exists in Reiji Maigo, and the virtual will as a whole…To put it bluntly, it is the key to everything that puts us in the "long-term trap" of the Leader personality, which is similar to the start-up switch in the substitute body.

    Originally, these plans don't require any other conditions, but our Leader is coming to your body, in other words, and now you can find everything you need to do with Reiji Maigo.

    Because the replacement of the present Tyrant II becomes the dark ', then by Mr. Dark ' devoured ' Tyrant II ', and then as a container you are the ' Tyrant 1 ', and you are the perfect one, by you to devour the ' Tyrant 1 ' power of existence, plus Reiji Maigo , to open the coming of the calling Leader, and through the plan, if the dark ', the Leader ' Snake of the Festival ', your three people finish comes true fusion, create a true Third World ' nothingness is in the realm ' and the power of it will be far greater than the present And a collection of crimson Realm.

    Simply put, create a perfect world @! ! ! ”

    "Create a world? It’s a crazy idea…”

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but grin.

    "This is the ultimate dream of ending the battle between the world and the Crimson Realm. For a long time, the existence of Crimson Realm has engulfed the current Power of Existence to meet its own needs, while maintaining the current Flame Haze to maintain world stability and crusade Crimson Denizen As long as there is a need for Power of Existence, the war will not stop.

    The volatility of the Power of Existence has caused distortions in both the world and the Crimson Realm world. There are always two big worlds that will happen.

    But once the third world in the gap between the two worlds is born, then the third world without any special connection with Crimson Realm and the world will not be distorted, so the long-standing disputes will disappear. ”

    A man dressed in white with a long white hair and a speech tone came out and said slowly.


    Feng Yu Chen hummed, "it seems that you have all planned, if there is no distortion, then flame Haze naturally will not attack you, you can freely acquire power of existence in the third World, to meet their wishes, Crimson Denizen Devouring humanity, Flame Haze strikes to kill Crimson Denizen, which is discrimination and contempt between different species, if you really want to create a peaceful world, then add a rule in it that cannot be transcended … "

    "Then you want to discuss with our Leader. Our dream is to create the third world. As long as there is a place for Power of Existence, we can't devour humans. It's not impossible to say that it is species discrimination. The decision is handed over to you. With your participation, we have to speed up the third world to speed up a lot…"

    Sydonay ignited a cigarette with a turbid purple flame.

    "Then, this plan will also require me to come out of the Temple of Demon God…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    “Demon God Temple?”Asked Bel Peol.

    "Well, yesterday's attack on all of you is the Flame Haze of the Demon God Temple. Our seventy-seven Flame Hazes only allow three Flame Haze to survive. Yesterday, you are also one of the surviving Quests…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Demon God, what is that organization, I have never heard of it…"Dantalion asked excitedly excitedly.

    "I only understand that the creator of the Demon God Temple is the great existence of creating Crimson Realm and the world. Do you understand? Not to say that the creator of the two worlds could not be too, he or she created 72 unfinished crimson God, and then let them host in the human body to devour each other, and finally produced three true crimson God, after which the road was chosen by these three crimson gods, Whether peace is a war or a continuing status quo, everything has an answer at that time … "

    Feng Yu Chen said half-truth.

    "Crimson God? It seems that it is really a tough organization. It seems that it is necessary to join forces with the three Crimson Gods of the Demon God Temple to change the world…"Bel Peol couldn't help but reveal a dignified expression.

    "I will be one of three people, well, can you let me go now?"Feng Yu Chen asked.

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