1251. Chapter 1251 Snake of the Festival

    [Thanks to Charlotchet Heatherink, King Star Silver, the right to the world, the world's best children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward]

    With serious injuries, Feng Yu Chen's body will enter the inner world again.

    "What a terrible thing, the body…"Dark's at Feng Yu Chen said coldly.


    Feng Yu Chen didn't refute, if he didn't get time for Shadru, he might have escaped from here, why bother with the pain now?

    "I knew that she is a stranger. When she goes out of this world, she may be an enemy. Why do she treat her like this? Where is your goodness used?"Dark' can't help but coldly snorted.

    "Well, I understand…Understand, but…Still doing this, sometimes the sensibility exceeds the idea, so I am a human…"Feng Yu Chen said.


    Dark' shook his head and said to Light's side: "You come or come to me, solve this trouble…"

    "Let's go, your Strength is more suitable, and you don't feel a familiar atmosphere, I think you will understand after you get outside."Light' reveals a mysterious smile.



    In Split II, which was played by Bel Peol, Feng Yu Chen, a lot of darkness spilled out of Feng Yu Chen's body.

    At this time, the girl who made a prayer-like light blue hair finally got moving, and couldn’t help but look at Feng Yu Chen’s whisper: “Snake of the Festival…”

    "Hecate, are you sure?"Bel Peol is also a bit moving.

    "There should be no mistakes. It is obviously the breath of the Leader. Although the fluctuations are indeed different, it is absolutely…"Sydonay shook his glasses and revealed an incredible expression.

    "Some differences…But…However, it is exactly the same as the smell of the leader. It is very contractual as a container, and it can reach 100%…"Hecate said with some excitement.

    "I said, under the circumstances, who can use the black flame, it seems that this guy should be a special individual…"Bel Peol nodded.


    At this moment, a strong and powerful Strength emerged from Feng Yu Chen's body, and the absolute darkness wrapped the entire hall.

    "Humble existence, sink in my darkness, sink forever!!"

    Dark' Feng Yu Chen said coldly…

    At this moment, Dark' Feng Yu Chen pays attention to the existence of the 'god' in the hall. In short, it is not a god, but a column-like body that is mechanically combined as a whole. The stem extends to the ceiling and the roots are firmly on the ground, which looks like a big tree.

    On this big tree, there is a pair of dirty and twisted sheet metal armor that seems to have been nailed with a slap in the face…

    The position where the armor is nailed is a cave-like depression in the middle of the column-like object. The wire tubes and cables attached to the top are suspended there.

    On top of the roots, wrapped in a somewhat crooked iron sphere, on the sphere, in the gap between the wires and cables that cover the surface, such as the roots of the tree, a small skylight was dug open, and the silver flame inside was dancing irregularly like a highly viscous lava, Dark ' Feng Yu Chen felt that there was an unknown will in the flame.

    Bel Peol looks at the weird device of behind with Feng Yu Chen's sight, that is —

    This device is a 'clam oven', which is a kind of scorpion-like thing that was created by the fusion and compilation of the virtual will of the dancer "Snake of the Festival". It was returned to the Bal Masqué Leader. Previously, a dialogue of the nature of the simulation experiment was possible.

    Sydonay also looked at the "chanting Furnace", which he had previously described as ' Royal life ', in fact a plan for the Masquerade party, which had three stage, and the first stage was to receive the will of the leader "Snake of the Festival" who had been banished to the ' distant trap ' , refined out of the follows leader "sacrificial snake" will act as a substitute body, and one of the most critical device, is this ' chanting furnace '.

    "It seems that something has been discovered, why is the will of this King reflected here, who is it?"

    Dark' Feng Yu Chen instantly links to the will collected in the "furnace".

    "Da da da……"

    Dark' Feng Yu Chen's stepped forward, ignoring Sydonay and Bel Peol, and came directly to Hecate (shrine-haired girl dressed as Shrine Maiden) and stared at the oven.

    "you……"Sydonay was worried about seeing at Hecate, fearing that Feng Yu Chen would hurt her.

    Don't move!Interesting things are going to happen…"

    Bel Peol stretched out his arm to block Sydonay's body, and Kakuzu showed a mysterious smile, as if he had guessed something.


    "I am the Bal Masqué Leader 'Cry of the Sacrifice', Crimson God, the creation of the world, in charge of specific powers, embodying the extraordinary existence of Crimson Realm's law, one of the pillars of the "God", the power is [production] and [ Ok], what is the existence of 汝, why is there my breath?”The inexplicable will in the oven is not a sound, but a wave of will.

    Dark' Feng Yu Chen apparently heard this wave of will, and seemed to say something awkwardly: "It seems that you have my flame and have the right to Light'. I know the situation…"

    He seems to understand what, two different worlds, two have a specific existence of authority, in simple terms, he has a common strength with the immediate will of the will, from this person's body feels his own Strength and Light's authority.

    "Your darkness is indeed the same as my Strength. It seems to be stronger than mine. The darkness of the world, the abyss of darkness, is really lucky. Should we join hands to create a world that belongs to us?" I can pin your body on it, give you the strength of creation, the world is under my control, Crimson Realm and the two worlds of the world, it is time to have an end…"

    The will of Snake of the Festival said.

    "Really?" I actually have no opinion, but…Oh, don't blame me for not reminding you, you are swallowed up by me…"Dark' Feng Yu Chen shook his head and smiled contemptuously.

    "If you have that ability, then agree, use your body to serve as my container…"Said the sacrificial snake.

    "You are so casual, it seems that I don't have to do it, I have to go back…"

    Dark' Feng Yu Chen said, slowly put away his breath…

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