1253. Chapter 1253 Battle of the Emperor

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    When I came back from Bal Masqué, it was already the third night.

    When Shadru saw Feng Yu Chen stepping into the door, he ran over and rushed into Feng Yu Chen's arms. The white-double-handed gripped his clothes tightly and felt his temperature.

    "Well, your DUO combination is a big life, nothing, I am not coming back?"

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed slowly hugged Shadru's shoulder and said, "Are you worried about me?" I thought you would…"

    "Sorry, I was entangled in a Crimson Denizen, not able to…Afterwards, the entire Seireiden (Star of Darkness Castle) was…Members of Bal Masqué defended…MeShadru couldn't help but be a little red.

    "Really?" It doesn't matter, I am not coming back, Ann, before the end of this year's journey, we will never leave the DUO, isn't that decided? ”Feng Yu Chen looks at Shadru, the little girl's gesture. He was a little touched. He thought he was passionate. It seems that she is not so ruthless Tsundere.

    “Is it just DUO?”

    Shadru whispered.

    "What?"Feng Yu Chen asked, didn't hear too clearly what she said.

    Nothing……Nothing……Really, this princess is hungry and cooks! ”

    Shadru's face was reddish and turned and stepped into the living room.


    Amount, come again…

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and entered the kitchen.


    After dinner, Feng Yu Chen lay down on the bed after washing, but Shadru climbed to the upper bunk and slept around Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Why, go to sleep in your own bed…"Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but frown.

    "It’s cold…"Shadru grabbed Feng Yu Chen's pajamas and was actually afraid that he would disappear again.

    "Are you still afraid of cold?…"

    Feng Yu Chen doubts.

    Nagging……I said that cold is cold. In short, I will sleep here tonight…"Shadru squinted and closed his eyes.

    Feng Yu Chen smelled Shadru body that purple narcissus unique fragrance smell, aimed at the edge of her chest collar exposed pink hemisphere, has not been noticed before, this guy also very chest ah, that soft tip just affixed to his chest, with two people's slight movement, slowly touched, Soft and early elastic appearance, can't help but let his breath a little restless …


    It was itchy by Feng Yu Chen's hair, and Shadru's little nose wrinkled a little and quickly fell into a dream.


    Feng Yu Chen doesn't disable the hand and shaves Shadru's nose. It's pretty cute from this Kakuzu.


    After more than half a year's time, Feng Yu Chen worked with Bal Masqué's members to find Mystes 'Reiji Maigo ' while training at the Demon God Hall, but Feng Yu Chen's Forbidden Law has reached Dacheng through the advice of 'Advisor' Dantalion. The stage, in the expansion second of Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) can complete Forbidden Law.

    Black and White Forbidden Law is also beginning to shine in the entire Crimson Realm world.

    There are also eight people left in Solomon's Flame Haze in Demon God. At this time, there is no combination of DUO God of DUO combination. All Solomon's Flame Haze are enemies.

    But Feng Yu Chen and Shadru have always kept the habit of living in a room, no matter when they are inseparable. The reason why Shadru wants to be with Feng Yu Chen is 'Professor Feng Yu Chen Unrestricted Spell. At the same time, accept Feng Yu Chen's Taijutsu training'.

    But it is still time to finally leave.

    "The Last battle, the same battle of lots, according to the rules between 1VS2,3VS4,5VS6,7VS8, the three men who completed the battle ahead of schedule are granted free authority, and no matter what you do next, you will not be bound, even if death will still be resurrected in the present, As for the last victorious man will be relieved of his right to exist in this world and return to the present …

    All three of the successful winners receive the "500 Silver Coin Award, which opens an unlimited Bloodline store for free, and all Bloodline discounts are 50% off."

    Altina's mouth Kakuzu showed a smile, and the huge temptation instantly threw it out! ! !

    "500 Silver Coin, unlimited Bloodline store, 50% off Bloodline!!

    Feng Yu Chen came to the mood for a time, he has a bloodline 50 percent card, plus the current bloodline 50 percent, then that is bloodline 25 percent, body all the silver Coin has more than 1 million, this is all the savings, Province and province, even the skills card has not been wasted, coupled with the promotion of the "500 reward, is more than 2 million silver Coin, so that, count the bloodline discount, and finally can buy to" about 8 bloodline …

    This is really true –

    Huge temptation.

    When do you not fight at this time?

    With this kind of Bloodline, it is not necessarily a delusion to double the strength. Although the strength of Infinite World can't exert its powerful strength, it has a lot to do in the world.

    "The draw starts…"


    In the end, Feng Yu Chen picked up No. 1, and his opponent No. 2 was a three-color man. The two people really got right at the moment.

    Shadru's opponent is the Emerald Dragon Girl.

    Sure enough, it is a narrow road, the DUO combination that once fought, fighting together again.

    "Must win!"

    Shadru said to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Well, you are the same…"

    Feng Yu Chen fights.

    With the flashing of the Unrestricted Spell array, Feng Yu Chen disappeared into the space.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen and the tri-color man came to a desolate battlefield, a plain full of dead yellow grass, and the breeze swayed the clothes of two people, brewing with a chill.

    The three-color man's palm can't help but have a cold sweat. Feng Yu Chen's strength is recognized as the top of the Demon God temple. It is also the opponent he most wants to face. If he is killed here, he will really die. It is really cruel. At the end, you shouldn't enter this Infinite World.

    "Hey, when are you shaking? When is this King? Are you thinking that this King will lose?" Really, what kind of container is the contract, where is your usual domineering, this gesture is not worthy of being the Contractor of this King! ! ”A loud voice came out of the ring in the hands of the three-colored man.

    Leiguang is raging in space.

    "It turned out to be Baal, Solomon Seven Demon God Ranking first Baal, the rank is "Prince-of-Darkness", Title 'King of Demons', 'God of the Sky', 'The King of Innocent', 'Thunder The king's wait, this battle is not good…"Belial couldn't help but sigh.

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