1151. Chapter 1151 Twisted Blue Saber

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    How Cold the Wind and Water , the Hero to Never Come Back !

    With the sorrow of Jing Ke, the surrounding environment was quickly changed. Feng Yu Chen stood on a surface of the water, with a canoe at his feet, and the north wind blew his body, his life behind him. His front is dead, but the boat at his feet is traveling forward, and Jing Ke is also sitting on the boat.

    "Go with me to death, only to kill Qin a capable king have hope of life, or only death is waiting for you!"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the space in front of me, sitting calmly on the boat and saying: "The king of Qin will not die, not the people you can assassinate. Although Qin Wang is tyrannical, it is the first king in history to realize the great unity. The first emperor, even if there is more, he is also the first emperor of the ages!

    Assassin, huh, huh, in my eyes, just a small skill, you only know the assassination of the wandering, really understand the world? But it is a group of self-righteous people.

    In this world, there are disputes in some places. Even if Yan Guo also has civil strife, the country cannot unify the decree and how to implement it abroad.

    When a Qin Wang dies, there will be another Qin Wang standing up. The humble person does not understand the world. Do you know that there is a cross on the word 'the world'? This horizontal represents the sky, the sky is high, people must go to the sky even if they are taller!

    'The world' has removed the above horizontal, it is 'adults', 'adults' refers to the talented generation, but the 'adults' above there is one day, can never be beyond! ”

    "~! ~! ! ”

    Jing Ke heard Feng Yu Chen's words, sighed, sighed, screamed, and fell into the river, while the besieged Feng Yu Chen's Reality Marble also slowly disappeared.

    Feng Yu Chen is very clear. Since the Reality Marble world is the entity of the human heart and landscape, if the fantasy is broken, then the Reality Marble world will naturally be broken, not to mention that Jing Ke is already in a state of serious injury and death, even if there is The Reality Marble world is also in vain, the spirits are killed, and the Reality Marble world they cast will disappear.

    "'The world'?" Lancer, you these two words I remember in the heart, I will bring this sentence to the Qin King win, perhaps that year I am the general empathy with you, there is no real assassination of win, you may be my heart of the thought ah, haha, not in vain to this time, as gift, ' the Real Intention is revealed at the end ' lent to you for use, but only treasure Tool projection, in other words only once the opportunity to use …Goodbye! ”

    Jing Ke smiled and let go of his hand, as if it was instantly relieved, a ray of light entered his body from Feng Yu Chen's body.

    “Hey, get the consumable Treasure Tool 'The Real Intention is Revealed in the End', the remaining usage is 1/1.”


    Well, Feng Yu Chen didn't think that he could get the approval of Jing Ke. Maybe Jing Ke in history didn't have strikes to kill Qin Wang. It was his intention. It was because of his lack of killing that the victory was unified. In the world, the Great Kings of the Central Kings gradually began to get on the right track, and the later dynasties and other dynasties only had a unified situation.

    With the death of AssassinJing Ke, Rider's allies officially disappeared, Saber just played against Rider, and the next battle must be able to win?

    But everything is not as simple as that.

    "────An- fang……!(Set

    At this time a clown-like red-haired man appeared on the other side of the corridor, extending his left hand, with the mark of the blue Saber printed on it, yes, the curse of the curse is exactly the same as Emiya Shirou! !

    "Vertrag…! Ein neu er -Nagel-Ein neu es -Gesetz -Ein neu es -Verbrechen───! Declare the curse, follow the law of Holy Grail, and add the rule of the person to my follower – allow the Master to be replaced, and follow me as the Master to continue the Battle of Holy Grail! ! ”

    With the glittering of the light, Blue Saber suddenly stopped the fight and turned to look at the redhead clown.

    "Well, Saber, now, you are my Servant, and I am able to win the battle like me, and how can I be much stronger than the idiot that will only rush forward, huh, huh…Do you want to resist? I know that some powerful Masters must use the spell twice to be able to restrain, but if you really want to do this, then I have to use the Strength command to make you commit suicide. Since you are a hero, you must have done it. What about it? Then I can do it for you, join me, Saber, although my means are mean, but you have to admit that this is a very strategic tactic? ”

    Red-haired clown smiled and said.

    Blue Saber listened to the red hair clown, and couldn't help but clench his teeth. Finally, don't look over his face and say, "Good…"

    Although not reconciled, but no choice, Master's order is absolute, and he really let her commit suicide, this time Holy Grail battle is not to fail again? Do you have to wait until next time?

    "Blue Saber!!"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but grab the shoulder of Blue Saber. This kind of thing, although already guessed, but…

    "Well, Saber, let's go. If Lancer wants to kill your Master, you should know how to do it?" 嘿嘿)The red-haired clown gradually left the corridor.

    Blue Saber did not say a word to get rid of Feng Yu Chen's hand, and slowly followed the blue hair clown left.

    "Rider, we have to leave!"

    The blue-haired boys and the Rder of the purple hair also left the place.

    The Temple of Blood was withdrawn.

    Although the battle defeated a Servant, the alliance officially disintegrated, and Feng Yu Chen and Tohsaka Rin returned to their original double-edged state!

    "Hurry up and save Emiya, or he really has to lose too much blood and die…"Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but to ask Feng Yu Chen to save Emiya Shirou.

    "Well, I'll take him to the chores room for temporary treatment, and in the evening you send him to Holy Church, who has lost Master's qualifications, indeed, at night, we have only to find another place as a station, Blue Saber's defection, and the Silver Saber, which is bound to double-edged, will become our enemy, In just two days, everything has changed, it seems that the enemy has some of the predicted strength, in the other words can see our activities, is likely to be the job order for caster servant ability, the next step to be careful … "Feng Yu Chen grabbed Emiya Shirou and quickly entered the ministry.

    Feng Yu Chen, Tohsaka Rin, who disappeared at the end of the breath, couldn’t help but sigh. It seems that it’s really more careful. I don’t know if Archer will have anything. Silver Saber and Bing Die are ruining, oh…

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