1150. Chapter 1150 The Real Intention is Revealed in the End :Jing Ke

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    The perfectly perfect league was smashed by Emiya Shirou's arm. The arm that Emiya Shirou had broken was actually the arm with the curse. At this point, the enemy may have begun to capture the curse!

    Tohsaka Rin was shocked by Emiya Shirou's heavy responsibility, but as Feng Yu Chen said, his scum of the semi-hanger magician, if better off the Holy Grail War, the ordinary people stayed on the side.

    What's more, Emiya Shirou, who lost the curse, can no longer interfere with the current Holy Grail War. No matter how he struggles, he loses the curse!

    "Okay, Assassin, solve Lancer…Solve the battle during the time Rider drags Saber, this is your Master's command…"A man with a short blue hair stood at the end of the corridor and said.


    Black long-haired swordsman slightly looked at Feng Yu Chen's body, while slowly walking, while saying: "A sword has its own choice, like people, your sword is your own, from the sword I see your pride and hidden fiery, although it is incredibly cold sword, But I see from the other side of your cold, Lancer, you and I was a friend of my life some similar ah, but here, I am to kill you … "

    "Are you the hero of Chinese legend? Since it is an assassin, it must be one of the very famous people. Let me come and dance with the scorpion. The sword has the grace of the sword, the aura of the person, the sword in the hand, the soul of the spirit. It is really exciting to be able to play against the claymore in history! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are suddenly like a note, a trace of ice and cold entangled his body, even the space of the blood barrier has been frozen, the sword is meant to be, the ice shocks the world!


    The two self-swordsmen disappeared at the same time. When they collided again, they were already in the middle. Feng Yu Chen's Speed ​​was caused by its own Attribute, while the Assassin's swordsman had Speed. How can an assassin not have a fast Speed ​​to kill the target in an instant? Especially the acceleration of short distance is what it is good at.

    After a fierce collision, Feng Yu Chen and the swordsman separated again, and then the two men collided again, again and again, and the space was filled with two people fighting.

    On the other hand, Blue Saber, who is fighting Rider, is suppressing Rider's Strength. It must be able to separate the results in a few moments, but Rider doesn't seem to quit, probably waiting for a certain moment?


    Only Sword Technique's fight, Feng Yu Chen has gradually reduced the disadvantage, but with the Frost's collateral attack, the Swordsman's attack Speed ​​is not as fast as before. Just like two people have no other ability, it will definitely be deadlocked. Let's go?

    But Feng Yu Chen understood that he had to settle the swordsman before the Saber's curse was taken, otherwise, if the opponent had mastered the Emiya Shirou's Curse, the Blue Saber would be anti-water, so Charybdis would be uncomfortable. Moreover Blue Saber is also a formidable opponent, although may be able to expose the Athena, but in holy Grail War early exposure Athena This trump card words, can not ah, after all this is the last means AH.

    "Imagine, imagine, imagine –

    Unbreakable Frost, Frosty Frost, I am the king of Frost…

    Let's build it, build it, build it –

    Frost, the Frostless, Frost on Earth, I am the king of Frost…

    Condensed, condense, condense it –

    Sea God's Ruler of Ice Trident ! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's gradually revealed a Gold Trident in his left hand, and his right hand gradually condensed the ultimate creation ice. The two Strengths merged together and instantly turned into a Sea God Trident with a strong icy breath!


    However, at this time, it seems that the swordsman also intends to end the battle earlier.

    "The lore: The Real Intention is Revealed in the End !"

    As the swordsman sang high, a dagger instantly punctures to Feng Yu Chen's chest.


    Such a quick attack, Feng Yu Chen did not capture at all, the heart split second was penetrated, he did not even see the look of the dagger, the chest has been penetrated, no, this is illusion?

    Only the Wanli Jiangshan map can be seen in front of you!

    His illusion expert was blinded by illusion. All that can be thought of is the Treasure Tool. The Treasure Tool, The Real Intention is Revealed in the End, is it ——

    Jing Ke What is the dagger used by Qin Qin? Then the people in front of us are undoubtedly the Jing Ke.

    "Hey, Number 007 has been killed, [Resurrection] skills are starting!"

    Feng Yu Chen's body burst into a strong beam of light in split second, and a ray of light descended from the sky. Feng Yu Chen's penetrating heart instantly jumped again and the state reached perfection.

    Resurrection: Free death right once every 24 hours, no consumption after death, and invincible defense mode within one second.

    Even the first time – the female hang is at this time, Feng Yu Chen had to admire the famous assassin in this history, Jing Ke!

    Did not assassinate Qin Wang, but it was assassinated Feng Yu Chen.

    In the history of the allusion, Jing Ke stabbed Qin Wang, but he was hit, but used in Feng Yu Chen's body, but it was hit.

    "Frozen soul under my Frost! Jing Ke! ”

    Feng Yu Chen coldly snorted Split second penetrated Jing Ke's chest, Sea God's Ruler of Ice Trident gradually released Frost to freeze Jing Ke's body…

    "How is it possible that your body has no royal power, how can you not die?"

    Jing Ke couldn't help but said with amazement that the blow of the kill would not be effective.

    "I am not dead, but I have already died, but I am resurrected in an instant. I am not a king, but I am a god. Can mortals defeat God?" Mr. Jing Ke? Sorry, you can't go back to the Spring and Autumn Sengoku era and once again assassinate Qin Wang, history is impossible to change! However, if you can kill me once, you are already awesome. The Real Intention is Revealed in the End. It is really powerful and taught. However, this technique has no effect on my second use! ”

    Feng Yu Chen said with a sneer, it is a famous assassin. If he has the ability to resurrect, he must have been killed. Terrible guy!

    "The empty legacy is hateful, not the ancestral dragon! I am not blind! ! ”

    Jing Ke can't help but double-handed to hold Sea God's Ruler of Ice Trident and say, "Let's go with it, I also have the last card, this is my swan song – How Cold the Wind and Water, the Hero to Never Come Back! ”

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