1152. Chapter 1152 Treasure Tool: Mysterious Leprechaun Sword Sheath

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen took Emiya Shirou into the utility room and began to heal him. Now he suffers this kind of injury unless Feng Yu Chen, otherwise no one can bring him back to life.

    But when Byakugan saw the body of Emiya Shirou, he discovered a mysterious Strong buried in his body. It was a powerful Treasure Tool, exuding tyrannical vitality, even with the current state of Emiya Shirou. The life of his life is this Treasure Tool.

    The reason why I can see this Treasure Tool is probably because Feng Yu Chen's body also has the Treasure Tool buried in it. The Treasure Tool buried in his body is one of Athena's artifacts – the Evis divine shield.

    "Since it is for you to treat, then I will pay some fees. If it is a woman, maybe I will not receive any remuneration, but if you are a man, hehe…If you don't look at your face, Emiya Student, maybe I will kill you. Since you have such a Treasure Tool, then I will use it as a reward…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the coma of Emiya Shirou, double-handed exudes a powerful gravitational energy, a gold particle began to converge in his hands, gradually formed a sword sheath, the appearance of the scabbard is on the golden metal inlaid with a bold blue Lang as decoration, is in the middle of an unrecognized fairy text, in the Fairy Tail world, once learned some ancient words, the present of these words, for the time being called Goblin text bar.

    After taking out the scabbard, Feng Yu Chen projected the scabbard into his body. The scabbard has a strong vitality. The Saint Mark seems to be able to borrow Strength from it. This is also Feng Yu Chen's to get this Treasure. The reason for the Tool, the powerful Strength can stimulate the awakening of Saint Mark's Strength.

    After burying the scabbard in your body, use the Saint Mark force to assimilate. If you can fit it, you can borrow the strength of the scabbard, transform it into the power of Saint Mark, or strengthen the power of Saint Mark. Yes.

    This is also a good harvest.

    With the reward, Feng Yu Chen naturally tried to cure Emiya Shirou.


    Tohsaka Rin walked in slowly and said, "I just felt the powerful Magic Energy fluctuations. Is there nothing?"

    It was really a sensitive feeling, but the Strength of the scabbard scented Tohsaka Rin, and it was obvious that the scabbard was indeed a good thing.

    "Well, it's just the stress that the treatment exudes. Well, I have already healed him. There is basically no life threatening. Send him to Holy Church. It is no longer suitable for Master."

    Feng Yu Chen said calmly, did not say anything about the scabbard, because this is his secret.

    "Well, this is also good. Now, he will probably be awake, not involved in this war, or there will be danger of life…"Tohsaka Rin sighed and lifted Emiya Shirou, opened the door of the clerk's room, and walked out, probably wanting to take him to the Holy Church for temporary protection?

    Feng Yu Chen opened his mouth and wanted to warn Tohsaka Rin that the mystery of the church was not an ordinary person. It was definitely an ambitious behind-the-scenes Cheat. Is Emiya Shirou really safe to get there?

    However, instead of thinking, Feng Yu Chen thinks it is still, Emiya Shirou's life and death have nothing to do with him. With this thought, he might as well think about how to solve the immediate predicament.

    There must be an opportunity to break the deadlock, as a basis for strategic advancement, two berserker must be put to the end of the elimination, but not necessarily, some of the conspiracy of the guys will certainly hide, waiting for their chance to lose both, and the girl who calls himself Illya said, To kill Tohsaka Rin, you will definitely find the door first.

    Now, Feng Yu Chen has to be grateful for his decision at the beginning, let Athena be the 'Master' on the bright side, exchange identity, this is the best ace strategy, but this strategy is only available to Feng Yu Chen. Because his strength is strong enough.

    "Right, hey, next, base on your house. Our next breakthrough is to use the Ridder's Master. Kill him first. This guy should be the easiest solution."Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Well, this is also the best strategy at the moment. The guy is called Matō Shinji. It is in the same area as my home. I will act this evening, but you have to be prepared, one, each other. There must be defensive measures. Both, Rider, Blue Saber and Silver Saber are our opponents."

    Tohsaka Rin's body paused for a moment and said that it seems that he had to solve Matō Shinji first, and actually joined forces with others to harm Emiya Shirou. Are they not good friends? How did this happen?

    "Well, then I am waiting for you. I will find the one that I am going back to. I should have eaten the canteen now. Without blocking her, she is even more unscrupulous, hehe…"

    Feng Yu Chen thought of Athena and sighed, the first criterion of this meal is to eat, eat, eat…


    At nine o'clock in the evening, Athena has fallen asleep.

    Feng Yu Chen, Tohsaka Rin, and Red Archer sat together and began to study the current strategy.

    "Matōshinji is not in the tong at this time, this I have investigated, and now he is in a hotel in the winter wood room, surrounded by a variety of magic traps, and recently they began to extract some ordinary people's souls and other strength into the consumption of magic, Bing Die is also a brilliant magician, do not know what method to find my existence, did not continue to probe down, in short, now Bing Die also Silver Saber has with Matōshinji also clown male league … "Red Archer said.

    "Well, even if I have to do this, I will use a large hypnotism at midnight, let the ordinary faint, and then start our battle, Red Archer, what about other Servant, what worried me most is the two Berserker… …"

    Feng Yu Chen held his chin and remembered the map on the table.

    "They are among the castles in the sea of ​​trees. It is the villa of Einzbern's house. There is no movement for the time being, but we can't wait any longer. The longer the time, the harder we are. The Illya seems to be aiming at the battle. Can't wait any longer…"Red Archer said.

    "Yes, then, action is tonight!"

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