Unify all heavens

Chapter 787 Conquering the Bone Demon!

Let's say that Zhu Bajie left Wuzhuang Temple and rushed towards Baihu Ridge on the clouds.

It's just that he didn't know the way and there was no one to guide him. He flew three or five times in the vast blue sky and spent less than half an hour before he found the location of Baihu Ridge.

If Sun Wukong did not disturb Li Qing and let him continue to restore the strength of the White Bone Demon, the sky above Baihu Ridge would still be a dark sky that looked like it had been stained by ink. But being disturbed by him, Li Qing had already taken away the vision of heaven and earth, which made Zhu Bajie spin in circles in mid-air.

After arriving at Baihu Ridge, Zhu Bajie carefully put away his magical power and turned into a breeze falling into the mountains. Then he transformed into a fat monk with a fat head and big ears, holding a sea bowl in his hand and walked towards the mountain.

The Baihuling Mountain is tens of thousands of feet high, with overlapping peaks and rocks and surrounded by ravines and bays. Tigers and wolves move in formations, and muntjac and deer move in groups. A thousand-foot python sprays mist, and a ten-meter-long snake spits strange wind. Along the way, Zhu Bajie was teased by a monkey demon and chased by a snake demon. When he finally climbed halfway up the mountain, he was already in an extremely embarrassed state.

If he hadn't known that Sun Wukong was suffering, he would have already found a place to sleep. You must know that thousands of years ago, when Master Xuandu taught him the magical power of the Thirty-six Transformations of the Tiangang, he dreamed of Duke Zhou and could actually snore in the great avenue of heaven and earth. He made Master Xuandu walk away in anger and never saw him again.

Even when the Jade Emperor named him Tianpeng Marshal, he dreamed of Duke Zhou every day.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie couldn't help but complained:

"That plagued monkey, if you don't just stay in the temple, why do you want to be a hero? How can you provoke Li Tianjun casually? Now he has fallen into the hands of such people, but he still needs an old pig to save him!"

"And that great monk, if you don't chant sutras properly, you have to sleep! What a good thing this time, he was dragged out of his dream by Protector Jialan and found a hard job for the old pig!"

When he said this, Zhu Bajie's eyes suddenly lit up, and while he was thinking, he whispered: "I heard earlier that Li Tianjun had some grudges with Bi Mawen. At this moment, the monkey had been skinned and deboned, and was eaten by Li Tianjun. , digested. If that's the case, wouldn't the old pig not have to wade through this muddy water? But if the monkey is still alive at this moment, what should he do?"

When he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look up and glanced at the mountain peak that was at least three to five thousand feet high. He slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "Guanyin Bodhisattva can't afford to offend someone, so why bother with this old pig?" ? If Bima Wen survives, he is destined to be lucky. If he dies, it’s no wonder that Lao Zhu is the only one who blames him for his lack of merit as a monkey and that he couldn’t wait for Lao Zhu to save him!”

When he finished speaking, he looked around with a relaxed expression, and when he saw an old locust tree, his eyes suddenly lit up. Now he walked quickly to the tree, sat down against the locust tree, dusted himself with his sleeves, then raised his arms and put them behind his head, then crossed his legs, closed his eyes and said lazily: "What if the monkey is lucky?" The virtue is shallow, and the old pig cannot save him even if he tries his best. If he has great merits, even if the old pig does not save him, he will naturally be a lucky man. Let him wait, the old pig has suffered a lot along the way, and now the little pig has little virtue. Take a nap and let’s talk about other things.”

He was also generous, and soon after he finished speaking, there was a loud snoring sound that spread in all directions.

It's just that Zhu Bajie couldn't see any monsters, so he didn't know that the locust tree he was leaning on at the moment was a demon king halfway up the mountain.

This locust tree has been in existence for thousands of years, but it is much lazier than Zhu Bajie. It only relies on attracting the souls of the beasts in the mountains and the essence of the sun and the moon to practice. It has been sleeping on weekdays, even if little monsters and monsters collide. It is too lazy to catch it.

But today, the locust tree did not sleep forever. The reason was that when Li Qing caused the changes in the world, it was frightened and trembling, and it was not yet calm now.

When Zhu Bajie landed, he was noticed by it, especially when Zhu Bajie was able to escape from the hands of dozens of monsters at the bottom of the mountain and came to the mountain, it knew that Zhu Bajie's abilities were still above it, so he It pretended to be an ordinary locust tree and remained motionless.

But unexpectedly, it didn't provoke Zhu Bajie, but Zhu Bajie provoked it in turn.

The snoring that shook the surroundings made it dizzy.

It originally expected to endure it for a while while the fat monk went to save people, but in the blink of an eye three hours passed, the sky began to darken, and the fat monk hadn't woken up yet.

As the saying goes, if you can't bear it anymore, you don't need to bear it anymore!

At this moment, the old locust tree could no longer bear it. A human face suddenly appeared on the tree a foot away from Zhu Bajie's head. The man looked at the fat monk who was still sleeping sweetly with an angry face, and said coldly in his heart: "Although I can't afford to offend this monk, there is someone on the top of the mountain who can kill him. I tied him up. If I saw that being, I would just say that the fat monk had been sneaking around since he came to the mountain and was muttering about killing Li Tianjun. That being would definitely not let him go. Maybe I can also get a great reward!"

With this thought in his mind, the old locust tree used means to control the countless vines hanging down from the tree, and slowly tied up Zhu Bajie like small snakes. After a while, he was tied into a vine made of Braided ball. Then the old locust tree shook its body and emerged from the earth. Using the roots of the tree as its legs, it rushed towards the top of the mountain with a step of thirty feet.

It also encountered countless spirits along the way, but they all knew each other, so they did not embarrass it and allowed it to pass through.

At this moment, Li Qing had already lived in the White Tiger Cave of the White Bone Demon, and Sun Wukong was tied up with a rope made of condensed corpse energy, hanging dangling in the air.

The White Bone Demon's cultivation had been restored to the Golden Fairyland by him an hour ago.

Li Qing was currently sitting on a chair covered with several human skins, waiting for the Bone Demon's answer.

Li Qing had long had the idea of ​​subduing the White Bone Demon, so after restoring the White Bone Demon's strength, he proposed to subdue the White Bone Demon under his command.

Therefore, at this time, the white-bone spirit was standing in front of Li Qing, lowering his head and biting his lips, twisting his fingers and thinking.

Although the White Bone Demon has achieved Taoism with white bones, he has somehow become a corpse demon!

In fact, maybe even the White Bone Demon himself doesn't know that he is special.

But Li Qing knew it.

To this moment, he still remembers the top ten forbidden corpses that the land master mentioned to him when he encountered the Yin-Yang Corpse.

The ten forbidden corpses are Bone Demon, Divine Corpse, Corpse Nightmare, Heavenly Corpse, Ghost Corpse, Beast Demon, Eye Zombie, Incorruptible Corpse, Golden Corpse and Blood Corpse. Among them, the most ferocious ones are the zombie demons and beast demons, and the most human-like ones are the zombies, and they are also the deepest hidden ones. The most evil ones are blood corpses, because they feed on blood and use resentment as their power. The ones with the heaviest yin energy are the ghost corpses, while the ones with the strongest combat power are the divine corpses and the heavenly corpses.

Another name for the Bone Demon is—the Corpse Demon!

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