Unify all heavens

Chapter 788 Li Tianjun, you got the wrong person... (End)

Chapter 788 Li Tianjun, you got the wrong person. (End)

So far, the only forbidden corpses Li Qing had seen were ghost corpses and blood corpses, and both of them left a deep impression on him. In addition, he always felt that Zombie God was Tong Zang among the forbidden zombies. After all, when he fought with Zombie God, Zombie God transformed into blood-red eyeballs and almost caused his death. Fortunately, at the last moment, the projection of Lord Tongtian appeared and saved him.

From this point of view, every forbidden corpse has its own unique ability.

As one of the Forbidden Corpses, the White Bone Spirit cannot be so weak even in the Golden Fairyland.

In Li Qing's view, even if Jiang Fei is asked to replace the White Bone Demon, Jiang Fei can kill the Buddhist master and disciples together in the Golden Fairy Realm!

As for the White Bone Demon, after meeting the Buddhist monks and disciples, Sun Wukong was frightened away by a single encounter. Later, he was besieged by a group of land lords and mountain gods, and then was beaten to death by Sun Wukong with a stick!

The majestic Golden Immortal was actually besieged by the Earth Mountain God. If this were told, no one would believe it!

After all, the phenomenon of ants killing elephants only occurs in the mortal world. If Youyun reaches the Golden Immortal Realm, all existences below the Golden Immortal level in the world of Journey to the West can be wiped out by Youyun alone in a day and night!

But this phenomenon happened to Bai Gujing.

If the White Bone Demon had always been so weak, Li Qing would not believe it. When he came to Baihu Ridge before, he saw the evil spirit shrouded in Baihu Ridge in mid-air!

Judging from this level of richness, there must be a big demon on Baihu Ridge!

As a result, such a weak white-bone spirit was able to rule the White Tiger Ridge. As a result, none of the demon kings in the entire White Tiger Ridge dared to set foot on the top of the mountain!

This shows how powerful the White Bone Demon is, or in other words, the White Bone Demon was powerful in the past.

When Li Qing thought of this, he raised his head and glanced at the White Bone Demon, but he happened to meet the White Bone Demon's gaze peeking up at him.

After the white-bone spirit noticed Li Qing's gaze, he lowered his head in panic, and his face as white as paper was stained with two dots of red in an instant.

However, Li Qing did not notice this.

All his attention was focused on the White Bone Demon.

The white-bone demon has eyebrows like willow leaves, eyes like the bright moon, and lips like petals. There is a hint of coldness in the charm, and a hint of charm in the indifference. Her slender figure looks as if she is weak and boneless. Coupled with her delicate and frail appearance, she is a stunning beauty!

It’s like a painting without a trace of human fireworks!

But Li Qing couldn't see the stunning beauty of the White Bone Demon. What he saw was the vast power hidden in the seemingly weak body of the White Bone Demon!

When he sensed this vast power, Li Qing's mind somehow suddenly recalled the illusion he saw when he evolved into the Corpse Ancestor a long time ago.

In that illusion, the White Bone Demon was sitting where he was now, her eyes full of confusion, and her whole person was trapped in the mortal tribulation created for her by Heaven.

In those illusions, she fell in love with many beings, only to be abandoned each time.

And when the illusion passed, the White Bone Demon knelt outside the cave, kneeling down to the huge emotionless eye high in the sky, and cried heartbreakingly: "Bai Jingjing is willing to descend to heaven, just for this love for a hundred lives." This calamity will end soon!"

As soon as he thought about this, Li Qing frowned deeply and thought to himself: "Could it be that that was not an illusion? It actually happened?"

Just as he was thinking about this, the White Tiger Cave suddenly made a "rumbling" sound, as if it was being shaken.

When Li Qing stood up with a cold face, his eyes were attracted by the White Bone Demon.

Being in the golden fairyland, she could not stand firmly in this slightly trembling cave and fell to the ground.

Li Qing frowned again, and his face turned cold. He dared to conclude that the White Bone Demon must have some kind of method of heaven. Otherwise, the current scene cannot be explained at all.

However, he didn't think about it at this moment because there was a majestic evil spirit appearing outside the cave.

Almost subconsciously, Li Qing's figure instantly disappeared from the cave and came outside the cave.

After he came outside the cave, he saw an old locust tree dozens of feet high, walking towards here from a short distance away.

After the old locust tree saw Li Qing not far away, a coldness instantly eroded its soul, causing it to stop in fear.

A few dozen meters away, the old locust tree's old and trembling voice rang out.

"Baihuling little demon, hello, my king!"

As it spoke, its body bent slightly.

When he finished speaking, Li Qing had already flown in front of it, and then asked with a cold face: "What's the matter with you?"

After the locust tree demon heard Li Qing's voice, his whole body trembled. Then he gingerly took out the ball made of vines hanging from the crown of the tree, slowly placed it on the ground, and said with a trembling voice. : "Excuse me, your Majesty, the little demon is halfway up the mountain. I saw this fat monk sneaking around all the way, muttering something like how to kill Li Tianjun. Little demon, the little demon is afraid that this guy will disturb your Majesty. Then capture him!"

As it spoke, it retracted the vines binding Zhu Bajie, revealing the fat monk Zhu Bajie had transformed into.

Speaking of which, Zhu Bajie was really big-hearted. Until now, he was still snoring dreaming of Duke Zhou.

When Li Qing saw Zhu Bajie, his expression was startled, and then he sneered, and turned the corpse gas into a whip, and slapped Zhu Bajie's bald head hard with a 'snap' sound.

In an instant, Zhu Bajie was woken up. He didn't see the surrounding scene clearly. He just cursed angrily: "Who is blind? How dare you disturb your grandpa pig's sleep!"

After Li Qing heard this, he sneered with a strange expression: "Isn't this Marshal Tianpeng?"

Zhu Bajie, who was still angry at first, woke up instantly when he heard these words. After his eyes touched Li Qing, his body trembled, and he waved his hands in panic and said: "Li, Li Tianjun, you have recognized the wrong person. "

He regretted it as soon as he said it, and even covered his mouth in horror.

Then he carefully looked at Li Qing's expression, then pretended to look around casually, trying to find an escape route.

And at this moment, Li Qing asked with a cold smile: "Good son-in-law, how can I admit the wrong person!"

When Zhu Bajie heard this, his eyes suddenly widened, and he cursed in his heart: "That damn Bima Wen must not be able to withstand the torture, so he told Li Tianjun what happened to Lao Zhu as a joke!"

However, just when he was thinking of this, he saw Li Qing suddenly transformed into a gray-haired old man, leaning on a cane, and said with a smile: "This elder, forgive me for talking, this is a monk. Very good. Eat fast and chant Buddha's name every day. I see that you are honest and honest, so why don't I take you to the master's house and marry you!"

Upon hearing these words, Zhu Bajie's expression changed drastically, and he was even more frightened out of his true colors. Then he looked at Li Qing with frightened eyes, showing an expression of disbelief, and murmured: "You, you."

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