Unify all heavens

Chapter 786 Li Tianjun, you got the wrong person...

Chapter 786 Li Tianjun, you have recognized the wrong person.


As a crisp sound sounded from Sun Wukong's head, his newly grown head was crushed by Li Qing's hand before he could even open his eyes.

When another head grew out, Sun Wukong's face became a little unnatural.

But soon, his head was shattered under Li Qing's palm.

Now, this is the sixtieth time that his head has been crushed by Li Qing.

Although Sun Wukong has a bronze head and an iron brain, the pain will still hurt every time his head is crushed.

After these dozens of times, he had already cast a shadow on Li Qing in his heart.

Therefore, every time he changes into a new head, he has to hesitate in his heart, thinking of ways to escape from Li Qing's palm.

It's just that Li Qing moved too quickly. Every time before he could react to the new head, his head was shattered with severe pain.

In fact, the so-called seventy-two transformations of Earthly Evil are not only seventy-two transformations, but seventy-two different spells.

The so-called growing head is just a technique of continuing the head in the seventy-two transformations of Disha!

The seventy-two changes of earth evil are: channeling the netherworld, expelling gods, carrying mountains, forbidding water, borrowing wind, spreading fog, praying for sunshine, praying for rain, sitting on fire, entering water, covering the sun, controlling the wind, boiling stones, spitting flames, and swallowing. Knife, Pot Heaven, Divine Walk, Walking on Water, Staff Release, Clone, Invisibility, Head Renewal, Immobilization, Monster Killing, Immortal Invitation, Soul Chasing, Soul Capturing, Cloud Recruitment, Moon Retrieval, Transport, Dream Marriage, Separation, Send Staff, cut off the flow, avoid disasters, relieve disasters, yellow and white, swordsmanship, shooting, earth element, star number, formation, false form, spray, finger transformation, corpse dissolution, scene transfer, call in, go away, gather beasts, Adjust the birds, Qi ban, vigorously, penetrate the stone, generate light, barrier clothing, guide, take food, open the wall, jump over the rock, sprout the head, board the copy, drink water, lie in the snow, storm, make pills, talisman water, There are seventy-two kinds of spells, including medicine, time knowledge, earth knowledge, fasting, and nightmare prayer.

On the way to the west, Sun Wukong commonly used fourteen spells: exorcism, clone, invisibility, head extension, concentration, slaying demons, inviting immortals, transportation, earth movement, formation, false form, finger transformation, powerful force, and medicine. That’s all.

What he is using now is the head-repairing technique. It can be said that as long as he has enough magic power, he will not die due to a broken head.

Li Qing also knew all these. After all, he also understood the changes of invisibility, exorcism, corpse dismemberment, and finger transformation among the seventy-two transformations of the earth evil.

Therefore, although he said that he wanted to see how many heads Sun Wukong could transform into, he was completely punishing Sun Wukong. After all, Sun Wukong was the protagonist of the calamity determined by several saints, so how could he die in his hands like this?

Of course, he has the ability to kill Sun Wukong and make him immortal.

It's just that the cost of doing so is too high, and several saints will not let him kill Sun Wukong and ignore it.

When he thought of this, Li Qing almost subconsciously took action and easily crushed the newly grown head of Sun Wukong.

This is the seventieth time, and after this time, Sun Wukong came with him, and several protectors Jialan who had been hiding around looked at each other. One of them had hair all over his head and was thin. Jialan saw Sun Wukong suspended in the air again, half unable to move, and after Li Qing crushed his head again, he sighed helplessly: "Everyone, it's obvious that Li Tianjun is addicted to crushing the great sage's head. I understand. We are trying to save the Great Sage, but we are not strong enough! Do you have any ideas to help the Great Sage out of trouble?"

When he finished speaking, another protector, Jialan, pondered for a moment and said, "I have a method here, but I don't know if it will work!"

There are three guardian Jialan hidden here. Their task is to follow Sun Wukong and help Sun Wukong call people if they can help.

Therefore, after the Dharma Protector Jialan finished speaking, the other two Dharma Protectors Jialan said in unison: "But it doesn't matter!"

After hearing the words of the two protectors Jialan, the protector Jialan said: "One of us left to give Tang Sanzang a dream in Wuzhuang Temple to let him know that the great sage had provoked him. The one who deserves to be offended is suffering! In this case, Tang Sanzang will definitely send Marshal Tianpeng here. In terms of real ability, Marshal Tianpeng may not be worse than the Great Sage. The most important thing is that Marshal Tianpeng knows the current affairs. You won’t be like a great sage who won’t say a soft word and will just resist!”

When he finished speaking, the other two protectors Jialan began to think.

During this period, Sun Wukong's head was crushed by Li Qing more than twenty times.

Seeing this, the protector Jialan who first started to speak gritted his teeth and said: "That's all, now I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse. The poor monk will go to Jin Chanzi to ask for his dream!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, rushing towards Wuzhuang Temple as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, Wuzhuang Temple was not far from Baihu Ridge. It only took him less than half an hour to arrive at Wuzhuang Temple and find Tang Sanzang who was chanting sutras in the wing.

"According to Prajnaparamita, the mind is free from obstacles. Therefore, there are no obstacles, there is no fear, and it is far away from upside-down dreams, and it is the final nirvana."

The sutra that Tang Sanzang was reciting at this moment was the Heart Sutra taught to him by Zen Master Wuchao when he passed by Futu Mountain earlier.

And when he was reciting the Heart Sutra mindfully, a golden light fell from the sky and hit him directly on the back of the head.

The next moment, Tang Sanzang lowered his head and fell into a dream.

In his dream, he saw a Buddhist protector dressed in purple appearing in front of him accompanied by boundless golden light.

However, before he could kneel down and worship, the Buddhist protector spoke with dignity and said: "Tang Xuanzang, I am the protector Jialan, and I have come specially to inform you that your great disciple, Sun Wukong, is currently eighty miles away from here. Those who are suffering on Baihu Ridge must be rescued quickly, rescued quickly.”

Tang Sanzang was shocked when he heard this, but when he was about to speak, the area shrouded in golden light in front of him suddenly shattered and returned to the appearance of a wing.

After regaining his composure, Tang Sanzang stood up, came to the door, and shouted to Zhu Bajie, who was herding horses in the garden: "Wuneng! Come quickly! I have something to say to you!"

When Zhu Bajie walked into the side room with a strange look on his face, before even saluting, Tang Sanzang had already hurriedly told all the things he had dreamed about before.

When Zhu Bajie first heard about this, he glared at his boss and hurriedly waved his hands: "Master, don't be joking. All the senior brothers have been taken down, so how can the disciple be an opponent? If the disciple goes, wouldn't there be another one to suffer?" ? If Junior Brother Sha is the only one by then, Master, you won’t even be able to get out of this Taoist temple!"

When Tang Sanzang heard this, his face suddenly became bitter. He could only recite the names of Bodhisattvas in the heavens in his heart, hoping that Sun Wukong would be lucky in his misfortune.

At the same time, he began to think about Sun Wukong's good fortune. In the past, Zhu Bajie listened to everything he said, but at the critical moment, only Sun Wukong could be trusted. Now that Sun Wukong is in danger, Zhu Bajie shrinks back.

The more Tang Sanzang thought about it, the more painful he became. He couldn't help but burst into tears. He started crying like a daughter at home.

After Zhu Bajie saw that Tang Sanzang started crying, his face was full of embarrassment and impatience.

Along the way, Tang Sanzang started to cry when he encountered some dangers.

Now that he eats well and sleeps well in this Wuzhuang Temple, he can actually cry.

"The one who is suffering now is Bi Mawen, who is suffering from the plague, and it is not your Tang Yudi. How much are you crying?"

Although Zhu Bajie was thinking about this in his heart, he had no choice but to accept it on the surface. After all, Sun Wukong was very capable. If he came back from the trap three to five days later and learned what he had done, he would have to be bullied by the monkey again.

Thinking of this, he coaxed Tang Sanzang for a few words, then went to Sha Wujing with a rake and gave some instructions to Sha Wujing with a stinking face, and then flew towards Baihu Ridge on the wind.

Because of the introduction of the Seventy-Two Transformations of Disha, this chapter added more than 400 words. . . I will continue to write two more chapters. You can read them tomorrow. I will revise them after I finish them and upload them before noon tomorrow. . .

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