Unify all heavens

Chapter 785 I see that you are impatient!

Today, the corpse energy in Li Qing's body can be said to be as vast as the sea. Now when it is activated, the aura is like an invincible powerful aura that changes the color of the sky!

In an instant, the sky above Baihu Ridge was shrouded in black clouds as dark as ink. Immediately afterwards, there were strong winds like waves, one after another, raging on Baihu Ridge, shaking the century-old locust trees.

And in the "booming" strong wind, the pile of white bones pressed by Li Qing's palm was gradually covered with a layer of black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The main reason why zombies are despised by all beings is that there are almost no bottlenecks in their cultivation. Unlike other beings, not only are they faced with difficulties every step of the way in cultivation, but there are also three disasters from heaven and man waiting for them.

When the cultivation level is lowered and the cultivation level is resumed, this gap becomes more obvious.

If other beings are knocked down from their realms, then they don’t know how long it will take to get back up. But as long as the zombies have enough corpse energy, it is not impossible for them to reach the level of Daluo Jinxian in one day after lowering their level...

Not to mention that the original realm of the White Bone Demon was only a mere Golden Immortal. Therefore, under the infusion of Li Qing's vast corpse energy, the realm of the White Bone Demon recovered a lot almost every few minutes.

At this moment, the white bone body of the White Bone Demon has turned into a jade-like warm white color, and the tooth marks on the bones have also disappeared.

And her realm has been restored to the Mahayana stage!

But just when the realm of the White Bone Demon was about to break through the Mahayana stage and become a mysterious immortal, Li Qing lowered his eyes slightly and slowly took his palm away from the White Bone Demon.

At the same time, an anxious cry suddenly came from the black clouds covering Baihu Ridge: "Senior Brother Li Qing, help me quickly!"

When Li Qing heard the words and raised his head, he saw Qingfeng falling towards him through the black clouds with a look of horror on his face. Following Qingfeng was Sun Wukong holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

In Li Qing's eyes, Sun Wukong, who was wearing a walker's robe, had a sneer on his face and said nothing, just like teasing the breeze, chasing after him not far or near.

It stands to reason that Qingfeng's flying speed can be said to be fast or slow. With the speed of Sun Wukong's somersault cloud, it only takes an instant to catch Qingfeng.

Regardless of speed, Sun Wukong only needs to lengthen the golden cudgel, and he can kill Qingfeng directly...

Therefore, in Li Qing's opinion, this scene is Monkey King teasing Qingfeng and forcing him to look for him.

Although he had this thought in his mind, Li Qing did not take action. Instead, he slowly stood up and looked towards the sky with his hands behind his back.

In mid-air, seeing Sun Wukong's speed suddenly increase, Qingfeng's immature face became even more horrified. Until he was about to land, he kept shouting: "Senior Brother Li Qing! Senior Brother Li Qing, save me quickly, When the Great Sage Qitian came to the temple today and heard that I was your junior brother, he went crazy and smashed Mingyue to death with a stick! Now he wants to kill me!"

After Li Qing, who was originally expressionless, heard this sentence, a hint of ridicule suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then his figure suddenly disappeared from the ground and suddenly appeared next to Qingfeng, who was about to fall to the ground.

Although he does not have Sun Wukong's piercing eyes and cannot see through the art of transformation, he does have a pair of eyes that can see through life and death!

At this moment, in his eyes, the aura on Qingfeng's body could be described as full of vitality. On the other hand, Sun Wukong was like a gentle breeze, not even a breath leaking out.

When thinking of the four words 'Monkey King' that Qingfeng had just called out, Li Qing concluded almost instantly that the so-called Sun Wukong might just be a clone, and the Qingfeng in front of him at this moment might be The true form of Sun Wukong!

As soon as he thought about it, Li Qing's eyes narrowed, and he said sarcastically with a cold face: "Sun Dasheng, Sun Dasheng, I see that you are impatient, how dare you come to your door to provoke me?"

The moment the words fell, Li Qing's palm reached forward like lightning, suddenly appeared on Qingfeng's neck, and then he exerted force...

At that moment, there was only a crisp "click" sound, and Qingfeng's face was fixed in shock, and his head tilted to the side.

Immediately afterwards, a demonic energy separated from his body and condensed into the appearance of Sun Wukong. Then the golden cudgel quickly hit Li Qing's head with a "whooshing" sound.

Seeing that Sun Wukong's true form was indeed as he had guessed, transforming into Qingfeng and preparing to sneak attack him, Li Qing immediately snorted coldly, and then used corpse energy to shatter Qingfeng's body in his hands! In an instant, he raised his hand and grasped the fallen golden cudgel directly in his hand.

It's not like he hasn't thought about the consequences if he guesses wrong.

However, Qingfeng is just a Taoist boy in the realm of immortals, so he will kill him. Li Qing had no burden for this, he was just a junior fellow student. If he hadn't been worried about the Tongtian Cult Leader's troubles with him, even the Bull Demon King would have become a corpse in his hands...

This thought just flashed through Li Qing's mind, so the next moment the golden cudgel was held in his left hand, Li Qing's right hand was already pressing on the center of the golden cudgel, and then with a strong force, He snatched the golden cudgel from the hands of the astonished Sun Wukong!

In an instant, Sun Wukong's eyes suddenly widened and he looked down at his empty hands. The whole monkey was stunned on the spot.


Stick... where's the stick?

Before he could come to his senses, Li Qing threw away the golden cudgel with a wave of his hand. The stick flew through the air almost instantly and disappeared.

When he heard the sound of breaking through the sky, Sun Wukong, who had already come to his senses, had already selectively forgotten his purpose, and used a somersault cloud to chase the stick with a look of urgency.

He just turned around for a moment, and Li Qing had already sneered and clasped his monkey head with his palm.

When Sun Wukong trembled, a gloomy word also sounded in his ears.

"Do you really think that I have a good temper?"

As he spoke, Li Qing suddenly exerted force on his palms, and with a 'bang' sound, Sun Wukong's head was squeezed until it exploded.

But the next moment the head exploded, a new head grew out where the head originally exploded.

Immediately afterwards, the newly grown monkey head grinned at Li Qing and sneered: "Hey! Old Sun, I have reinforced iron bones and an indestructible body. Even if I don't move, you can't even think of getting hurt." Sun Fenhao!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his head was crushed by the sneering Li Qing. At the same time, after the 'bang' sound was heard, Li Qing's voice also sounded in Sun Wukong's ears: "I don't believe it, your head can keep growing endlessly. If you grow a head today, I will give it to you." Crush one! Let’s see how many times your head can grow!”

While he was talking, Sun Wukong's newly grown head was pinched and exploded again...

There are still three chapters left, which means I actually finished writing them last night, but I didn’t feel like I had a climax, so I went to watch various movies with big scenes. . . As a result, I fell asleep while watching it, and the big guys in the group knew it. . I went to bed at 5 o'clock, and woke up again at 5:50. Then I didn't sleep well, so I started writing again in the afternoon. . . .

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