Unify all heavens

Chapter 759 Namo Amitabha!

Zhen Yuanzi would not have thought that he had always been on guard, thinking that the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng, who had been hiding in the dark, was sitting on a lotus platform and outside Leiyin Temple in Lingshan.

Thinking that he was about to be punished, Ran Deng Ancient Buddha gritted his teeth.

The kind face was full of ferocity at this moment.

He destroyed Yinshan Mountain, destroyed eighteen netherworld hells, and even caused billions of evil spirits to rush out of the underworld and cause trouble in the world!

This boundless sin was enough to make him fall from the position of Buddha!

But in the end, he got nothing!

Ancestor Styx was not converted by him!

The mosquito Taoist was not brought back by him either!


The only thing that made him feel less aggrieved was that he captured the four kings of the Asura clan and the four great Bodhisattvas!

As soon as he thought of this, he walked down from the lotus platform with a gloomy face, clasped his hands, and walked into the hall step by step.

At the end of the empty yet splendid Mahavira Hall, Tathagata Buddha was already waiting for him expressionlessly.

At this moment, the ancient Buddha with burning lanterns walked into the main hall. Behind him, hundreds of rainbow lights flew over his head and were located throughout the hall.

After the rainbow light dissipated, various Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints all appeared.

Just like the Tathagata Buddha sitting on the lotus platform at the end of the hall, the moment these gods and Buddhas appeared, they all focused their attention on the ancient Buddha.

Soon the Deng Deng Ancient Buddha reached the end of the hall, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, bowing his head in silence.

After a long time, Tathagata Buddha took his eyes away from the ancient Buddha of Randen. After scanning the various gods and Buddhas in the hall for a week, he slowly said: "The ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas, the ancient Buddha of Randen has recently entered the netherworld without permission. And the battle with the Ancestor of the Ming River caused the Yin Mountain to collapse and eighteen hells to be reduced to ruins! It also caused hundreds of millions of evil ghosts to rush into the world, and even all lives were destroyed! I now follow the decree of the Jade Emperor to remove all the evil spirits of the ancient Buddha on the burning lamp. As the ancestor of the Buddha, he is ordered to drink Meng Po Decoction and reincarnate for ten lives, and endure the sufferings of the world. If he ever returns, he will suppress the abyss of darkness for the rest of his life!"

After saying that, he swept his eyes over the Buddhas for a week and said calmly: "Do you have any objections?"

After hearing the Tathagata's words, all the Buddhas in the hall looked around, but no one interceded for the ancient Buddha.

The Tathagata Buddha waited for a few breaths and saw that all the Buddhas were silent. Then he looked at the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng and said, "Old Buddha, I personally went to the underworld to give you a ride!"

After hearing these words, the originally silent Ancient Buddha suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Tathagata Buddha.

His eyes happened to meet the eyes of Tathagata Buddha.

Looking at Tathagata Buddha's calm eyes, the Ancient Buddha suddenly smiled, put his hands together and said, "Thank you Buddha!"

When the Tathagata heard the words, he showed an incomprehensible smile and said softly: "Amitabha!"

After saying that, he emitted thousands of golden light and disappeared with the lamp-burning ancient Buddha below!

On the other side, in the underworld;

Li Qing anxiously rushed into the killing array arranged by Mother Lishan. After seeing the scene presented by the surge of green light in front of him, his expression suddenly changed!

At the moment, only hundreds of red mosquitoes the size of sesame seeds were seen, all biting on the light mask outside Lishan's mother.

In the mask of light, Old Mother Lishan's face was unusually pale!

And these mosquitoes that made Li Qing suddenly change color all exuded the aura of Daluo Jinxian! ! !

In an instant, Li Qing couldn't help but widen his eyes and took a breath.

Fortunately, he only reacted after being stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly made a seal to make the flame pattern on his forehead shine brightly.

Then, at the next moment, a green divine light shot out from the flame pattern on his forehead, shining on the light mask outside Lishan's old mother. Then, with a sound of "hoo", the blue divine fire enveloped the light mask. .

"Buzz buzz-"

The blood-colored mosquitoes that originally bitten on the light mask quickly fled in the flames.

The mosquitoes that had no time to escape were buried in the Shangqing Divine Fire!

After all the mosquitoes biting on the mask disappeared, Old Mother Lishan, who was clinging to the mask, finally breathed a sigh of relief, then her legs softened and she knelt down directly on the ground.

"Senior sister!"

Li Qing shouted urgently and stepped forward to help Old Mother Lishan up.

After Old Mother Lishan stood up with his help, her body was still a little weak, her face was pale and weak, she smiled and said: "Fortunately, junior brother, you came in time, otherwise I would be so old."

After saying this, she shook her head in fear.

Li Qing nodded slowly and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that Taoist Mosquito's clones would all be in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm! If, senior sister, you are not a quasi-sage, I am afraid you are today."

Old Mother Lishan nodded slightly and said with a wry smile: "Taoist Mosquito is hiding too deep!"

When she finished speaking, she seemed to be thinking of something again, her face suddenly changed, she quickly looked around and asked, "Where is Mr. Mosquito?"

When Li Qing heard this, he also took a look inside the formation and saw that the formation was still the same, but there was no trace of Taoist Mosquito in the formation.

He immediately shook his head and said: "I must have escaped from the formation."

As he spoke, Li Qing's expression changed and he said in shock: "No! Senior Sister Jin Ling is still outside the formation!"

After hearing what Li Qing said, Mother Lishan pushed away Li Qing's arm that was holding her arm. After staggering a few steps, she said in a deep voice: "Go out of the formation to rescue Jin Ling. I'm waiting for you in the formation." !”

Li Qing nodded after hearing this and said: "Senior sister, be careful. If there is any change, just shout out!"

Mother Lishan nodded, then waved her hand and said, "Go quickly!"


Li Qing nodded heavily, then turned and left the formation.

Sure enough, just as he and Old Mother Lishan had expected, the moment he came out of the battle, they saw the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and Sanxiao breathing pure divine fire from their mouths, resisting the attacks of hundreds of bloody mosquitoes!

"Sisters, let me help you!"

Li Qing shouted loudly, summoned the divine fire, and turned it into a sea of ​​fire with a radius of 100 meters, burning towards the mosquitoes from below!

The Shangqing Divine Fire is a divine fire that was personally improved by the leader of Tongtian Cult. Its power is second only to the ten main fires in heaven and earth. Therefore, with the divine fire surrounding them, the hundreds of clones of the Mosquito Taoist were all burned to ashes without even holding on for a few breaths!

When there was only one mosquito left that was still holding on, Li Qing's eyes suddenly lit up and he subconsciously said to himself: "This must be the true form of Taoist Mosquito!"

As soon as he thought about it, he pinched his fingers, used the divine fire to narrow the area, and quickly approached the mosquito!

Sanxiao and Jinling Holy Mother, who were still struggling to resist the attack of the mosquito Taoist, all reacted at this time, and each used the high-purity divine fire, like Li Qing, to approach the only mosquito!

But just as these flames were about to cover the mosquitoes in all directions, they suddenly heard a 'whoosh' sound.

Then I saw a golden light coming from nowhere, and suddenly knocked Taoist Mosquito to the ground!

After the golden light disappeared, a sound like thunder was heard, slowly sounding over the Netherworld.

"Namo Amitabha!"

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