Unify all heavens

Chapter 760 Tathagata Buddha!

"Namo Amitabha!"

As this voice sounded, Li Qing, the Golden Spirit Virgin Mary and Sanxiao all looked up to the sky.

At that moment, I saw a Buddha with a face full of compassion and a gilded robe, sitting on the nine-pin lotus platform, emitting thousands of feet of golden light!

While the golden light enveloped the entire Netherworld, he was suspended high in the sky with a faint smile on his face, quietly looking at the scene below.

Next to him was the ancient Buddha of Lantern who had left earlier!

"Tathagata Buddha!"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes and read out the Buddha's title word for word.

At the same time, the face of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit also became extremely gloomy.

Only Sanxiao looked at the Buddha with a complicated face.

They knew that the former senior brother was now in the towering body of the Buddha.

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi, who had been taking care of the huge crater, arranged his clothes, performed the Taoist ceremony, nodded to the Tathagata Buddha in the sky and said: "I have seen the Buddha!"

Upon seeing this, Lord Tathagata returned the Buddha's gift with a solemn face and said: "Great Immortal Zhenyuan!"

After saying that, the faint smile returned to his face, and he said: "I heard that Taoist Mosquitoes appeared in the Netherworld in the past and disturbed Yin and Yang, so I came here to suppress them!"

Zhen Yuanzi was startled when he heard this, and then glanced at the place where the golden bowl fell to the ground, which was right next to Li Qing and the others.

Thinking of Li Qing's original purpose of coming here, he was ready to speak.

However, before he could open his mouth, Tathagata Buddha asked with a meaningful smile: "But I don't know why Fellow Taoist Zhenyuan is here?"

As he spoke, he kept looking at the giant pit under Zhen Yuanzi!

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi's expression suddenly changed.

Then he subconsciously said to himself: "The Western Buddha and Lao Lao must know that Hongyun snatched the body of Patriarch Styx in the trap. So the reason why he spoke at this moment and asked this sentence must be to tell the poor Taoist to stop meddling in other people's business! "

After thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but look at Li Qing, and said secretly: "If the poor Taoist interferes with Taoist Mosquito for Li Qing's sake at this moment, then the Western Buddha will definitely interfere with Hongyun's seizure of the ancestor of Styx. , this is the critical moment for Hongyun, and cannot be disturbed by any factors! After all, my old friend has already burned all the remaining souls!"

After thinking about it, Zhen Yuanzi sighed secretly in his heart.

In order for Hongyun to succeed in seizing the body, he had no choice but to be sorry to Li Qing.

Thinking of this, Zhen Yuanzi waved his fly whisk and said with a calm expression: "I came here because I heard about the great changes in the Netherworld. It is inevitable that this disaster will spread to the human world, so I came here to investigate!"

After Tathagata Buddha heard this, the smile on his face became even brighter, he nodded slowly and said: "So that's it, the great immortal is as compassionate as before!"

While he was talking, he reached into his arms and took out a palm-sized porcelain vase, and said with compassion on his face: "I heard that an old friend of the Great Immortal was seriously injured, with only a trace of his soul left, so he asked for the Three Light God from Nanhai Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. A bottle of water. I originally wanted to visit the Great Immortal’s Blessed Land in the future and give this gift to the Great Immortal, but I didn’t expect to meet the Great Immortal today in the Netherworld! Now I borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha and give this gift to the Great Immortal!”

After saying that, he threw the porcelain bottle towards Zhen Yuanzi.

When Zhen Yuanzi heard this, his expression changed. Then he quickly took the bottle and said with trembling lips: "What should I do?"

Tathagata Buddha immediately laughed loudly and said: "Don't refuse, Great Immortal. When my disciples visit the blessed land of Great Immortal in the future, if there is any conflict, I hope Great Immortal will accommodate you!"

After Zhen Yuanzi heard this, he could only accept it with a wry smile and shook his head.

At the same time, Li Qing glanced at Zhen Yuanzi, his heart feeling cold.

Even though he knew that everything Zhen Yuanzi did was to make Patriarch Hongyun succeed in seizing the body, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Thinking of this, Li Qing withdrew his gaze from Zhen Yuanzi and looked at the Tathagata Buddha who was shrouded in golden light.

"Sure enough, only yourself is the most reliable!"

After sighing secretly in his heart, Li Qing couldn't help but take a deep breath and stepped towards the three-foot-tall golden bowl.

After seeing that something was wrong with Li Qing's expression, Mother Jin Ling quickly reached out and grabbed Li Qing's sleeve, then shook her head with a complicated expression and said: "Junior brother, forget it."

Li Qing stopped silently and said softly: "Taoist Mosquito's magical power is the only way for me to break the shackles of heaven!"

Upon hearing this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit sighed softly and said: "With all the disciples of Jiejiao behind you, even if you are the Nine Heavens Xuanxian, there is no one in the world who dares to provoke you! Why should you be stubborn?"

After hearing the words, Li Qing raised his head and glanced up at the Tathagata Buddha who was looking down at them. Then he looked back at the Golden Spirit Mother and said in a deep voice: "It's the Tathagata Buddha today. I can forget it. Then Kunpeng will be there tomorrow." After becoming a saint, will he forget it?"

When he said this, Li Qing's face turned cold, and he laughed self-deprecatingly: "Senior sister, you don't know that I once killed Kunpeng's only descendant!"

After hearing this, Holy Mother Jin Ling bit her lips and said hesitantly: "If Master comes to find you in Kunpeng, Master will definitely stop him!"

After hearing this, Li Qing slowly shook his head and said: "Zhen Yuanzi is also my master, but he..."

He did not continue to say this, but there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth. Then he shook his head and said softly: "I will no longer put hope on others. Hope is still in myself, which makes me more secure." Some!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qing broke free from the grasp of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and strode to the foot of the three-foot-high golden bowl.

High in the sky, Tathagata Buddha saw Li Qing standing under the golden bowl. He looked at Zhen Yuanzi with slightly lowered eyes and asked with a smile: "I'm sorry for my clumsy eyesight. The one below is the Demon-Conquering Heavenly Master under the disciples of fellow Taoist disciples." Jun?"

Zhen Yuanzi's expression changed when he heard this, and then he clenched the porcelain bottle in his hand tightly.

Then he took a deep breath with his eyes closed.

When he opened his eyes again, his face was filled with coldness.

At the same time, Tathagata Buddha said with a smile: "I heard that the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord has great supernatural powers. In the past, when five hundred Arhats took Lao Monk's golden bowl to practice their magical powers with the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord in the sky above Beiming, the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord was able to defeat them with one palm of his hand. My alms bowl was brought back to Lingshan Mountain!"

When he finished speaking, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, and he said calmly: "Fellow Taoist Zhenyuan, what is being suppressed under the golden bowl at this moment is Taoist Mosquito who has boundless karma with my Buddhist sect. If you take away the golden bowl, that Taoist mosquito will definitely bring disaster to the common people!"

When he said this, Tathagata Buddha had a look of compassion on his face, and sighed: "I guess with the compassionate heart of the great immortal, he definitely doesn't want to see the desolation of all living beings!"

After Zhen Yuanzi heard these words, his face softened slightly and he nodded slightly, saying: "This poor Taoist is not strict in his management, which makes fellow Taoists laugh!"

After saying that, he turned his head sharply and looked down at Li Qing, who was standing next to Jin Bo, and said coldly: "Li Qing, follow Pindao back to the mountain immediately!"

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