Unify all heavens

Chapter 758 Lishan is seriously injured! (Down)

At the same time as the "bang" sound was heard, Taoist Mosquito's waist was pushed downwards by the stick in Li Qing's hand.

Immediately, it raised its head slightly, glanced at Li Qing with a piercing cold gaze, and then its six wings suddenly vibrated!

At the same time, Old Mother Lishan on the ground finally completed the arrangement of the killing array!

Her formation is a small killing formation imitating the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Therefore, there are four swords on the four sides of the formation as the center of the formation. Although the strangulating power of this formation does not pose any threat to the target saint, If Daluo Jinxian accidentally falls into the formation, one of them will die!

Of course, for a Daluo Jinxian like Taoist Mosquito who has cultivated innate gods and demons, this killing array will only cause a lot of trouble to it, but it will not be able to seriously injure it.

However, Mother Lishan's original intention was to trap Taoist Mosquito for a moment and a half. When two quasi-sages attacked at the same time, Taoist Mosquito would have to perish even if he was an innate god and demon!

High in the air, Li Qing was struggling to resist the strange sound of the Mosquito Taoist's six wings vibrating together.

Although he was a zombie, under this strange sound, his head seemed to be being hit by a sledgehammer, making him dizzy and floating unsteadily.

At the same time, Taoist Mosquito looked at Li Qing with disgust, quickly reversed his direction and flew towards Zhen Yuanzi not far away.

After seeing the figure of Taoist Mosquito flying towards him from a distance, Zhen Yuanzi's expression changed into one as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Speaking of late and fast, Taoist Mosquito's figure was clearly a few hundred meters away one second, but in the next second he had already arrived in front of Zhen Yuanzi, pointing his long and sharp mouthpart at Zhen Yuanzi's. Stab in the face.

Zhen Yuanzi's expression did not change when he saw this, and he flicked his sleeves and used the Qiankun in his sleeves!

In an instant, the world turned sharply, and yin and yang were in chaos.

The figure of the mosquito Taoist also shrunk in an instant, and was suppressed by a big sleeve that covered the sky and the sun.

Although it is powerful, the only thing that is powerful is its mouthpart. Compared with the existence from the beginning of the world like Zhen Yuanzi, it is still far behind. Therefore, even though the mosquito Taoist's six wings vibrated together and the buzzing sound resounded throughout the sky, he could not escape.

In the blink of an eye, Zhen Yuanzi put it in his sleeve.

When Old Mother Lishan, who was standing next to the killing array on the ground, saw this scene, a rich smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she sighed softly: "What an ancestor of the Earth Immortals! What a master who holds everything in his sleeve!"

However, the moment she finished speaking, she saw Zhen Yuanzi's expression suddenly changed in the sky, and then he suddenly waved his sleeves and threw the dizzy Taoist Mosquito away.

Mother Lishan couldn't help but be surprised when she saw this, could this mosquito Taoist still hurt Zhen Yuanzi in his sleeve?

As soon as she thought about it, she flew up and came to Zhen Yuanzi.

Looking at Zhen Yuanzi's face that suddenly turned livid, Mother Lishan asked softly with concern: "Great Immortal, what's wrong?"

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and took a look at his sleeves to Mother Lishan.

Mother Lishan was stunned when she saw the hole on Zhen Yuanzi's sleeve that looked like stars all over the sky, and said in horror: "How could it be possible! It actually broke the universe in the sleeve?"

Although he didn't want to admit it, after hearing what Old Mother Lishan said, Zhen Yuanzi nodded gloomily and said: "This guy really shouldn't be underestimated. After it was put into the sleeve of the poor Taoist, he swallowed up the universe in the sleeve and broke it by force. The poor man has everything up his sleeve!"

As he spoke, Zhen Yuanzi shook the holes that were the size of sesame seeds, and then said fearfully: "Thankfully I didn't use the ground book to protect myself, otherwise if I were bitten by it, even if it was a ground book, it would definitely be damaged!" "

Old Mother Lishan nodded in agreement, then turned to look not far away, where Taoist Mosquito was flying towards them again, and she communicated with Zhen Yuanzi and said, "Fellow Taoist, could you please lead this guy into the formation I have arranged below?" Within the law! This formation is designed to imitate the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Although it cannot kill it, it can trap it for a moment or three!"

After Zhen Yuanzi heard this, he looked at the giant pit below, then nodded heavily and said in a deep voice: "Okay! Let's just kill this guy today!"

As he spoke, he waved his other intact sleeve and once again used the universe in his sleeve.

When the world turned sharply, Old Mother Lishan immediately fell to the ground and presided over the killing array!

Perhaps because he had escaped from the Universe in the Sleeves once before, Taoist Mosquito was so confident that when he saw the cuffs waving towards them as if they were covering the sky, he couldn't avoid them and ran headlong into them!

The reason is that Zhen Yuanzi knew in his heart that Master Mosquito could easily break his magical power. Therefore, the moment he put Master Mosquito into his sleeve, he used the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, and stepped on it from high in the air with one step. He got out of the killing array arranged on the ground, and then suddenly waved his sleeves and threw Taoist Mosquito who was trying to break through his magical power into the killing array.

"call out--"

The moment the sound of breaking through the air sounded, Old Mother Lishan's eyes lit up, and when she quickly made seals with her hands, she shouted loudly: "Array up!"

The moment the words fell, one could see that with her as the center, the four divine swords that had been arranged in the four directions of the southeast, northwest and east suddenly burst into green light, soared straight into the sky, gathered in the sky, and formed a simple and majestic huge sword. Shadow.

I saw two words vaguely engraved on the hilt of this long sword.

Zhu Xian——

Then, like rain, countless dense sword lights surged out from the tip of the 'Zhu Xian' sword, falling endlessly into the killing array with a radius of less than ten meters!

"Boom boom boom boom——"

After the sword light hit the ground, there was a rumbling sound, and green light exploded, covering the entire formation.

Outside the formation, Zhen Yuanzi subconsciously stroked his beard and smiled.

But soon, his faint smile stopped abruptly, and he looked down at his sleeves with a horrified expression.

At that moment, hundreds of black shadows the size of sesame seeds flew out of his sleeves like lightning, swarmed away in an instant, and forced their way into the formation ahead.

After seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly exclaimed.

"Fellow Taoist, be careful, Taoist Mosquito has transformed into thousands and rushed into the formation!"

Almost at the same time as his voice sounded, Old Mother Lishan's screams came from within the formation.

Li Qing, who was recovering his cultivation not far away, changed his expression after hearing this voice, and instantly shrank to a crawl and forced his way into the formation.

On the ruins of Yinshan Mountain, the faces of Jin Ling Shen Shen and San Xiao changed drastically at almost the same time, and they rushed towards the formation with anxious faces.

Outside the formation, Zhen Yuanzi looked at the formation with green light surging in front of him with a troubled expression, and then looked at the giant pit not far away.

He wanted to go in and save Old Mother Lishan, but if he entered the formation, there would be no one to protect Ancestor Hongyun who was taking away the body of Ancestor Styx. If the departed Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng returned suddenly, Hongyun The ancestor will surely perish, but he will be completely too late to rescue him.

At that moment, Zhen Yuanzi's expression darkened, and he secretly said: "As a quasi-sage, fellow Taoist Lishan, he will definitely be able to deal with Taoist Mosquito!"

After saying that, he immediately turned around and flew over the giant pothole.

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