Unify all heavens

Chapter 757 Lishan is seriously injured! (superior)

Both Zhen Yuanzi and Old Mother Lishan were severely exhausted in the battle with the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng.

Although they don't even have the slightest spiritual power in their bodies, with their quasi-sage cultivation, one or two Da Luo Jinxian will not be looked down upon by the two of them.


Daluo Jinxian is also divided into strong and weak!

As long as Taoist Mosquito becomes a Daluo Golden Immortal, even if he is just on the Daluo Road for the first time, he can still look down upon all the Daluo Golden Immortals in the world!

This is the power of the innate gods and demons!

Even Kong Xuan, who is known as the first person among the saints, did not have the courage to fight against the mosquito Taoist after seeing him in the same realm!

After all, the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, who used to be known as having unparalleled defense, could only hold on for a few breaths under the mouthparts of the Mosquito Taoist.

Therefore, when treating the Mosquito Taoist, Zhen Yuanzi and Lishan Mother, they both treat them as quasi-sages!

Even if

It is only the realm of Daluo Jinxian!

At this moment, the sea of ​​blood has become one small pool after another.

The Mosquito Taoist was also gradually approaching Li Qing as the area of ​​​​blood water narrowed.

At this time, the distance between him and Li Qing was less than ten feet!

Li Qing wanted to send the Netherworld Blood Coffin into the void, then hit Master Mosquito on the head with a stick, and then fled to the two quasi-sages Zhen Yuanzi and Lishan Mother.


He now has no spiritual power at all, relying solely on his strong body to support the blood coffin.

Under this situation, he couldn't even close the blood coffin again.

In desperation, Li Qing looked at Zhen Yuanzi and Mother Lishan.

Although among those present, the Golden Spirit Holy Mother and Sanxiao were intact, and their strength was still at its peak. But they are all Daluo Jinxian. If the Mosquito Taoist suddenly wakes up when they come to rescue him, the four of them will immediately follow in the footsteps of the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother.

Therefore, in this case, only Zhen Yuanzi, who is a quasi-sage, and Old Mother Lishan can compete with Mosquito Taoist!

Zhen Yuanzi's attention was always focused on the giant pit below. He didn't even dare to blink his eyelids. He was afraid that the ancient Buddha who had left the lamp would come back to kill him. Therefore, he did not see Li Qing's gaze. .

On the other hand, Old Mother Lishan, the moment she saw Li Qing's gaze, reminded Zhen Yuanzi: "Fellow Taoist, be careful, I will send the deputy leader of my religion away from here!"

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi nodded slightly and said, "Fellow Taoist, please be careful. After all, Taoist Mosquito is different from other Da Luo Jinxian!"

Mother Lishan nodded slowly and solemnly, then came to Li Qing's side with a cane.

Li Qing forced a smile at Old Mother Lishan and said weakly: "Senior sister, please help me send the blood coffin into the void!"

Mother Lishan nodded slightly when she heard this, then raised her hand and stamped her palm on the blood coffin, allowing Li Qing to escape.

Worried that Taoist Mosquito would wake up at any time, Li Qing carefully walked to the side of seven or eight small blood pools the moment he left the blood coffin, randomly found a blood pool, and began to absorb the extremely weak bad luck above.

After just three or five breaths, he felt that the spiritual power in his body had recovered by two levels, which showed how bad the blood sea was!

Normally, it would take half a day to restore two levels of strength, even in the place with the strongest Yin Qi in the Netherworld.

After feeling a little spiritual power in his body, Li Qing stopped recovering, hurriedly rushed to Lishan Old Mother, closed the blood coffin, and then sent it into the void with a palm.

At this point, Li Qing finally felt relieved.

But just as he cupped his hands to thank Old Mother Lishan, he saw Old Mother Lishan's face change drastically, and then she suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

The moment she finished speaking, Mother Lishan slapped Li Qing to the side. She then raised her crutch and pointed it at the mouthparts of the Mosquito Taoist who had come silently behind Li Qing at some point.


In just an instant, the crutch that had accompanied Old Mother Lishan for countless years was pierced by the mosquito Taoist's mouthparts, and more than half of it was directly absorbed.

At this time, Li Qing also reacted. He quickly raised his body, swung the Nether World Stick and hit the mosquito Taoist.

It’s just that Taoist Mosquito was extremely fast. When the wind of Li Qing’s stick sounded, it had already sucked away all the spiritual energy in Old Mother Lishan’s crutch, turned around suddenly, and swept at Old Mother Lishan with its three wings, forcing She retreated helplessly.

At the same time, it flew over the remaining small blood pools at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye, just like a dragonfly touching water. It only stayed on those blood pools for a moment, then sucked up the blood pools, and then quickly went to the next place.

After Li Qing's stick failed, he came to Old Mother Lishan and stood with the stick!

Mother Lishan narrowed her eyes subconsciously and said, "Junior brother, be careful, Taoist Mosquito is far more powerful than Daluo Jinxian!"

Her words were intended to remind Li Qing and persuade him to leave.

But after Li Qing heard the words, evil spirits suddenly surged in his eyes, and he sneered: "It doesn't matter, we can definitely kill Taoist Mosquito together! Take revenge for Senior Sister Guiling!"

Mother Lishan sighed after hearing this, and could only remind her in a low tone: "Then you should be careful. After all, your strength has not been restored yet!"

Li Qing nodded lightly and said: "Senior sister, don't worry, the zombies rely entirely on the body. Before, they only restored their spiritual power in order to send the blood coffin into the void. After all, this guy sucked away the twelfth-level spiritual platform of the Western Sect in one breath." Third grade, my blood coffin contains an endless sea of ​​blood. If he bites me and lets it suck away all the sea of ​​blood inside, we will all have to stay here today!"

Old Mother Lishan nodded when she heard this and said, "In that case, you can burn it with pure divine fire, and I will arrange the killing array!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words, then raised his body and flew in the air, pointing downwards at the mosquito Taoist who was staying on a small blood pool quietly sucking blood.

Suddenly, the flame pattern on his forehead lit up, and then a green light shot out from his forehead, like a laser, drawing a circle around the mosquito Taoist, trapping him in the center.

Then there was a "boom" sound, and green flames burst out, drying up the small piece of blood that the mosquito Taoist had not finished sucking.

Seeing that the last pool of blood was roasted away, the cold eyes of the mosquito Taoist fell on Li Qing in the sky instantly, and then the six wings vibrated together, instantly breaking through the trap formed by the super clear divine fire, and approaching Li Qing at lightning speed. green.

Li Qing, who was floating high in the air, immediately narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and then poured all the two layers of spiritual power in his body into the stick of the worldly ghosts in his hand, then raised the stick high and slammed it towards the mosquito Taoist!

Thinking of the extremely fast flying speed of Taoist Mosquito, Li Qing used the object control technique at the moment when Taoist Mosquito was about to approach him!

In an instant, Taoist Mosquito's figure slowed down!

Then, with a 'bang' sound, the stick in Li Qing's hand hit it viciously.

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