Unify all heavens

Chapter 748 Give me back my life!

In recent days, the earth has been shrouded in dark clouds, and every night, you can hear the sounds of ghosts crying and gods howling. There are rumors among the people that during the "Xuanwumen Incident" in the past, Li Shimin provoked the wrath of heaven by killing his brother and imprisoning his father. Just now, there were cries of ghosts and howls among the people every night.

Li Shimin was even more furious about this and set up a "curfew". Anyone who went out at night would be locked in prison.

After half a month of this, the voices of the people who were causing trouble to Chao Gang gradually disappeared.

But even so, Li Shimin's sleep quality was always very poor during this period.

No matter day or night, as long as he closes his eyes, he will see his former brother with disheveled hair and blood coming to him to lock his life, often screaming: "Give me back my life~Give me my life!"

In desperation, Li Shimin ordered the powerful military general in the court to guard the door for him all night, and finally slept peacefully for a few days.

After he was full of energy, he led the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to perform sacrifices to heaven in Yuanqiu, and attached an inscription to heaven.

After he fell asleep that night, a golden-armored god appeared in his dream, saluted him, and said: "Your Majesty, the Supreme Being of Haotian Golden Tower has read the memorial table for today's sacrifice to heaven, and ordered us to wait for the fourth-level meritorious service. Waiting by His Majesty's side day and night to discipline the evil spirits so they don't dare to approach. At the same time, divine soldiers and generals have been sent to the lower realms to capture the evil spirits and restore peace to the world!"

When Li Shimin slept for the next few days, there were no evil spirits threatening his life.

This matter will not be mentioned here.

It only said that after the Ten Palaces of Yama returned to the underworld, they ordered the ten great Yin commanders to lead the underworld's underworld messengers to capture the evil ghosts and return to the underworld.

As for the battle on the Netherworld Blood Sea, they didn't dare to get close. The Randen Ancient Buddha and the Styx Ancestor were already angry. They were worried about being accidentally injured, so they moved to another place, started working again, and asked the heaven for help. He mastered the work of heaven and rebuilt the eighteen netherworlds.

Above the surging sea of ​​blood, Ancestor Styx was in ragged clothes and disheveled hair, panting like an ox as he looked at the Deng Deng Ancient Buddha not far away.

In his hands, the brilliance of Yuantu and Abi's swords diminished, and they no longer had the same glow as before.

The Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng has also sat back on the lotus platform at this moment, the palm holding the glazed lamp is trembling slightly, and his eyes are half-squinted as he looks at Ancestor Minghe.

Above their heads, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva are trying their best to resist the attack of the Antarctic Immortal.

I recall that once upon a time, the Antarctic Immortal was the great disciple of the Chan Sect. His cultivation level was invincible to all gods and ghosts, and he was not much different from Taoist Master Duobao of the Jie Sect.

And in these years, he was awarded the title of 'Antarctic Immortal Emperor', and his cultivation strength has become the same as that of the leader.

Even if he fights the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng today, he can still get a fifty-fifty score.

Although Manjusri Samantabhadra is the second of the four great Bodhisattvas of Lingshan, at the moment, he is only struggling under the hands of the Antarctic Immortal.

Therefore, compared with the calm and calm appearance of the Antarctic Immortal and Samantabhadra Manjushri, who are full of kindness and smiles, the two Bodhisattvas have begun to look downcast. The cassocks all turned into long strips and hung on them.

In the ruins of Yinshan Mountain, Li Qing stared at the battle situation above the sea of ​​blood, not daring to relax at all.

When the golden light shone above the blood sea, he saw the Styx Ancestor's face suddenly turned pale under the attack of the Lantern Ancient Buddha.

Li Qing's face also changed slightly at this moment, and he said to himself immediately: "Ancestor Minghe seems a little unable to support himself. If he falls in the hands of Ran Deng, Taoist Mosquito hidden in this sea of ​​blood will definitely be captured by them. Let’s go!”

As soon as he thought of this, Li Qing's eyes turned cold and he thought to himself: "It would be okay for Yuan Tu and A Bi, the ancestors of Minghe, to fall in Lingshan, but they can't let this mosquito Taoist go!"

When he thought of this, he immediately turned around and left, even using his magical power to shrink from the ground to an inch to leave the underworld and rush to Lishan Mountain.

Now, although Old Mother Lishan has become the Mother of Lishan Buddha in Lingshan, she still wants to intercept the religion. Li Qing decided to ask Old Mother Lishan to go to the underworld to stop the Randen Ancient Buddha from suppressing the Ancestor Styx and buy time for him.

Of course, it would still be a bit uncertain if Old Mother Lishan were to stop it.

Therefore, on the way to Lishan Mountain, Li Qing had already relied on the Dao Seal on his body to call for the Holy Mother of Jin Ling and the Empress of the Three Heavens, in the name of the deputy leader, and ordered them to rush to Lishan Mountain immediately.

The underworld is very far away from Lishan Mountain, so before Li Qing could return to Lishan Mountain, the Holy Mother of Jin Ling and the Empress of Sanxiao had already arrived at Lishan Mountain before him.

In Lishan Mountain, Old Mother Lishan was reciting the Huangting Sutra with her eyes closed in the palace.

However, just as she was reciting to the point of forgetfulness, Our Lady of Golden Spirit had already entered the temple together with Empress Sanxiao.

After noticing that they had entered the palace, Old Mother Lishan immediately opened her eyes and looked at the four of them in surprise.

Before she could speak, the impatient Golden Spirit Mother had already asked: "Senior sister, where is our deputy leader?"

Mother Lishan was even more surprised when she heard this and said, "He has not come back from going to the underworld. Why is Junior Sister looking for him?"

The Holy Mother Jin Ling sighed softly and said with a depressed face: "I was sent down to capture the evil ghost who broke into the world from hell under the order of the Jade Emperor, but he called me with the Tao seal I left on him that day, and In the name of the deputy leader, I am ordered to come to Lishan quickly!" After saying that, she spread her hands helplessly and said: "So, I can only put aside what I am doing and come here!"

Mother Lishan frowned when she heard this, and then looked at Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao.

The three of them smiled helplessly, and then Yunxiao Qingluan said a little shyly: "Like Senior Sister Jin Ling, we were also summoned here by the deputy leader!"

Qiongxiao Honghu, who has a hotter temper than the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, said viciously when Yunxiao finished speaking: "If he doesn't explain the reason to us today, even if he becomes the deputy leader of our religion, I will let him You know how to respect senior sister!"

When Qiong Xiao finished her words, Bi Xiao tugged on her sleeve and reminded: "Sister, please keep your voice down, don't let the disciples hear it, he has become the deputy leader after all!"

Qiong Xiao immediately glared and raised her voice deliberately: "What's wrong with the deputy leader? In terms of seniority, he is still my junior brother. It is natural for a senior sister to train a junior brother!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit immediately covered her forehead.

Mother Lishan also had her usual kind smile on her face. She looked behind Sanxiao and said, "Junior brother, you seem to be in trouble!"

Qiong Xiao was startled when he heard this and looked back hurriedly.

But she saw that Li Qing had appeared behind her at some point and was looking at her strangely.

Qiong Xiao's face immediately became awkward, and she lowered her eyebrows and said in a low voice: "Junior brother."

Upon seeing this, Li Qing raised his hand to return the salute, and said respectfully to everyone present: "This matter is indeed a bit anxious. If I have offended a few senior sisters, I hope that the senior sisters will forgive me!"

Mother Lishan nodded slowly and said with a smile: "We are all members of our own family, so why should we forgive our sins? But, junior brother, are you in trouble when you call them here so anxiously?"

Li Qing nodded immediately and told Old Mother Lishan everything he saw and heard in the Netherworld Blood Sea.

When he finished speaking, he added: "The fall of Styx has nothing to do with us. It's just that Taoist Mosquito's magical power, but I have great use for it. But my strength is not enough, so I can only bother all the senior sisters to go to the Netherworld to sit down for me!"

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