Unify all heavens

Chapter 749 Convince Zhen Yuanzi!

When Li Qing finished speaking, Mother Lishan stood up slowly and said with a smile: "Then I will follow my junior brother's advice and go to the underworld!" After saying that, she looked at the Golden Spirit Mother and Sanxiao.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit took the lead and said with a smile: "I have gone to the world to catch evil ghosts, and I have already gone to the gods and gods. There is no one less than me, so I also went to the Netherworld for a walk. I have heard that the ancestors of the Styx are terrifying, so I just happened to meet them this time. !”

When she finished speaking, Sanxiao all nodded, including Qiongxiao, who had a bad temper before.

Li Qing was overjoyed when he saw this, and immediately bowed down and said, "Thank you so much, senior sisters!"

Old Mother Lishan smiled, looked at Jinling Holy Mother and Sanxiao, and said, "It's okay, I'll set off immediately!"

After that, they said goodbye to Li Qing, and agreed to leave Lishan and go to the underworld.

After they left, Li Qing did not stay in Lishan for long and flew towards Wuzhuang Temple.

In his plan, Old Mother Lishan and the others were just taking the lead and standing in for him.

Mother Lishan is a quasi-sage, and Mother Jinling and Sanxiao are both Daluo Jinxian because they are on the list of gods. If they reach the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood, Ancient Buddha Randen and Patriarch Styx will be tied up and dare not continue to fight. Went down.

After all, a quasi-sage and several Da Luo Jinxian were waiting behind them. How dare they continue to fight? It would be embarrassing if they just made wedding clothes for others.

You must know that in order to suppress the Ancestor Styx, the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng even destroyed eighteen nether hells, and he had to bear an unknown amount of karma.

If at this time, Patriarch Styx was taken advantage of by Old Mother Lishan and the others, he would be in big trouble.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Li Qing's face.

If the next plan succeeds, Lingshan will definitely suffer a big loss!

As soon as he thought about this, he looked towards the Wuzhuang Temple in the distance.

In Wuzhuang Temple, because he was in a good mood recently, Zhen Yuanzi began to give lectures to his disciples today to explain their doubts.

"Lao Jun lived leisurely and wrote seven words, explaining the body shape and the gods. There is the Yellow Court above and Guanyuan below. Behind it is the Ming Gate in front of Youque. Breathing into the Dantian, the clear water of the Jade Pond fills the spiritual roots. If you can cultivate it, you can live forever. The people in the Yellow Courtyard are dressed in red clothes. Guan Yuan's hair is covered with fur, and the knight in Youque is towering. The essence in the Dantian is weak, and the clear water of the Jade Pond is fertilized. The spiritual roots are strong and unfading, and there are soldiers in the middle pond wearing red clothes. Three inches of gods are horizontally lower. The residence is separated from the outside and is tightly closed. The sacred house should be repaired and cured, and the Xuanfu trachea and fertilization house. The son and the essence are anxious to control themselves. There are people in the house who often wear crimson clothes. If the son can see it, he will not be sick. He will set a long ruler horizontally to approximate it. Go up. If you can keep it safe, you can pay for yourself by breathing in the house."

With a soothing look on his face, Zhen Yuanzi sat cross-legged on a futon outside the hall, reciting the Huang Ting Sutra word by word.

After he finished reading a volume, many disciples below also chanted it again in unison.

Just as he listened, Zhen Yuanzi's expression became grim, and then he opened his eyes and counted with his fingers.

After a few breaths, he stood up angrily, waved his sleeves and said coldly: "That's all for today's recitation, and you can go away later!"

After that, he turned around and returned to the palace.

Qingfeng Mingyue looked at each other and followed Zhen Yuanzi into the palace.

After the two of them entered the palace, Zhen Yuanzi, who had his back turned to them, said, "Go to the backyard and call Hongyun here! Tell me I'll be waiting in the palace!"


Qingfeng Mingyue lowered her eyebrows and nodded, then slowly left.

After they left, Zhen Yuanzi sneered and said, "Why, you still want me to invite you out?"

When his voice fell, Li Qing gradually appeared at the entrance of the hall.

"Greetings to the teacher. I will meet the teacher in some time. I hope the teacher will forgive me!"

As soon as Li Qing revealed his figure, he bowed respectfully to Zhen Yuanzi.


Zhen Yuanzi waved his sleeves and said in a cold voice: "If you don't meet me, I'll just have some time to be clean!" When he finished speaking, he turned around and looked at Li Qing. Seeing that Li Qing's cultivation had not only returned to its former state, After making further progress, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes. But his face was still stern, and he said coldly: "Tell me, what trouble did you cause for this evil deed?"

Li Qing had a stern look on his face, cupping his hands and saying, "I just came to see the teacher today, and I didn't cause any trouble!"


Zhen Yuanzi nodded slowly, his face softened a little, but his voice was still cold, and he squinted his eyes and said: "Then you have seen it and paid your respects, then leave here!"

After Li Qing heard this, he bit the bullet and said: "Disciple has not seen Patriarch Hongyun for some time. Please allow me to pay homage to Patriarch Hongyun and then leave!"

Zhen Yuanzi did not speak anymore, but turned around, with his back to Li Qing, and sat on the futon in front of the incense table, closing his eyes and reciting sutras.

Li Qing raised his head, glanced at Zhen Yuanzi's back, and shook his head helplessly.

It seemed that he could only ask Patriarch Hongyun to ask for help from Zhen Yuanzi.

If Ancestor Hongyun comes forward, Zhen Yuanzi will definitely not refuse.

Just as he was thinking about this, he heard a voice full of laughter coming from outside the door.

"Listen to those two little babies in Qingfeng Mingyue, are you looking for me?"

As the voice sounded, Li Qing turned around quickly, and then saw Patriarch Hongyun in a bright red robe walking in with a smile.

When Patriarch Hongyun saw that Li Qing was also in the hall, his smile became even brighter. He immediately walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, just recover your cultivation. You kid was so bad a few days ago." You scared me so much that my old bones were separated from your body. Tsk, tsk, if Zhen Yuanzi hadn’t put you in that coffin.”

"Cough cough cough!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard Zhen Yuanzi at the end of the hall, his back to them, coughing hard several times.

Ancestor Hongyun immediately raised his eyebrows and said angrily: "You eat ginseng fruit every day, soak it in Baimu Demon Lord's wine and drink it, and you even made your quasi-sage sick from drinking it!"

When he finished speaking, Zhen Yuanzi choked on his breath and coughed violently with his shoulders shaking.

Ancestor Hongyun immediately laughed, patted Li Qing on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Let's ignore him. You can follow me to the backyard to chat. I haven't seen you for a few days, and you didn't even say you were here to visit me!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked out of the hall, saying as he walked: "Don't feel any pressure in your heart. Although the Taoist ancestor once said that you can't realize Daluo in this world, you can collect more treasures to enhance your cultivation. When you leave here, Take it later. I have collected more than twenty ginseng fruits here. You can collect them later and put them in the coffin! A few days ago, the Queen Mother invited Zhen Yuanzi to preach in heaven. When he came back, he gave me some flat peaches. You Bring it with you too!”

When Patriarch Hongyun finished speaking, he had already taken Li Qing to the backyard of Wuzhuangguan, where the ginseng fruit trees were planted.

After Hongyun Patriarch walked into the backyard, he waved his sleeves and transformed into two futons and a square table. He said with a happy smile: "Come on, come on, sit down and talk to me about what happened these days." What a disaster!"

Li Qing: "."

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