Unify all heavens

Chapter 747 The evil ghost comes out of the cage!

Heavenly Court, in the Tongming Palace.

The Jade Emperor was frowning and listening to the report of the clairvoyant eyes and the gentle ears.

"The Supreme Being of the Haotian Golden Tower is above, and I was ordered to watch the heaven and the earth. Just then I was surprised to see the ancient Buddha Lord Ran Deng and the four great Bodhisattvas, together with the boundless Bodhisattva, the Buddha, and the Holy One, leaving the Lingshan Mountain and heading to the underworld!"

Because they were in the Tongming Hall and all the immortals were there, the performance of the two of them was very formal.

After the long case, when the Jade Emperor heard what the Clairvoyant and the Shunfeng Er reported, he frowned and said, "It is said that the Buddha and the Elder from the West are here!"

Upon hearing this, Taibai Jinxing from the Immortal Class below walked out of the Immortal Class and bowed in obeisance, saying, "I obey your decree!"

After saying that, he bowed to the Jade Emperor again and then left the Tongming Hall.

Not long after Taibai Jinxing left, King Yama of the Tenth Hall came outside the Tongming Hall.

When the immortal god on duty saw this, he asked about the reason. His expression changed slightly, and he turned around and hurriedly entered the hall. He stopped in the center of the hall, bowed to the Jade Emperor and said, "I beg the Supreme Being of the Golden Tower of Haotian, and the ten Yins of the Netherworld." The emperor asks for an audience!"

The Jade Emperor was startled when he heard this, nodded and said: "Pass it!"

After saying this, the immortal god on duty bowed and left.

After a while, Yama from the Tenth Hall walked into the hall with a face as heavy as water, bowed to the Jade Emperor, and handed the memorial to the Rumored Jade Girl.

The jade girl took the watch and left, bowing and placing it on the long table.

The Jade Emperor first glanced at the ugly-looking Tenth Palace Yama below, and then opened the memorial table.

At this moment, I saw only the note saying:

"The realm of the netherworld is the underworld of the earth. There are gods in the sky and ghosts on the earth, and the yin and yang wheel rotates; birds are born and animals die, and the male and female are repeated. The transformation of life and transformation, the pregnancy of a woman into a man, this natural number cannot be changed. Nowadays, the ancient Buddha of the Western Burning Deng, in collaboration with the sacred Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the West, breaks into the Netherworld and fights with the leader of the Netherworld Blood Sea and the Styx River, causing the Yinshan Mountain to collapse, eighteen hells of the Netherworld to be reduced to ruins, and hundreds of millions of evil ghosts to come out of their cages. Thousands of wounded ghost soldiers, wailing and breaking out of the gate of hell, went to the human world! The ten kings showed their appearance and blasphemed the power of heaven. Fuqi dispatched the magic soldiers to subdue the hundreds of millions of evil ghosts in the world, order the yin and yang, and forever bring peace to the underworld and the human world. I would like to memorialize. !”

After the Jade Emperor finished reading, his face darkened and he said: "As soon as the ten underworld kings return to the underworld, I will send the gods to capture the evil spirits from the lower realms."

Yama of the Tenth Hall immediately paused and left.

After they left, the Jade Emperor looked around at the Immortal Class below and said in a deep voice: "Ten kings of the underworld are reporting, the ancient Buddha Dao Ran Deng, in collaboration with the four great Bodhisattvas, the sacred Boundless Buddha Bodhisattva, broke into the underworld without permission, and interacted with the leader of the Netherworld Blood Sea. The war caused the collapse of Yinshan Mountain, eighteen netherworld hells were turned into ruins, and hundreds of millions of evil ghosts broke out of the underworld and went to the human world! With the four heavenly kings, in collaboration with King Li and Prince Nezha, the twenty-eight constellations and one hundred and eight earth evil spirits Tiangang, Jiuyao Star Official, Twelve Yuan Chen, Five Directions Revealed, Four Levels of Merit, East and West Stars, North and South Gods, Five Mountains and Four Mountains, and all the stars in the sky will immediately descend to the world to eliminate evil ghosts in the world and bring peace to the underworld and the world forever!"

When the Jade Emperor finished speaking, hundreds of immortals immediately walked out of the immortal class below, bowed to the Jade Emperor, received the order, and then left.

At this moment, the Immortal Guard on duty entered the hall to report, "Your Majesty, the Western Buddha and Elder have arrived outside the hall!"

The Jade Emperor sneered and said: "He came just in time, let him enter the palace immediately!"


The immortal class on duty bowed and bowed before leaving.

But at this moment, in the Netherworld.

Li Qing was suspended in the air, secretly sighing at the power of the quasi-sage.

He has also heard the name of Yinshan Mountain.

As the saying goes, there are gods in the sky and ghosts on the earth. Yin and Yang coexist in cycles, and everything is divided into yin and yang.

In the human world, the mountains are yang and support the sky, and the yin mountains in the underworld are yin and support the underworld!

The Yin Mountain in the underworld is the same as the Buzhou Mountain in the past, regardless of its height or its magic.

After Buzhou Mountain was collapsed by the Water God Gonggong, some gods said that this Yin Mountain in the underworld would also collapse soon.

As a result, today, this Yinshan Mountain really collapsed.

Moreover, he was knocked down by a few palms from the ancient burning lamp Buddha.

Thinking of this in his mind, Li Qing glanced at the ancient Buddha of Randen who was fighting with Ancestor Minghe, and thought to himself: "Even if Ancient Buddha Randeng caused the death of Ancestor Minghe today, the Jade Emperor will definitely take heavy responsibility from him. , the guilt of destroying Yinshan is enough to make him reincarnate for hundreds of lives!"

However, Li Qing was also a little strange.

It stands to reason that Patriarch Styx has protected Master Mosquito for many years. Now he is in a bitter battle. Master Mosquito should come out to help him, but until now, the mysterious Taoist Mosquito has not yet appeared.

You know, the ancestor of Styx is already looking exhausted at this moment.

Although the same is true for the Lantern Ancient Buddha, after all, there are four great Bodhisattvas and the Infinite Buddha Bodhisattva watching from the sidelines.

But Ancestor Styx had no help except Taoist Mosquito.

The Asura clan in the blood sea has been wiped out at this moment, and they are nurturing their injuries in the 90,000-mile sea of ​​blood, waiting to be conceived again.

But even if they are all conceived again, they are all in an extremely weak state. Their strength may decline, so how can they help the ancestor of Styx?

As soon as he thought about this, Li Qing frowned subconsciously and secretly wondered: "Could it be that Patriarch Styx has a back-up plan?"

Just when he thought of this, the sky was above the center of the blood sea.

Ancestor Styx looked gloomy, gritted his teeth and held two swords to block the gray ghostly ghost fire in the glazed lamp, and shouted with difficulty: "Why don't you come out to help me???"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng looked towards the void above his head with his eyes shining brightly.

Suddenly, an old immortal with a bald forehead, white beard and hair, and a ruddy face, holding a dragon-headed walking stick, slowly appeared in the void.

After seeing him, Ran Deng Ancient Buddha's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Antarctica! How dare you"

Before he finished speaking, the Antarctic Immortal in the void stepped out of the air step by step. Then with a kind smile on his face, he held the disciple ceremony to the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng and said: "If you have gained the Tao, there will be many helpers. If you have lost the Tao, there will be few. The teacher used to betray the teachings. When you go to the Western Paradise Mountain, you should think of today!"

In the past, when Randen Ancient Buddha was still a Taoist monk, he was the deputy leader of the Chanjiao. When the saint Yuanshi Tianzun was not around, he was the teacher of all the immortals and gave sermons to explain the doubts of the Chanjiao immortals.

Therefore, he is also the teacher of all immortals.

At this moment, after hearing what the Antarctic Immortal had said, the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng gritted his teeth and said in a cold voice: "Samantabhadra, Manjushri, why don't you go ask your former brothers for advice on the great principles of Taoism and Dharma!"

Behind him, Manjushri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva heard the words and flew towards the Antarctic Immortal with a faint smile on their faces.

Before the two of them got close to the Antarctic Immortal, they had already thrown out their magic weapons and said with a loud smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, please give me some advice, senior brother!"

The Antarctic Immortal had a kind smile on his face, holding a staff in one hand and stroking his beard with the other. He stood in the air and nodded with a smile, saying: "It's easy to talk! Let's see if you two can make any progress after going to Lingshan!"

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