Unify all heavens

Chapter 746 A bloody battle! (Down)


Before the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng arrived, the vast Buddha's light was already overwhelmingly pressing down on the sky and the earth, suppressing all the Asura clansmen above the blood sea. They fell into the blood sea like dumplings.

The power of the quasi-sage is terrifying!

But at this moment, the Buddha's light spread to King Asura in the center of the sea of ​​blood, but it could no longer get any closer.

I saw the three heads of King Asura grinning sneer. Each of the eight arms behind him held a magic weapon. Except for the two swords Yuantu and Abi given by the ancestor of Styx, the other magic weapons were conceived in the sea of ​​blood. Quasi-sage If you touch it, your soul will be polluted!

At this moment, the two swords blocking the Buddha's light from spreading forward are Yuantu and Abi.

In mid-air, the ancient Buddha Ran Deng saw this and shouted coldly: "Such a magic weapon is too unlucky, we should go to Lingshan to suppress it!"

After saying that, he suddenly flashed forward and came to King Asura, hitting him on the head with his palm.

Before his palm fell, King Asura was stunned by the vast power.

At the same time, the other palm of the Randen Ancient Buddha quickly grabbed the sword and left!

"Randeng, how dare you!!!"

Just when the palms of the Randen Ancient Buddha were about to touch the two swords of Yuantu and Abi, the furious voice of Patriarch Minghe was heard next to his ears.

Lord Ran Deng Buddha stepped back with a smile and said: "Amitabha, this old monk has been waiting for my fellow Taoist for a long time!"

When he finished speaking, he looked towards the Bloody Palace.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that the bloody palace in the distance seemed to be distorted.

At this moment, the strange blood-colored robe of Ancestor Styx suddenly appeared beside him. The ancient Buddha of Ran Deng turned around in surprise and slapped him away without hesitation.

His palm was so powerful that the figure of Patriarch Styx was instantly wiped out.


The Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng was startled for a moment, then his expression changed drastically and he exclaimed: "Not good!"

At the same time as he reacted, behind him, the figure of Patriarch Styx appeared out of thin air, holding two swords, Yuan Tu and A Bi, and struck at him.

The power of Yuantu and Abi's swords in the hands of Ancestor Minghe is simply incomparable to that in the hands of King Asura. The bad luck floating in the air seems to have stopped at this moment, and the sea of ​​blood below is also churning. Streams of blood-colored threads twisted and rose into the air, entangling the two swords of Yuantu and Abi in an instant.

Before the sword fell, there was a sharp sword energy splashing around the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng.

The ancient Buddha Ran Deng felt awe-inspiring in his heart, and hurriedly recited the mantra, pouring his vast cultivation into his hands, making them shine with golden light. Then, one palm after another, he struck at the flying sword energy without stopping.

For a moment, dense golden handprints appeared above the blood sea, and they scattered and attacked with shocking power.

When the rumbling sound reached the ears of Ran Deng Gu Fo, who was anxiously attacking the sword energy, he was suddenly startled and suddenly stopped and looked around.

But he saw that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas behind him all looked very dull.

Even Asura, who was rising into the sky from the sea of ​​blood, was like this.

In an instant, the face of Randen Ancient Buddha became extremely ugly.

I saw him clasping his hands together and shouting through gritted teeth: "Ong (ōng) ma (nī) bēi (mēi) hum (hōng), break!"

Having said that, my body is filled with golden light!

Under the golden light, everything began to distort.

After a few breaths, the world in Ran Deng Gu Fo's ears began to become noisy. The wailing sounds of billions of evil ghosts were mixed with the wanton laughter of the Asura clan. The noise only made his face look a little ugly.

He looked around and saw that he was facing the Yin Mountain, the highest mountain in the underworld.

At this moment, Yinshan Mountain is riddled with holes and has become a ruin.

Black smoke curled into the sky, and thick dust fell to the ground.

In the distance, all eighteen levels of hell collapsed!

The entire underworld has become surrounded by ghosts, and the yin energy is soaring to the sky!

In mid-air, densely packed endless evil ghosts laughed wantonly and flew towards the gate of hell!

On the ground, countless villains are hunting with sullen faces while carrying soul-binding chains!

I saw numerous ghosts and shadows, the underworld was in chaos, and Yama of the Tenth Palace looked at all this with a pale face, his lips trembling non-stop.

When the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng saw this, his face suddenly turned livid, and he suddenly turned back to look at the bloody palace in the distance.

But he saw Ancestor Styx, who was wearing a bloody robe, looking up and laughing.

When the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng saw this, he began to gnash his teeth!

To think that he, the majestic ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas and one of the few quasi-sage powers in the world, would actually fall into the illusion arranged by the ancestor of Styx without realizing it, and instead turn the eighteen levels of hell into ruins!

At this time, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva flew to the side of the ancient Buddha Randen with a sad look on his face, and said in a low voice: "Ancient Buddha, the hell has collapsed, and the Jade Emperor will definitely punish him. Let's just take action together to capture this guy from Styx!"

After hearing the words, Ran Deng Ancient Buddha took a deep breath, suppressed the raging anger in his heart, put his hands together and said, "It's just as you said!"

After he finished speaking, he shook his head with a sad look on his face and sighed: "That's good, that's good. The old monk will shoulder the blame for today's crime! Don't hold back any of your hands!"

When he finished speaking, he sullenly chanted sutras with his eyes closed.

"Mohe, Mu Na Luo, Mani, Bo Na Mo, Ruvuluo"

In the verses of the Great Light Mantra, the light of the Buddha rose sharply behind the head of the Ancient Buddha. Then a glazed palace lantern gradually appeared, and then separated from the Buddha's light and floated in front of the Ancient Buddha.

The Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng also opened his eyes at this moment, held the glazed lamp in his hand, looked at Ancestor Styx with a gloomy expression, gritted his teeth and said: "Please enjoy the lantern, Lord Styx!"

After saying that, he threw the glass lamp towards the ancestor of Styx in the distance.

In front of the bloody palace, the laughing face of Patriarch Styx was instantly hard to look at. He said hatefully every word: "Glass lamp?"

After saying that, his figure suddenly disappeared from the palace and appeared next to King Asura in the center of the sea of ​​blood. Without even seeing him move, the two swords Yuantu and Abi turned into drops of blood from King Asura's hands. Fall into the sea of ​​blood. Then two pillars of blood were seen spurting out from the surging sea of ​​blood, arriving in front of Ancestor Styx.

Ancestor Styx reached forward with his hands and pulled out two long swords from the blood pillar.

This time, the appearance of the two long swords was completely different from before.

Yuantu is bone white, with a green light on the edge of the sword, while Ah Bi is blood red, and there is Yun Guang flowing on the sword. It looks like a rare treasure.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Ancestor Styx grinned and said something to the two swords in his hands. Then he raised his head and looked at the glazed lamp that was slowly flying towards him. Unexpectedly, it had transformed into the same size as his bloody palace. He smiled at the ancient Buddha Ran Deng and said, "Randeng, I have heard about your companion spirit treasure." It is very magical, today I will try it with Yuantu Abi to see whether it is your glazed palace lantern that is magical, or my swords that are sharper!"

After that, he flew towards the lantern.

And at this moment, His Majesty the Yin Division and the Yamas of the Tenth Palace stood in a circle, discussing with ugly faces, they all went to heaven to report what happened in the Netherworld.

The eighteen levels of hell collapsed and hundreds of millions of evil ghosts came out of their cages. No one can suppress this matter!

If these billions of evil ghosts break into the human world and cause devastation to all living beings, all the ten Yamas of the Ten Palaces will have to go to the Immortal Slaying Platform and taste the sharpness of the Immortal Slaying Sword one by one!

After thinking about the importance of this matter, King Yama said with a sinking face: "Everyone, don't argue anymore. I will report this matter to heaven together!"

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