Unify all heavens

Chapter 742 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

After Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saw Listening disappear, the sad look on his face slowly dissipated. In a blink of an eye, he regained his previous calmness and continued to recite sutras with his eyes closed.

"Om, ho ho, vasmayya, swaha."

He had just finished reciting a sentence when he noticed a terrifying stream of light that made hundreds of millions of ghosts and monsters howl in unison, flying over the underworld of the underworld. After circling for a week over the Yin Mountain, it flew towards the sea of ​​blood.

Seeing that this stream of light did not come to him, a flash of surprise flashed across Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's face.

He originally thought that the murderous Demon-Suppressing Lord was here to cause trouble for Di Ting, so he frightened Di Ting away to avoid any disputes.

But he didn't expect that the target of this Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord would be the Asura clan of the Blood Sea.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva subconsciously shook his head and smiled, and continued to recite the sutra.

Since I'm not here to listen, it has nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, he closed his eyes and started another round of chanting sutras and chanting Buddha's name.

At this moment, Li Qing has arrived above the blood sea.

He slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath of the bloody smell below, then let out a long breath, and then opened his eyes to look at the screaming Asuras below.

I saw that their female tribesmen are enchanting and graceful, and they are the best in the world!

The male tribesmen have three sides and eight arms, and their faces are all as ugly as demons, as if they have been burned by fire. The upper body exposed above the water is completely naked, and is tattooed with strange black patterns, making it look weird and fierce.

When Li Qing looked at these Asuras, they all looked up at Li Qing.

The male Asura tribe had a fierce look, screaming at Li Qing, and his eight thick arms kept slapping the sea of ​​​​blood, causing blood to splash everywhere. The female clansman had a seductive look on her face, twisting her waist from time to time and making blood-spraying sounds from her mouth.

After Li Qing glanced at them lightly, he secretly became vigilant. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the strange dark red palace located far away in the sea of ​​​​blood, and then took off to fly away.

When the Asuras in the sea of ​​blood saw that Li Qing's goal was actually the palace, their expressions changed. The men grabbed the blood and formed spears, and threw them at Li Qing fiercely, while the women hurled them at Li Qing from the sea of ​​blood. He grabbed a bunch of whips and hit Li Qing with a 'snap' sound!

But their speed was too slow. Every time they attacked, Li Qing had already flown out of their attack range.

Then I saw Li Qing flying over the blood sea, and hundreds of Asura tribesmen running and jumping on the blood sea to catch up.

In this sea of ​​blood, the Asura clan is so densely packed that there are hiding places everywhere.

After the Asura tribe in other areas heard the shouts of the tribesmen chasing Li Qing, they emerged from the bloody sea one by one and stopped Li Qing with spears or whips.

Li Qing dodged and dodged a spear that was shot at his abdomen. Then he looked at the bloody palace which was still very far away, and thought to himself: "Always avoiding like this is not an option. It's better to just kill Mr. Styx directly." Zu called out and inquired about the whereabouts of Taoist Mosquito!"

Thinking of this, he simply stopped avoiding the attacks from the Asura tribe below and flew higher.

Then he stood in the void and shouted loudly in the direction of the Blood Palace.

"Disciples of Sage Shangqing come to ask for an audience with the ancestor of the Netherworld Blood Sea Styx River!"

The next moment his voice resounded over the blood sea, the blood sea below was surging, big waves were rolling, and the entire blood sea was boiling at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, streams of blood were seen rising from the sea of ​​blood, shooting straight into the sky, and converging into a huge and old face. And at the edge of the human face, there are densely entangled blood threads, like spider threads floating in the wind, rippling slightly in the dark sky.

This kind of magical power shocked Li Qing. As far as he knew, even Mother Lishan, who had the highest level of cultivation among the disciples of Jie Jiao, was not so powerful!

"This Ancestor of Styx really deserves his reputation!"

When this thought flashed through his mind, Li Qing's eyes fell on that huge old face.

He slowly opened his eyes, which were white, but his eyes looked like they had experienced many vicissitudes of life, which made Li Qing feel like he had been seen through in an instant.

Under this creepy feeling, Li Qing subconsciously tensed up his body and pursed his lips tightly.

He actually became a little nervous.

The power that Ancestor Styx displayed at this moment made him couldn't help but think of the Zombie God who was once known as the false saint.

Although the Zombie God is a false saint, his aura is not even one ten thousandth of that of the Styx Ancestor.

If he meets the Ancestor of Styx, he may die in an instant

Just when Li Qing was thinking of this, the head of Patriarch Styx, which covered half of the black sky, lowered at an infinitely slow speed. A pair of white eyes looked at him plainly, then his lips opened slightly and he said lightly: "You Are you a disciple of the Sage Shangqing? Or a disciple of the Jie Jiao?"

Li Qing's eyes narrowed when he heard this, and he suddenly realized something in his heart.

If he had just joined the Jie Cult and not been accepted as a disciple by the Tongtian Cult Master, he might have fallen in the next moment.

As soon as he thought of this, he took a deep breath, bowed in mid-air and said, "This junior is a close disciple of Sage Shangqing!"

"A closed disciple of the saint? Then it's not easy to kill him without permission."

Patriarch Styx's lips moved slightly, and after muttering to himself, his eyes half-closed, and he said in a deep voice: "I have no friendship with Sage Shangqing, what are you doing here?"

Li Qing pursed his lips and said hesitantly: "This junior is here under the orders of the master to ask the senior about the whereabouts of Taoist Mosquito!"


The Ancestor of Styx raised his head and laughed as soon as he heard the words. When the laughter dispersed the black fog in the sky, a hurricane also blew towards Li Qing.

Although he tried his best to block it, he was still swept out of the sea of ​​blood by the hurricane.

As he was flying upside down, another loud laughter sounded directly in his mind.

"For Tongtian's sake, I'll spare you once! Get out!"

When the sound disappeared, Li Qing discovered with horror that he had been swept out of the underworld by the previous hurricane and returned to the human world.

Li Qing looked around and found that he was already in Hezhou, Xiniu, and this place was very close to Cuiyun Mountain.

His pupils shrank and he was suddenly shocked. He couldn't help but secretly said: "This Patriarch of Styx is worthy of being the first person among the saints, and his strength is so terrifying!"

When the thoughts dissipated, he narrowed his eyes again and began to think.

"If I go to the Blood Sea again, Ancestor Styx will definitely kill me, but if I don't go, I won't be able to gain the magical power of Taoist Mosquito!"

"I don't know what enemies this Ancestor Minghe had in the prehistoric years."

When he thought of this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously exclaimed: "By the way, Ancestor Hongyun"

But as soon as the words came out, Li Qing became distressed again, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Ancestor Hongyun's soul is now incomplete, and his strength is very weak. Even if I call him, I can't defeat the Ancestor Styx! Even if I call him Yuanzi If so, it is somewhat possible, but Zhen Yuanzi said that he would never see me again, and if I go, I will only be rejected!"

As soon as he thought about this, he simply fell into the clouds and found a mountain peak to think about who he should find to go down to the netherworld with him to fight against the ancestor of Styx.

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