Unify all heavens

Chapter 741 The Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood!

As the saying goes: There are nine fields in the sky, nine states on the earth, and the underworld is called secluded area, counting nine. Therefore, there is also the theory of Jiuyou. It is also said that the earth is opposite to the sky, so the earth also has nine layers!

Jiuzhong can also be called Chongjiu, which means there are double ninety-eighth levels of hell behind Yinshan Mountain.

Yinshan Mountain is also called "Beiyin Mountain", "Xuwei Point" and "Xuwei Mountain". This mountain has many convex and concave shapes and is more rugged.

It is as steep as Shuling Mountains and as high as Luyan.

This is not a famous mountain in the Yang world, but a dangerous place in the Yin Dynasty!

There was a poem that said: The thorn bushes hide ghosts, and the phosphorus on the stone cliffs hides evil spirits. There is no noise of animals or birds in my ears, but I can only see ghosts and monsters in front of my eyes.

The wind is blowing here and the black fog is lingering.

The rustling wind is the sound of smoke coming from the mouth of the magic soldier; the long black mist is the secret breath coming out of the air.

There is no scenery when looking up and down, and everything is ruined when looking at each other. There are mountains there, there are peaks, there are ridges, there are caves, and there are streams; but the mountains don’t grow grass, the peaks don’t reach into the sky, the ridges don’t allow visitors, the caves don’t receive clouds, and the streams don’t flow.

There are monsters in front of the shore, and gods and demons under the mountains. Wild ghosts are collected in the caves, and evil spirits lurk at the bottom of the streams.

Up from the top of the mountain, there is a sky ninety thousand miles high, with no clouds, no moon, no sun, and no stars. There is no scenery of wind, snow and rain, no rocs or birds, there is only a black mist where the yin energy gathers.

Above the black mist is thirty-four miles of soil, and on these thirty-four miles of soil is the Sea of ​​Hell!

In front of the Yin Mountain is the Yinsi Underworld, also called the "Youdu". The god in charge of the Youdu is Tubo, also called "Houtu". Behind the Yin Mountain are the eighteen levels of hell, and the one in charge of the hell is Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

It's just that Ksitigarbha is not here all the year round, but is under hell.

Under the hell is called the Netherworld, which is the deepest place in the Netherworld.

There are few ghosts and gods here, only a sea of ​​blood with a radius of 90,000 miles!

In the past, when chaos first emerged, there were no living things, and the heaven and earth were connected together. Only a chaotic green lotus was conceived in it. The green lotus had five leaves, bloomed with twenty-four petals, and formed a lotus seed. When the period of billions of Huiyuan expired, the lotus seeds split open, and Pangu was born holding the ax to split the sky. Because he was dissatisfied with the endless oppression in the chaos, he used the ax to split the heaven and the earth.

When the pure air rises and the turbid air descends, three thousand gods and demons are alarmed.

They were afraid that Pangu would kill them after he succeeded in establishing the world and proving the Tao, so they all attacked in unison.

Pangu died of exhaustion after killing 2997 innate gods and demons!

His body transformed into Miao Miao: the left eye became the sun, the right eye became the moon, and the hair became stars; the blood became rivers and lakes, the muscles became thousands of miles of fertile fields, the bones became vegetation, the tendons became roads, and the teeth became The essence of gold and stone became pearls; the air became wind and clouds, the sound became thunder, and the sweat became rain and dew; the head and limbs turned into the five mountains, the backbone became the fulcrum between heaven and earth, and the Buzhou Mountains turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood has a radius of ninety thousand miles, and the blood waves are rolling. The fish and shrimps are not thriving, and the birds and insects are not coming. All the evil energy of heaven and earth is gathered here. Since this place is the netherworld of the earth, it is called the sea of ​​blood!

The center of the Blood Sea is at the foot of Yin Mountain. Therefore, Yin Mountain is the highest mountain in Youdu Underworld!

There is a cliff in Yinshan Mountain very close to the Sea of ​​Blood.

At this moment, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is sitting here, with his head prostrate beside him, listening.

No matter how noisy the Asura clan in the sea of ​​blood was, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva seemed to ignore it and recited the sutra with his eyes closed.

Tingting, who was often laughed at and scolded by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva as having "no Buddha mind", was already asleep listening to Buddhist sutras. His saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth onto the dark cliffs, forming a small river and flowing into the sea of ​​blood below.

"Om, ho ho, vasmayya, swaha."

"Om, qinxirazaho, om, palamani, daza, humpa stud."

"Namo, Ah Liye, Ke Shi Di, Ga He Pa Ye"

The sound of the Sanskrit voice floated above the sea of ​​blood, causing all the Asura tribesmen below to roar with ferocious faces, trying to fight against the Sanskrit voice.

These noisy Sanskrit sounds that make them upset and incomprehensible are actually the sounds they often listen to before going to bed.

If one day Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva does not recite the sutras but instead copies the sutras, he will not be able to sleep soundly.

Even if he fell asleep at this moment, Tingting was still sighing in his heart. Ever since Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva came back from listening to sutras at Lingshan Mountain a few days ago, he had been copying sutras for a long time, and he had not slept so sweetly for a long time.

At this moment, listening to these Sanskrit sounds pouring into my ears, I fell into a deeper and deeper sleep.

Just when it was about to forget everything and reach a 'deep sleep' that it had not enjoyed for a long time, a strange smell suddenly came from far away.

Ting Ting, who was still sleeping soundly, opened his eyes suddenly the next moment he smelled the smell, then squatted up and smelled carefully with his eyes closed.

When Ksitigarbha saw it, it didn't continue to sleep. Instead, he looked like he was listening carefully. A faint smile appeared on his face, and he said with relief: "You stubborn stone has finally enlightened, you are not in vain."

He was speaking with joy when he saw Di Ting suddenly turned around, squinted her eyes and looked at him, and then said lightly: "Shut up!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: "."

Upon hearing this, Di snorted and turned around, continuing to close her eyes and smell the smell. At the same time, she tilted her head and tried her best to listen to something.

Within a moment, Di Ting's closed eyes suddenly widened, two points of light emitted from his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "There is a zombie who has been shackled by the law of heaven!"

Ksitigarbha was startled when he heard the words, then he recited the Buddha's name softly and said with a sad face: "You idiot, I have told you a long time ago that you should not eat zombies on weekdays. Be careful to offend the ancestor of the zombie clan. Then even I will be killed." I can't help you, but you never listen. Good thing this time, I have provoked him. You and I have been together for many years. After your death, I will spend three hours every day to save you, so you can rest assured. Go!"

After Di heard this, she couldn't help but bared her teeth and asked with a fierce look on her face: "Do you know who it is?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva slowly opened his mouth and said: "A few days ago, there was a zombie in the Emperor Demon Realm who was shackled by the Heavenly Dao and said, 'As long as he stays in this realm for one day, he will not be able to achieve Daluo Daluo in one day.'" , and suppressed him in Jueshen Ridge, but someone rescued him and transferred part of the shackles to another zombie before he could wake up!"

After hearing the words, Di took a deep breath and felt relieved. His eyes were cold and he sneered: "It's just an emperor who has been shackled by the law of heaven. I can swallow him in one bite!"

After hearing the words, King Ksitigarbha glanced at it and said with a complex expression: "As soon as he woke up, he killed the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Macaque King, and the Yu Tao King in front of the Kunpeng Patriarch. The Kunpeng Patriarch has not dared to do so until now." He came out of the cave to collect the corpse. The golden-winged roc came to trouble him, and almost lost his life at the bottom of the northern sea. Lord Maitreya Buddha sent five hundred Arhats holding the Tathagata's golden bowl to collect him, but he slaughtered them all, even the Tathagata. He slapped Lord Buddha's golden bowl back to Lingshan Mountain, and the golden bowl hit Venerable Ananda seriously and was seriously injured, and he is still recovering from his injuries."

After hearing the words, Di laughed three times and said with great pride: "Even so, I can swallow him in one bite!" As soon as he finished speaking, he continued: "Bodhisattva, wait here to prevent him from disturbing you. Pure, I will swallow him up right now!”

After saying that, he laughed and jumped up.

When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva saw this, he raised his head and reminded: "Listen, you are flying backwards! You should turn around and fly backwards!"

Di Ting turned a deaf ear, but his speed suddenly increased and he disappeared in an instant.

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