Unify all heavens

Chapter 743 Duobao!

The underworld is dark and the cliffs of Yinshan Mountain are dark;

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stopped chanting sutras, raised his head and looked at the giant face of Patriarch Minghe above him that covered half of the sky, and then thought with a sneer: "This Patriarch Minghe has been careful for a few Huiyuan. Now I don’t even dare to meet a junior in my true form. I think if I keep guard for a while longer, I’m afraid this guy won’t even have the guts to do anything!”

Thinking of this, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's face showed a hint of joy.

If Ancestor Minghe and the Asura clan are saved, his status in the Buddhist world will definitely rise, and he may one day become the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas!

At this moment, he remembered what Li Qing said just now.

Now he frowned and thought, and said to himself: "Then Li Qing has now become the deputy leader of Jiejiao, and he is already in a high position! Why did he think of risking his death to come to Styx to inquire about the whereabouts of Taoist Mosquito? Although the saint of Shangqing was imprisoned in Zixiao Palace, everyone knew that he was most fond of Shangqing and would let him return in advance at any time. Although Jiejiao is now weak, his name is still there. If Li Qing This deputy leader has the idea of ​​​​reviving the Jie Cult, and with just one sentence, all the scaly and armored people from the four major states can gather together!"

When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva thought of this, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Could it be that he wants to take Taoist Mosquito into the Jie Cult?"

As soon as he thought about this, Ksitigarbha's face became ugly.

At that moment, I could see the beads in his hands getting faster and faster, and he thought with a sinking face: "Although the Mosquito Taoist sucked the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit into an empty shell, Western Buddhism also bears a cause and effect in this matter. And that Li Qing Although he looks like a human being, he is actually a zombie! There is little friendship, and the Turtle Spirit Holy Mother has never met him. Even if he died from the mosquito Taoist, he has nothing to do with him! How can he be a turtle? Revenge of the Holy Mother? Although his disciples of Jiejiao are gnashing their teeth at Taoist Mosquito, but now that Sage Shangqing is away, Li Qing is in charge. If he is determined to bring Taoist Mosquito into Jiejiao, the disciples of Jiejiao can only secretly do so even if they don't want to. Grit your teeth!"

As soon as he thought about this, Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he thought: "That Taoist Mosquito is one of the three thousand gods and demons, and his magical powers are endless! If he joins the Jie Sect and is carefully trained by Li Qing, You might as well be Kong Xuan again one day!"

Just as he was thinking of this, there was a sudden 'bang' in his hand.

A cold light flashed in Ksitigarbha's eyes, and his palms trembled, shattering the broken Buddha string directly. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and said, "This matter should be reported to the Lord Buddha! If it is too late, things will change!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared, leaving only a golden lotus platform on the cliff.

Xitian Lingshan;

In Daleiyin Temple.

With a smile on his face, the Tathagata Buddha sat upright on the lotus platform and looked at the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints in the hall. He said loudly: "Now that the three disciples have returned to their positions, the ninety-nine kalpas have been completed, and they should do their best to wait for those who want to take the scriptures to the west. My Mahayana Buddhism is spread eastward to save the world!"

Many gods, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints below, when the Tathagata Buddha finished speaking, all put their hands together and said in unison: "Excellent!"

Lord Tathagata nodded and smiled, looked at the next Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and ordered: "You should always pay attention to the Buddhist scripture collectors and disciples. When the Buddhist scripture collectors come to you, you can eliminate the disasters for the Buddhist scripture collectors!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, dressed in white gauze, immediately bowed and said, "Please obey my Buddha's decree!"

The Tathagata nodded and smiled, looking at the other Buddhas with a compassionate face, and commanded in a voice like thunder: "You all will immediately descend to the realm, and all monsters, demons, ghosts, monsters, animals, and birds that are not in danger of nine or nine tribulations will be saved. Come into my sect and guide them to do good! If there is anyone who is stubborn and resists again and again, you should be released into reincarnation to avoid suffering for the rest of his life!"

Thousands of Buddhas, countless Bodhisattvas, and sacred Tathagata Buddhas below all bowed their heads, clasped their hands, and said in unison: "Please obey my Buddha's decree!"

After saying that, he was about to leave.

But at this moment, a colorful Buddha light was seen flying into the hall, dissipating in front of the lotus pedestal of Lord Tathagata, and manifesting the figure of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"Greetings to me, Buddha Tathagata!"

As soon as he appeared, he bowed in worship.

Lord Tathagata nodded and smiled and asked, "Why did Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva return to Lingshan?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva immediately recited the name of the Buddha.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Then in a deep voice, he recounted everything he saw, heard, and thought in the underworld.

When he finished speaking, the entire Mahavira Palace fell silent, and all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and holy eyes all fell on the Tathagata Buddha sitting on the lotus platform.

At that moment, the Tathagata Buddha closed his eyes, moved his fingers slightly, and began to calculate slowly.

After a while, Lord Tathagata Buddha opened his eyes with a face as deep as water, and said slowly: "The sea of ​​blood is boundless. When you turn around, you will reach the shore. Ancestor Styx should join my religion!"

After saying that, he said loudly: "Please light the lamp, the ancient Buddha!"

As soon as Lord Tathagata finished speaking, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas saw golden flames burning on the lotus platform beside Lord Tathagata.

The next moment, light illuminated the Mahavira Hall, turning the sacred clothes and faces of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints into gold.

At the same time, a thin figure appeared in the flames.

Instantly, flames and light gathered behind the figure's head, forming a round of Buddha's light.

At this moment, the Main Hall returned to its normal state.

All the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints all bowed down and worshiped at the same time, saying in unison: "Greetings to the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng!"

The ancient Buddha of Ran Deng slowly opened his eyes amidst these sounds, and then nodded to the Tathagata Buddha beside him, then swept his eyes around all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints, and slowly said with a faint smile: "Blood The sea is boundless, turn around and reach the shore, put down your butcher knife, and become a Buddha immediately. Ancestor Styx should join my religion!"

After saying this, he added: "You should follow me to the Netherworld of the Sea of ​​Blood and save the Asura clan!"

After hearing what the Ancient Buddha said, all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints put their hands together and said with compassion on their faces: "Namo Amitabha!"

When the sound fell, led by the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and saints turned into golden light and left the spiritual mountain, heading towards the underworld.

In the entire Mahavir Palace, only Lord Tathagata Buddha was left in an instant.

At this moment, Lord Tathagata's face changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What a treasure! You have disturbed my Buddha's heart! I will refine you today!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a blazing flame suddenly ignited on his body.

In the twisted void, the face of Lord Tathagata could be seen changing in a thousand ways at this moment, sometimes with gnashing teeth, sometimes with kind eyebrows, sometimes with angry eyes, and sometimes as calm as water.

At this moment, Lord Tathagata's face returned to a calm state, and he recited the Buddha's name: "Amitabha!" and then said: "You have thousands of dharma appearances, and I am one of them. Refine me and refine you!"

When he finished speaking, his face became angry again, and he shouted: "Duobao, you..."

Before he finished speaking, his face calmed down again, and he said with a smile: "Since the River Styx has no chance of becoming a saint, it should be extinguished in this calamity. If you enter my Buddhism, you should strengthen the power of my Buddhism to avoid this calamity! I There will be one more great sage in Buddhism, so congratulations!"

At this moment, the golden flame outside the Tathagata Buddha's body disappeared, and the face of the Tathagata Buddha was also uncertain.

Finally, it turned into a faint sigh.

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