Unify all heavens

Chapter 740 Innate Gods and Demons!

"That's right, Mr. Mosquito!"

Mother Lishan gritted her teeth in a rare way.

Li Qing was not surprised when he saw this. After all, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit in Biyou Palace had been sucked dry of flesh and blood by the Taoist Mosquitoes and turned into an empty shell. Even the leader of Tongtian Cult could not restore the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit.

Therefore, everyone in Biyou Palace hated that mosquito Taoist to the core!

Li Qing had heard rumors about the Mosquito Taoist before, but he only knew that it was a six-winged black mosquito that attained Taoism!

Others are not very clear.

At this moment, he saw Old Mother Lishan's face livid, her whole body aura erupting, and she looked like she wanted to avenge the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, so he hesitated and asked: "I only know that the mosquito Taoist is a six-winged black mosquito, senior sister, why don't you Tell me about it in detail!”


Old Mother Lishan sneered twice when she heard this, her teeth clenched loudly, and then she slowly opened her mouth and said in a cold voice: "When that guy was born in chaos, before he attained enlightenment, he was one of the three thousand innate gods and demons. Its piercing and sucking mouthparts played a big role in the battle between three thousand gods and demons back then against Pangu! Therefore, the two innate gods and demons who were lucky enough to survive were very afraid of it and neither offended nor made friends with it. It's free and at ease!"

"It's just that the mosquito Taoist acted based on his own preferences. Not long after Pangu created the world, it wanted to suck Luo Hu dry. But at that time, Luo Hu was holding the Four Swords of Zhuxian to fight another innate god and demon. The mosquito Taoist was drawn in as soon as he approached. When it entered the battle, its cultivation was destroyed by two innate gods and demons. If it hadn't been able to incarnate into billions, it would have perished at that time!"

"At this point, he went to the Netherworld Blood Sea to recuperate, but for some reason he was taken away by the Second Saint of the West!"

When she said this, Old Mother Lishan's expression had calmed down, and she let out a long sigh and said: "You may have heard of what happened next. Taoist Mosquito appeared behind the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, first sucked up the turtle spirit, and then took another gulp. He absorbed the third level of the Twelve Lotus Platforms, fearing that the Saint would kill him, so he went to seek refuge with Ancestor Styx in the Blood Sea!"

"The Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood is the most filthy place in the world. Even saints don't like to step into it, leaving the Styx Ancestor to be majestic in the boundless sea of ​​blood! Therefore, for these years, the mosquito Taoist has been staying in the sea of ​​blood. will not leave!"

When she said this, Old Mother Lishan looked into Li Qing's eyes and said in a deep voice: "Although I hate him and wish to eat his flesh and blood, I can't defeat him. After all, this guy has weird methods in the first place, and now there is Old Styx." Even so, I have to admire its mouthparts. If you deprive it of its magical powers, no magical means will be able to deal with you. Instead, it will be sucked away by you to replenish itself, even the things outside your body. Invisible shackles cannot trap you, but they will help you achieve enlightenment! In this way, paired with the Four Swords of Zhuxian, when you achieve enlightenment, even the quasi-sage will not be your opponent!"

Li Qing's eyes lit up when he heard this.

It's just that although his heart is burning and he wishes he could possess the magical power of Taoist Mosquito immediately, he also knows that if he enters the sea of ​​blood based on his own words, he will never come out again!

His body is not as hard as the Twelve-Rank Lotus Platform. He is afraid that if he meets the Mosquito Taoist, he will be sucked into a mummy by him before he takes action.

Old Mother Lishan seemed to have seen through Li Qing's fear, so she smiled softly at this moment and said: "Junior brother, don't worry, how can I let you die? Earlier, the master sent a clone to refine Netherworld in the sea of ​​blood. When he entered the Violent Blood Coffin, he discovered that the Mosquito Taoist would not absorb the corpse, and would not even come close. Although the master's clone could kill the Mosquito Taoist with his hands, it would have hundreds of millions of clones. If the saint's true form had not arrived, , it takes a lot of time to kill him, so Master ignored it and just looked at it twice. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about Taoist Mosquito!"

When she finished speaking, her face darkened, and she solemnly warned: "The one you need to pay attention to is the Ancestor Styx!"

"He was born in the sea of ​​blood, and was accompanied by two swords, Yuan Tu and A Bi, that kill people without causality. He also had a twelve-level karma fire red lotus and refined 480 million Blood God Son clones. If he couldn't do it all at once, If you kill these hundreds of millions of clones of the Son of Blood God, he will not fall. He is known as: The sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the river of Styx never dies! In addition, he has four demon kings who fled to the sea of ​​blood when Luohu was defeated. Each of them has reached the heavens! It's very difficult! Deal with it! There are thousands of Asuras in the sea of ​​blood who imitated Emperor Wa when he created humans and became saints! You need to be more careful and don’t offend him! After all, he is known as the first person among saints, even the old man Not an opponent!"

When she said this, Old Mother Lishan seemed to have thought of something, and then asked: "Although the ancestor of Minghe has always been cautious and gloomy, if he takes the initiative to cause trouble for you, you should go to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Although he said : “If hell is not empty, I swear I will never become a Buddha! "But he was always reciting sutras, preaching, and copying sutras above the sea of ​​blood. I even chatted with him a few words when I was in Lingshan. If Patriarch Styx takes action against you, then ask Ksitigarbha for help! He saw On my face, I will definitely save you from the sea of ​​blood!"

Li Qing listened carefully to every word spoken by Old Mother Lishan and kept it in mind!

"If I want to realize Daluo in other worlds, I must first break the shackles outside my body. Although this can be accomplished with the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, the magical power of Taoist Mosquito is of great use to me, although it is extremely dangerous. , but it’s not like there’s no chance!”

After thinking about it, he found two reasons for himself to descend into the Netherworld Blood Sea.

First of all, there is a blood feud between Taoist Mosquito and Biyou Palace. Now, as the deputy leader of Jiejiao, he should go and kill Taoist Mosquito!


He is really a hot-eyed Taoist with magical powers!

Furthermore, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian can only cut off, but Taoist Mosquito can directly absorb these shackles and deny himself!

After thinking of this, he nodded heavily to Old Mother Lishan and said, "I will definitely bear in mind what Senior Sister said!"

When he finished speaking, he handed the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in front of Old Mother Lishan and said in a deep voice: "It's hard to predict the blessings and misfortunes after leaving the sea of ​​blood, so the Four Swords of Zhu Xian will be kept by my senior sister for the time being!"

Old Mother Lishan's expression changed after hearing this, and she was about to refuse, but she heard Li Qing say: "If the Four Swords of Zhuxian are on my body, I don't know that Ancestor Minghe will take action out of jealousy. Not only will I be in trouble, but also these four swords." The sword may fall into the hands of Styx! At that time, it will be difficult to seize the sword from the ancestor of Styx!"

Mother Lishan thought for a moment and said to herself: "What my junior brother said is true, that guy from Styx is indeed likely to seize the sword!"

When she thought of this, she took a deep breath, took the Four Swords of Zhu Xian with both hands with a solemn expression, and said at the same time: "In that case, I will keep the four swords for the time being. When you come back, I will use these four swords for you." Replace the fangs!”

Li Qing nodded with a smile, then cupped his hands and said, "I feel relieved when I leave the four swords to senior sister for safekeeping, so I bid farewell to senior sister!"

After that, he suddenly disappeared!

Mother Lishan shook her head and sighed softly, and murmured: "I hope that guy from Styx is afraid of the majesty of the leader and won't take action against you."

When she finished speaking, she had already walked into the palace.

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