Unify all heavens

Chapter 739 Tathagata gives a treasure, Li Qing leaves the mountain

Within Lingshan.

"My disciple is not talented, so I would like to go to the east to find a Buddhist disciple."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva approached the lotus platform, bowed to the Buddha three times and said this.

When the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas heard the words, they raised their heads and looked up, only to see that Bodhisattva——

The four virtues are perfected in principle, and the golden body is filled with wisdom.

The tassel is dripping with pearls and green, and the fragrant ring is knotted with precious stones.

The dark clouds are cleverly folded into dragon buns, and the embroidered ribbons are fluttering with colorful phoenix feathers.

Jasper buttons, Su Luo robes, shrouded in auspicious light;

The brocade velvet skirt and gold drop rope cover the welcome with aura of auspiciousness.

The eyebrows are like small moons, and the eyes are like twin stars.

The jade face is born with joy, the red lips are a little red, the nectar in the pure vase is full every year, and the hanging poplars planted diagonally are green every year.

Solve eight difficulties, save all sentient beings, show great compassion.

Therefore, he lives in Taishan Mountain and lives in the South China Sea. He rescues the suffering and seeks out his voice. He is praised by thousands of people and responds to thousands of saints.

The orchid heart loves the purple bamboo, and the eucalyptus loves the fragrant vine.

He is the compassionate Lord on Luojia Mountain and the living Guanyin in Chaoyin Cave!

Seeing this, Lord Tathagata nodded and said with a smile: "No one else can get there. Only the Venerable Guanyin, who has great supernatural powers, can get there."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva clasped his hands together and asked, "As my disciple is leaving for the Eastern Land, what instructions does the Lord Buddha have?"

Lord Tathagata Buddha immediately said: "When you go, you must look at the road. You are not allowed to walk in the sky. You must be half-clouded and half-mist. Look at the mountains and rivers, remember the distance and distance of the journey, and give instructions to the pilgrims. But I'm afraid It is difficult for those seeking scriptures to go to Lingshan Mountain in the West, so I will give you five treasures." After saying this, he ordered Anuo and Kasyapa to take out a brocade cassock collar and a nine-ring tin staff, and said to Guanyin Bodhisattva: "This cassock and tin staff , can be used personally by those who seek scriptures. If you are willing to come here with a firm mind, wear my cassock to avoid falling into reincarnation; hold my tin staff and avoid being poisoned."

Guanyin Bodhisattva immediately took refuge and worshiped him.

At this time, Lord Tathagata took out three more hoops and handed them to the Bodhisattva: "This treasure is called the tight hoop. Although they are the same three, they are all different. I have three golden incantations. If If you encounter a demon with great supernatural powers on the road, you must persuade him to learn well and become an apprentice with the Buddhist scripture seeker. If he is not willing to obey, you can put this hoop on his head and it will naturally take root. Each mantra depends on the spell used. If you think about it, your eyes will swell, you will have a headache, and your forehead will crack. I will discipline him to come into my house!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was very happy when she saw the treasure, and she jumped forward to take the three treasures. After bowing and bowing, she left Lingshan Mountain and returned to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea.

At this moment, Li Qing returned to Lishan carrying the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

Mother Lishan didn't know whether she knew he would return at this moment, or whether she was just here watching the mountain scenery.

So when Li Qing came back, he saw Old Mother Lishan already waiting outside the hall with a stick.

When Li Qing fell from the clouds and landed on the ground, Old Mother Lishan smiled kindly at him and joked: "Are you willing to come back? Not long ago, I heard that you went to Cuiyun Mountain to participate in the Rakshasa daughter's recruitment. Jin Ling was very happy. It's been a long time, but there is news again, saying that you didn't even go up to Cuiyun Mountain, and after letting that stupid cow marry a beautiful lady for nothing, Jin Ling said with a livid face that he wanted to settle the score with you!"

Looking at Old Mother Lishan's eyes that seemed to be dim, but yet seemed to see everything clearly, Li Qing had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "My little brother has no intention of doing this. Even if he marries the Rakshasa girl back to the cave, he still won't be able to take care of her. After all, my identity is too sensitive and I never know when I will be suppressed!”

Old Mother Lishan smiled, but did not bother him on this topic. She changed the topic and asked: "Has the Four Swordsmen of Zhu Xian ever been pregnant and raised well?"

"I was about to talk to my senior sister."

As Li Qing spoke, he took off the Four Zhuxian Swords from his back, held them in both hands and handed them to Old Mother Lishan for her to examine.

At the same time, he smiled and said, "It was just a coincidence. When I went to the human world, the world was in war. The princes were divided and the world was in chaos. There were wars every day. So I used the blood and energy on the battlefield to conceive and raise these four swords. To the peak!”

While listening to his words, Old Mother Lishan squinted at the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

At the moment, I only see these four weapons that are said to be able to kill saints. At this moment, their brilliance is restrained, there is no breath, and they look ordinary. The way the brilliance flows on the sword is completely different from when I saw it earlier!

The smile on Old Mother Lishan's face grew wider. She subconsciously stretched out her hand and placed it a few inches above the Four Swords of Zhu Xian to feel it.

After Li Qing noticed a flash of hesitation on her face, he turned his eyes and smiled: "Senior sister should put her hand on the sword to feel it. Although senior sister's cultivation is proud of the three realms, after all, these four swords were once mine. Jie Jiao’s treasure that suppresses the teaching, you should touch the sword and check it!”

Mother Lishan showed some hesitation on her face, shook her head and said with a smile: "Forget it. Forget it, I am no longer a Jie Jiao disciple, and I am no longer qualified to touch these four swords! You can conceived and raised them." good!"

After saying that, he slowly turned around.

And when he turned around, he wiped the moisture from his eyes with his sleeves, and tried to make his voice sound calm and said slowly: "You come with me!"

"Senior sister!"

Li Qing suddenly spoke.

Old Mother Lishan looked back blankly and said, "What?"

Before she could finish her words, Li Qing said, "Not only are you not a disciple of Jie Jiao, but even I, the zombie who claims to be the deputy leader of Jie Jiao, am not a disciple of Jie Jiao. Only the leader has returned from Zixiao Palace. , when our Biyou Palace regains the momentum of Ten Thousand Immortals coming to court, Jie Jiao can return to the world. At that time, we and other disciples of Biyou Palace can be called Jie Jiao disciples. Senior sister, although you have gone to the Western Sect now, But he will always be a disciple of the Sage Shangqing Tongtian, and will always be a disciple of my Biyou Palace!"

"Since you are a disciple of Biyou Palace, why are you not qualified to touch the Four Swords of the Immortal Killer?"

"The sword is a dead thing. He taught the four immortals that they could hang the sword in the cave for thousands of years. You are a disciple of Biyou Palace, why don't you dare to touch the sword?"

When the words fell, Li Qing slowly shook his head and said with a smile: "To borrow a Western saying, senior sister, you are obsessed with it!"

Mother Lishan was stunned on the spot.

After a long time, she smiled and gently stroked the blade of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian with her palm that had trembled for some time.

The sword was cold, but her heart was burning.

"Okay, okay, you raised them well, not bad."

After Mother Lishan finished saying this with a complicated smile, she did not mention the matter of returning to the palace. Instead, she looked up at Li Qing and asked: "Now that the swords have reached their peak, junior brother, what are you going to do with them?" ? Are you going to integrate them into your body so that you can break the external chain in the future? Or are you going to smelt the four swords into one? To enhance the power? "

After hearing this, Li Qing lowered his head and looked at the four swords in his hands, and then smiled and said: "To be honest with you, senior sister, I had already thought about it when I was on the road. I want to replace the fangs in my mouth with these four swords!" After leaving this world, use these four swords to break the path!"

Mother Lishan frowned, looked at Li Qing in astonishment, and asked, "Breaking the path?"

Li Qing nodded heavily, with a very sinister tone, and sneered: "Didn't he say that I am not in the six realms and do not belong to this world? Then why should I follow the way of this world? I will break him!"

When he finished speaking, he gritted his teeth and said: "If a thousand years doesn't work, then ten thousand years. If one moment doesn't work, then ten thousand. My lifespan is endless, and one day I will find a way to break the Tao!"

After hearing this, Old Mother Lishan suddenly shook her head and said with a smile: "Have you ever thought about it, you are also a kind of Tao! Although you are not in the Three Realms and do not belong to this world, you are within the Tao! The Tao of Heaven is a kind of Tao. ! You are also a kind of Tao! If you are within the Tao, how can you talk about breaking the Tao?"

When she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her brows, as if remembering something, and said softly: "Speaking of which, I suddenly remembered a Taoist. If you can find him, you may be invincible in the world without the Four Swords of Killing Immortals! Even He can no longer suppress you!"

Li Qing's eyes narrowed and he asked in a deep voice: "Who?"

Mother Lishan looked at the mountains with a complicated expression, sighed softly, as if she didn't want to think about it, and said, "Mr. Mosquito!"

"Mosquito Taoist?!"

Li Qing's eyes suddenly widened with shock on his face.

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