Unify all heavens

Chapter 728 Leaving the Mountain! (First update)

Because Taozu had already said, "From now on, there will be no more Jie Jiao," so the fact that Li Qing became the deputy leader of Jie Jiao did not spread. Only the gods within Jie Jiao knew about it, and took over the matter. In the next few months, they came to Lishan to pay homage to Li Qing, pay homage to the Four Swords of Zhuxian, leave their own Tao seals for Li Qing, and then leave.

They include immortals from heaven and demon kings from the lower realms, numbering in the tens of thousands!

These Dao Seals were specially refined by them for Li Qing. As long as Li Qing refines these Dao Seals in his body, no matter whether he is in this world or not in the future, he can rely on these Dao Seals to intercept the gods and demon kings. The clone calls to his side. If there is anything that needs to be told to them, they can rely on these seals to inform them.

When Li Qing refined all these Dao Seals into his body, thirty years had passed in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

On this day, Mother Lishan sat cross-legged on the futon and asked Li Qing to sit opposite her, and asked: "Deputy leader, have you finished refining the Tao seals left by my disciples?" Li Qing nodded lightly.

"Okay, then I will start explaining our teachings and scriptures to the deputy leader today!"

Mother Lishan nodded slowly, half-closed her eyes, and asked with a sleepy look: "May I ask the deputy leader, do you know what the Jie Jiao teachings are?"

Li Qing thought for a moment and replied: "I think it means interception!"

Mother Lishan did not nod after hearing Li Qing's answer, but said directly with half-squinted eyes: "Jie means to intercept a glimmer of life. The so-called Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and escapes. This escaped one is the glimmer of life that Jiejiao wants to intercept. Therefore, all things are equal, and all plants, trees, animals and birds can become immortals and saints!"

When the words fell, he added: "When the leader of the past was here, he once wrote the "Supreme Pure Great Cave True Sutra", "Lingbao Immeasurable Superior Grade Miaosutra for Saving People", "Lingbao Cave Yuan Shen Mantra Sutra", "Supreme Pure Great Cave Sutra" "Hong Kong Daily Menstruation", "Preface to the Five Talisman of Lingbao", "Five True Texts of the Red Book of Lingbao", "Lingbao Sutra", "Tai Shang Cave Xuan Ling Bao Wisdom and Determination Tong Wei Jing", "Fu Ling Bao" "Essentials of Sutras on the Majesty of Fasting", "Tai Shang Dong Xuan Ling Bao Red Book Jade Jue Miao Sutra", "Dong Xuan Ling Bao Five Sense Essays", "Supreme Yellow Urn Great Zhai Establishment Ceremony", "Ascension to Xuan Bu Xu Zhang", "Lingbao Buxu Ci", "Buxu Dongzhang" and other classics, as well as the "Huang Ting Jing". As the deputy leader, you should integrate these classics. In the next time, I will explain these classics to you. , you should keep it in mind!"

Li Qingguang felt overwhelmed when he heard the names of these classics, but thinking about his current status, if he didn't even understand the sect's classics, he would definitely make the sect's disciples laugh, so he nodded heavily when Old Mother Lishan finished speaking.

Mother Lishan immediately closed her eyes and began to speak: "I will start by talking about the "Huang Ting Sutra". This Sutra has three volumes, divided into interior scenes, exterior scenes, and middle scenes. Let's start with the interior scene. The old gentleman wrote seven words about the body shape and gods in his leisure time. There is Huangting under Guan Yuan, and behind you there is the gate of life in front of Youque. The breathing room enters the Dantian. The clear water of the jade pond irrigates the spiritual roots. If you can cultivate it, you can live forever. In the Huangting, people are dressed in red clothes. "The essence of the Dantian is weak, the clear water of the Jade Pond is fertilized, the spiritual roots are strong and immortal, there are soldiers in the middle of the Pond wearing red clothes, and three inches below it is where the gods live, and the inner and outer are separated and closed."

Within the next three months, Mother Lishan taught Li Qing all the classics of Jie Jiao, including Huang Ting Jing.

Fortunately, Li Qing's memory had been greatly enhanced when he became a flying zombie. Now his memory has reached the state of photographic memory and hearing memory, so that he can remember all the classics taught by Mother Lishan in his heart.

After another assessment by Mother Lishan, Li Qing finally passed this boring time.

Early in the morning that day, Old Mother Lishan said to Li Qing: "Deputy leader, Lord Maitreya Buddha of the West has sent me a message, inviting me to go to Lingshan tomorrow to listen to sutras. After I leave, the deputy leader should go to Dongsheng Shenzhou to explore the world. , the Four Swords of Zhuxian were refined by Chi Jinzi and others to refine the viciousness and murderousness in them. The power is no longer what it used to be. Now there is a war in Dongsheng Divine Continent. You should carry the sword down to the lower world and nourish the sword with the bloody aura! The so-called one in the sky Sun, one year in the human world, one month after I have been here to listen to sutras, and thirty years in the human world, enough to develop the four swords, if you don’t have enough time, go to the Sea of ​​Blood to find that guy from the Styx!"

After she explained some things to Li Qing, she set off and left.

the next day;

Compared with the gloomy sky yesterday when Mother Lishan left, today's weather is exceptionally clear, with the early sun hanging high in the sky and a cloudless sky.

Li Qing walked out of the hall with the Four Zhuxian Swords on his back, then took a deep breath and jumped up.

Lishan Mountain is one of the top ten fairy mountains in Hezhou, Xiniu, so it is not too far from Wanshou Mountain.

Li Qing thought that he often did not go to see Zhenyuan Immortal, so he first went to Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain. However, when he was high in the sky, he was stopped by two Taoist boys from Qingfeng Mingyue with a bitter smile, and said: "Senior brother, please forgive me. The Patriarch said, 'If that guy comes, stop him and tell him that from now on, he will no longer be my registered disciple of Zhen Yuanzi, and I will never see him again!'"

After they finished saying this to Li Qing, they explained: "Brother, there is no need to keep this sentence in mind. The Patriarch scolded the Patriarch Hongyun a few days ago because of your massacre of five hundred Arhats. Now that we are angry, it is normal to say some angry words. The two of us should say more good things to the ancestor and try to get him to take back these words!"

Li Qing looked at the Wuzhuang Temple below, then smiled and cupped his hands to Qingfeng Mingyue and said, "Then I will help you, my two junior brothers!"

After saying that, he took out the remaining wine that had been soaked in the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord's wine, took out two gourds from the void, and gave them to the two of them.

Then Qingming Mingyue turned around and left with an expression that was embarrassed to accept but reluctant to refuse.

In fact, when Li Qing first heard that Zhen Yuanzi wanted to sever relations with him, he was angry. However, when he thought that he would be in trouble after joining Zhen Yuanzi's sect, it was normal for Zhen Yuanzi to be angry, so he He didn't take this sentence seriously. His two gourds of wine were said to be given to Qingfeng Mingyue, but Qingfeng Mingyue would definitely give them to Zhen Yuanzi.

After all, when they were talking to Li Qing, Li Qing faintly felt a gaze paying attention to him.

He believed that Qingfeng Mingyue also noticed this gaze, so they accepted the drinks he gave even though they couldn't drink.

Li Qing remembered hearing the voice of the Bull Demon King when he was in a coma. Later, when he woke up, he asked Old Mother Lishan and learned that the Bull Demon King suffered a lot in order to save him that day and was still recovering from his injuries.

Therefore, after he left Wanshou Mountain, he directly looked for places with demonic auras. After asking the local demon king about the location of the Bull Demon King, he set off and flew towards the place where the Bull Demon King was.

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