Unify all heavens

Chapter 729 Cuiyun Mountain (Second update)

In recent days, a mountain called Cuiyun Mountain in Xiniu Hezhou has been very lively. It can be said that a group of demons gather together, and all demons are there.

There is no other reason. There is an enlightened female immortal on Cuiyun Mountain. Recently, she posted a message to Wan Yao, inviting Wan Yao to come here to recruit a son-in-law!

So, all the demon kings with some strength came here, but they did not go up the mountain. Instead, they led the little demons to live under the mountain.

The Bull Demon King that Old Mother Lishan said was "recuperating" is also here, and he lives an extremely happy life every day, like a god.

At this moment, the Bull Demon King, who is wearing a polished silver-shining wrought iron helmet, a pair of velvet and embroidered gold armor, a pair of curly-pointed foundation suede boots, and a silk three-strand lion belt around his waist, is gathering with several demon kings. Drinking in an open space.

When the wine was full, a demon king started dancing in the open space with a mace.

While the other demon kings were cheering loudly, the Bull Demon King sat next to a pig demon and said with a smile: "May I ask if you are the demon king of which mountain and cave? Why do you look so unfamiliar?"

The pig demon wore a huge pig head and smiled at the Bull Demon King with drunken eyes, and said: "I live in Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain. I often practice in the cave and don't make friends with the demon kings. Therefore, my brother sees me face to face." !”

The Bull Demon King nodded when he heard this, and then smiled and said: "It turns out that Brother Xian is the Demon King of Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain. Earlier, Lao Niu and I visited the second sister of Guishan Egg, and we also had a romantic relationship with her. Why can’t I see my dear brother?”

When the pig demon heard the words 'dew couple', his eyes narrowed, and then he chuckled and said, "What a coincidence, so and so is the new husband-in-law of Second Sister Egg!"

The Bull Demon King was overjoyed when he heard this. He raised his hand and patted the Pig Demon on the shoulder, laughing and saying: "What a coincidence, you and I are brothers-in-law who have never met before. My dear brother, I am really blessed. Then Sister Egg's kung fu is good. If it weren't for my brother, I would I have something important to do, so I decided to become the Demon King of Yunzhan Cave in Fuling Mountain even if I couldn't help it!"

When the pig demon heard this, his eyes suddenly narrowed into slits, and he chuckled quite contentedly: "Second Sister Egg's kung fu is indeed good, but it's just a little bit behind. She was picked to death by someone recently!"

The Bull Demon King's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he whispered: "Brother Xian can pick the second sister Egg to death, I think he must know the method of fierce bedside fighting!"

The pig demon immediately patted his big belly and smiled, saying: "That's natural, I remember when I was in heaven." As soon as he said the words, his expression changed, then he grinned, waved his hands and said: "That's all, that's all. Let’s not talk about it! Let’s just say that now, brother, you are also famous in the demon world, why are you still in need of someone to warm your bed?”

The Bull Demon King chuckled and said: "My dear brother, I don't know. This person from Cuiyun Mountain is extraordinary. It is said that in her previous life, she was the Wind Immortal God of Heaven. She is so handsome! She is even more slim. In the whole world, the fairies in the Moon Palace must be the only ones who can compare!"

When he said this, he gave a thumbs up.

When the Pig Demon heard this, not only his eyes shone, but even his saliva drooled. When the Bull Demon King wasn't paying attention, he hurriedly raised his sleeve and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Then in order to cover up the matter, he took advantage of the situation and said with a smile: "Brother is rarely seen. He also held a position in heaven some time ago. Let alone other things, just talking about the fairies Xian'e, they are far inferior to the fairies of the Moon Palace. They are just like those in the human world. In other words, fluorescence dares to compete with the bright moon?"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he narrowed his eyes and asked with a low smile: "My virtuous brother, can you hear the name of the Rakshasa girl from the Wind Department?"

Just when the pig demon was about to nod, he was suddenly startled and said in shock: "Brother, are you saying that this Cuiyun Mountain person is a Rakshasa girl?"

The Bull Demon King quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, then looked left and then again, and then whispered: "You and I are brothers-in-law, so I am telling you, but not loudly. If you teach other Demon Kings to listen, They will definitely compete with us!"

The pig demon nodded repeatedly, and then when the Bull Demon King was not paying attention, he licked his lips and said secretly: "A certain person was slapped thousands of miles away by the Rakshasa girl earlier, and was laughed at by the immortals. After laughing for hundreds of years, the Rakshasa girl has actually descended to the mortal world and been reincarnated. Isn’t it the time for someone to show off her power! She must defeat these monsters, bring the Rakshasa girl into the cave, and train her well. Fan, just to relieve the hatred in someone’s heart!”

As soon as he thought about this, he smiled and nodded, then rolled his eyes and said to the Bull Demon King: "I heard what my brother said, only my brother knows about this?"

The Bull Demon King looked around, then nodded slightly.

The pig demon was overjoyed when he saw this, then moved his buttocks, approached the Bull Demon King, and whispered: "Brother, I have a perfect method here. I will teach you how to win the first place and marry that beautiful girl back to the cave!"

The Bull Demon King was slightly surprised and asked: "Is my good brother ready to quit?"

The pig demon chuckled, nodded and said: "Brothers are like brothers and sisters, women are like clothes. When the elder brother gets tired of wearing this clothes, let the younger brother wear it for two days!"

The Bull Demon King nodded with a smile on his face, patted the pig demon's shoulder heavily, and said: "This is nature, this is nature!" But in his heart, he thought that after he won the leader, he would personally send the pig demon into reincarnation!

Then the pig demon said: "Since only my brother knows the identity of this Rakshasa girl, why don't we say that she came to the Rakshasa Kingdom in the human world. It is said that the women in the Rakshasa Kingdom have bad tempers and extremely ugly looks! "

The Bull Demon King narrowed his eyes and said hesitantly: "Brother Xian, what do you mean?"

The pig demon grinned and said: "Let's make this matter more exciting and scare all these demon kings away. Then doesn't the beautiful lady on Cuiyun Mountain belong to my brother? I just hope that after my brother has finished his addiction, he will also Let me wear this clothes!"

The pig demon did not notice that behind him, there was a handsome young man dressed as a young man. After he finished speaking these words, his eyes almost burst into flames and he began to gnash his teeth.

But the Bull Demon King noticed it. After all, among the thousands of demon kings at the foot of the mountain, only the Pig Demon and the young master were unknown to him.

So, after noticing the livid expression on the young master's face, the Bull Demon King moved in his heart, then immediately stood up and sneered with anger on his face: "You pig demon, how can you be so nasty? I, the reincarnated Bull Demon King, amaze everyone." Dabuzhou, known as the Great Sage of Pingtian, is a man of great power, how can he associate with a despicable person like you?"

After that, he raised his foot and kicked his pig head with a look of astonishment on the pig demon's face, and even shouted: "Get out!"

In an instant, the pig demon was kicked to the sky by the bull demon king before he could react!

At this time, the Bull Demon King became aggressive, gnashing his teeth and recounted how he came to make friends with the pig demon when he saw him, but the pig demon made obscene remarks, which finally angered him.

And in order to arouse the anger of the demons, he even added fuel to the fire.

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