Unify all heavens

Chapter 727 The Heaven of Biyou Palace! (End of fourth update)

Li Qing looked at the almost ferocious face of Old Mother Lishan and murmured: "If I became God! If I surpassed Heaven! Then even those abandoned by Heaven will become the ones favored by Heaven! "

"The one abandoned by God will become the one favored by God?"

He seemed to be in a daze, repeating these words blankly.

All this time, Li Qing has always remembered, ‘Zombies, God has abandoned them! ’, so he didn’t dare to cause too much killing because he was afraid that he would be destroyed by God!

But at this moment, Mother Lishan's words were like a thunderbolt, blasting away everything he had always thought about and feared.

At this moment, Li Qing's mind was full of thoughts about the words 'Heaven's Favorite'.

Then his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Mother Lishan's body remained motionless and she kept bending down.

Her face, which had become ferocious, was also in front of Li Qing, staring at Li Qing with her eyes.

At this moment, a fragrant wind blew in from outside the hall.

After Old Mother Lishan took a deep breath, she straightened up and looked.

Immediately, he saw the Holy Mother Jin Ling holding four ancient long swords in her arms and walking into the temple step by step.

Old Mother Lishan, who was still hating that iron could not become steel, could no longer look away the moment she saw the four swords.

What the Jade Emperor thought was correct. The Four Swords of Killing Immortals were not only four swords that could kill saints, but also symbols in the hearts of all the disciples of Jie Jiao.

Just like at this moment, Old Mother Lishan, who even the Lord Randen Buddha respected, was like an ordinary old man who saw a child who had been away from home for a long time. Her lips were trembling, her steps were staggering, her eyes were red, and she walked towards the golden girl step by step. The Holy Mother walked away.

When she was halfway there, she subconsciously abandoned her crutches, stretched out her hands, and staggered to the front of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

Then two lines of old tears couldn't help but flow down her face. She stretched out her hand blankly, wanting to touch the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, but just when her palm was about to touch the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, she suddenly The handle is withdrawn.

It seems that he is afraid that he has blasphemed the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

At this time, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit no longer looked as violent as before in the Tongming Hall, but she looked like an ordinary woman, smiling softly and saying: "I have lived up to your expectations, I got them back! "

Old Mother Lishan's eyes were filled with the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, and then after hearing what the Golden Spirit Mother said, she smiled from ear to ear and just repeated: "Okay, okay, okay"

As she spoke, tears fell from her eyes again. She looked at the Golden Spirit Mother holding the Four Swords of Zhuxian with envy, and said softly: "I really want to hug them."

Before she could finish her words, Our Lady of the Golden Spirit pushed the Four Swords of Zhu Xian forward and said with a smile: "They are back, you can hold them for as long as you want!"

Old Mother Lishan shook her head slowly, turned around with tears in her smile, turned her back to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit and said, "I am no longer qualified to touch them, I am."

When she said this, she paused, then took a deep breath, closed her eyes tightly, and gritted her teeth and said: "I am already an apostate and a Buddhist! I am no longer qualified to contact them!"

When she finished speaking, she lowered her head with a smile, slowly wiped the tears on her face with her sleeves, looked up at the portrait of Lord Tongtian at the end of the hall, and murmured: "It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back!"

After saying this, she came to Li Qing, took a deep breath and said, "Junior brother, have you thought about it?"

Hearing this, Li Qing nodded heavily and said solemnly: "I want to become the sky! Become the sky of Biyou Palace!"


Mother Lishan shouted loudly, then straightened her body, raised her hand and pointed at the portrait of Lord Tongtian hanging on the wall at the end of the hall, and said: "You guys come with me!"

After saying that, she strode towards the portrait.


Li Qing murmured softly, then looked back.

But he saw the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit behind him, holding four swords and smiling.

"Senior sister!"

Li Qing immediately stood up and greeted the Golden Spirit Mother with a smile.

He still didn’t know about the previous death of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

Mother Jin Ling smiled and nodded, as if she knew what Old Mother Lishan was thinking, she showed an enigmatic smile, and then said: "Let's go and pay homage to the leader!"

Li Qing didn't notice the weird smile of the Golden Spirit Mother. He just nodded slightly and turned around to look at Old Mother Lishan.

She was already standing in front of the portrait of Lord Tongtian, standing sideways and looking at them.

After seeing this, Holy Mother Jin Ling and Li Qing stopped hesitating and walked quickly to Old Mother Lishan.

"Look at the portrait of the leader!"

Mother Lishan pointed at the portrait and said to Li Qing.

Li Qing looked at Mother Lishan, then at Mother Jinling, then lifted up his skirt and knelt in front of the portrait.

At that moment, Old Mother Lishan nodded slightly to Our Lady of Jinling, and then the two of them stood around Li Qing, bowed to the portrait of Master Tongtian, and said respectfully: "Disciple Jin Ling (Wudang), please ask Master The Holy Presence!”

Upon hearing this, Li Qing's eyes widened.

Then a layer of blue light was seen flowing on the portrait, and finally gathered on the facial features of the portrait of Lord Tongtian, and then retreated.

At the same time, the leader of Tongtian Cult in the portrait blinked his eyes and said calmly: "What's the matter?"

After hearing these two words, Li Qing's eyes widened even more. Did he remember that Master Tongtian was brought to Zixiao Palace by Taoist Ancestor Hongjun? How could he still be possessed by the portrait?

Just when he was thinking of this, Mother Lishan and Mother Jinling bowed to the portrait of Master Tongtian and said: "To the Master, the two disciples recommended my junior brother Li Qing, who wields the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, to be my deputy leader. Bit!"

When Li Qing heard this, his head was confused, and he subconsciously looked up at the portrait of Lord Tongtian.

The leader of Tongtian Cult nodded lightly at first and said calmly: "The sword is back." Then he looked at him with a kind of scrutiny that he had never seen before. After looking at him thoroughly, he nodded lightly and said: " Can!"

When the words fell, the leader of Tongtian Cult yawned, waved his hands with a very tired look and said: "The next step is left to you. I am now locked up in Zixiao Palace. Possessing a portrait once is very tiring. If not If it’s important, I’ll leave!”

Holy Mother Jinling and Old Mother Lishan immediately bowed and said: "Best farewell to the leader!"

Almost as soon as they finished speaking, the portrait returned to calm.

Then Mother Lishan slowly knelt down on one knee, faced Li Qing, and said respectfully: "Ask the deputy leader to take over the sword and teach!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit on the side also knelt on one knee, facing Li Qing and holding the Four Swords of Zhu Xian above her head, and said respectfully: "Please deputy leader to take over the sword and teach!"

Li Qing licked his lips subconsciously.

He was obviously a zombie in the Emperor Demon Realm, but at this moment he felt his mouth was dry.

Mother Lishan seemed to know what Li Qing was thinking. At this moment, she slowly raised her head, looked directly at Li Qing, and said: "Junior brother, you are jointly recommended by us, and the leader personally agrees. From now on, if the leader is not around, you can exercise everything the leader has." right!"

Li Qing swallowed, slowly stretched out his hand, and took the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

The moment the Four Swords of Zhuxian fell into his hand, Old Mother Lishan looked at the Holy Mother Jinling, then bowed to him three times and kowtowed nine times, and said in unison: "Wudang (Jinling), pay your respects to the deputy leader!"

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