Unify all heavens

Chapter 693 Fighting the Monkey King again! (superior)

Li Qing did not stay outside the Nantian Gate for long. After learning about the recent situation of the Monkey King from the King of Growth, he immediately bid farewell to the King of Growth and returned to the Tianjun Palace.

Calculated according to the time of a year in the mortal world and a day in heaven, it has only been about a hundred days since Li Qing left Tianjun Palace.

Therefore, there is no trivial matter in the palace.

If not for the fact that he couldn't stand the adjutant who said that he had violated so many heavenly rules, Li Qing could have stayed in the palace until the Peach Fair was held.

But now, he had only returned to the palace for a long time, and he was holding back his anger, gritted his teeth and left with hatred, flying towards the Golden Spirit Holy Mother.

But when he went to Doumu Yuanjun's residence, he was told that the Holy Mother Jinling had not come back for more than a hundred days and had been staying in the Tianzun Hall of Lingbao Tianzun.

Not to mention that Lingbao Tianzun warned him last time that he could only go to the Tianzun Hall to pay homage after the great catastrophe after the end of Journey to the West. It has only been more than a hundred days since he caused trouble to Lingbao Tianzun.

Therefore, Li Qing definitely does not have the courage to see Lingbao Tianzun now.

So, after staying in heaven for eight or nine days, he went down to Mount Li to stay with the Holy Mother Wudang.

Because he didn’t know anything about Hongmeng Ziqi, he had only heard about it.

Therefore, when he was in Lishan Mountain, he asked the Holy Mother Wudang about Hongmeng Ziqi.

The Holy Mother Wudang knew everything about this and told him a lot about Hongmeng Ziqi.

As the saying goes, if there is no Jiazi in the mountains, the world has been around for thousands of years.

On this day, a messenger from heaven came to Lishan Mountain and invited Li Qing and Our Lady of Wudang to attend the Flat Peach Holy Meeting.

Just as Li Qing and Madonna Wudang set off together to fly towards Yaochi, the Queen Mother also ordered the seven fairies to go to the peach garden to pick peaches.

The seven fairies each walked across the flower baskets to the gate of Pantaoyuan, where they saw the land of Pantaoyuan, the powerful man and the two immortal officials of Qitian Mansion, all guarding the door.

They approached and said, "We are here to pick peaches and hold a banquet according to the Queen Mother's decree." After saying that, they were about to enter the garden.

The land immediately bowed down and said: "Xian'e, stay here. This year is no better than in previous years. Your Majesty, the Great Sage Qitian is here to supervise the peach garden. If Xian'e wants to go in, she must report to the Great Sage to know that she is old. Dare to open the garden.”

The seven fairies immediately looked at each other, and then asked: "May I ask where the Great Sage is?"

Tutu stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The great sage was in the garden. Because he was sleepy, he went to sleep in the pavilion."

Hearing this, the Seven Fairies said: "In that case, you should search for him together with us without delay."

After Tutu heard this, he ordered his warriors to guard the place, and he and the seven fairies went into the peach garden to look for the Monkey King.

They first searched in the front garden for a while, and after finding no trace of the Monkey King, they went to the middle garden to search.

When they found a flower pavilion, they saw only clothes and clothes lying there, but the Monkey King didn't know where he was going.

At that moment, they started searching around the flower pavilion.

But they didn't know that the monkey king had nothing to do recently and was eating, drinking, sleeping and playing in the peach garden every day. He had played for a while earlier, and after eating a few peaches, he suddenly felt sleepy, so he transformed into a two-inch-long little man. Under the thick leaves at the top of the big tree, he used the branches as a bed and used the thick leaves as a bed. The leaves make a quilt, and you sleep sweetly.

After another round of searching, the seven fairies gathered together to discuss: "We came here according to the order, but we couldn't find the Great Sage. How dare we return empty-handed?"

When Tu Tu heard the words, he said hesitantly: "The Great Sage is used to wandering around. I think he went out to meet friends in the garden. Since Xian'e came with the order and couldn't find the Great Sage, she went to pick peaches. She will be old and old by then. Just reply for you."

When the Seven Fairies heard this, they nodded slightly and went into the woods to pick peaches, carrying a flower basket.

They first picked two baskets in the front garden, and then picked three baskets in the middle garden. But when they went to pick from the trees in the back garden, they saw that the peach trees had sparse flowers and fruits, with only a few green-skinned peaches.

While the Seven Fairies were puzzled, they looked at the things to see if they were cooked.

At the moment, I saw only a half-red and half-white peach on a branch facing south. The fairy in green pulled off the branch with her hands, and the girl in red stepped forward to pick it.

They never thought that this half-red and half-white peach was transformed by the Monkey King sleeping on this branch.

As soon as her palm touched the peach, the Monkey King was awakened.

In an instant, he showed his true colors, pulled out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from his ear, and used it as a cover, which was as thick as a bowl. He glared and shouted: "You are the monster from there. How dare you come to this garden to steal my grandson?" peaches!"

The Seven Fairies only heard that there was a Monkey King in the peach garden, but they never knew that the so-called Monkey King was actually a vicious monkey with a stick.

Immediately, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

The land on the side hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Great Sage, stop it, Great Sage, stop it! You don't know, these seven are not monsters, but fairies beside the Queen Mother! I came here to pick peaches according to the Queen Mother's order!"

After the Monkey King heard this, he turned from anger to joy and said with a smile: "So that's it. It's Old Sun who scared a few fairies. I'm here to keep you company!"

After saying that, he bowed his hands, then straightened up and asked with a smile: "May I ask some of the fairies, who did the queen mother invite when she held a banquet in the pavilion?"

The seven fairies first calmed down, and then said: "The holy meeting has its own old rules. The people invited are Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, holy monks, and Arhats in the west, Guanyin in the south and Antarctic, Holy Emperor Chong'en in the east, immortals from the Ten Continents and Three Islands, and Xuan Xuan in the north. Ling, the great immortal with yellow pole and yellow horn in the center, this one is the Five Elders of the Five Directions. There are also the Five Dou Xingjun, the Three Pure Ones and Four Emperors in the upper eight caves, the Taiyi Celestial Immortal and others, the Jade Emperor, the Nine Bases in the middle eight caves, the Haiyue Immortals; The leader of the Netherworld Cult of Xiaba Cave and the Immortal of the World. All the great and small deities from all the palaces and halls are attending the Peach Festival together."

The Monkey King was overjoyed when he heard this. He liked this kind of lively scene the most, and he immediately smiled and said: "Can you invite me?"

The seven fairies immediately looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "I have never heard of this."

The smile on the Monkey King's face faded a little, and he said: "I am the Great Sage Qitian, so why not ask me, Old Sun, to be your honorary?"

The Seven Fairies shook their heads and said, "This is the old rule of the Holy Assembly. I don't know what to do with it now."

The Monkey King nodded slowly and said: "That's true, no wonder you are waiting. You continue to pick peaches, and I will go to inquire about the news first and see if I have invited the old grandson."

After hearing this, the Seven Fairies bowed to the Monkey King and took leave. But the moment they turned around, the Monkey King's expression changed. He gritted his teeth, raised his hand and pointed at the Seven Fairies, and shouted softly: "Ding, Ding, Ding!"

Although these seven fairies were the fairies beside the Queen Mother, their magic power was low. Therefore, the Monkey King used a freezing technique at will to freeze the seven fairies on the spot. It was as if time had been suspended. They all stood there with their eyes wide open and their eyes white. Under the peach tree.

The Monkey King jumped up, stepped on the auspicious clouds and flew out of the garden, heading straight for the Yaochi.

At this time, Li Qing and Our Lady of Wudang happened to arrive outside the Nantian Gate. At that moment, they saw all kinds of gods and Buddhas coming from afar with various supernatural powers.

The Nantianmen has been rendered into a colorful and brilliant place.

Speaking of which, the compensation chapter will begin after the Peach Club ends. . . I have been studying the details recently. After all, there are still a lot of things that happened after the Pantao meeting. . .

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