Unify all heavens

Chapter 694 Fighting the Monkey King again! (middle)

"Greetings to Our Lady of Mount Li. We haven't seen each other for many years. Our Lady's power has become even more powerful! Could it be that the person next to you is the famous Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord?"

"Hundreds of years have passed since the last time I said goodbye to Our Lady. It seems that Our Lady's cultivation has become even more advanced now. It won't take long for Our Lady to be able to kill three corpses!"

"Meet Old Mother Lishan and meet the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord!"

As the gods and Buddhas arrived at Nantianmen one after another, they all greeted Mother Lishan and Li Qing with smiles on their faces.

Mother Lishan nodded with a smile, while Li Qing kept greeting her with fists clasped.

Although he is a disciple of a saint and has a high seniority, his foundation is ultimately insufficient. Unlike Mother Lishan, she had become famous throughout the world as early as the prehistoric years.

For example, the Wufang Five Elders, various great emperors, and some gods and Buddhas, Lishan's mother could smile and nod, but Li Qing had to clasp his fists in return.

After all, these beings are all powerful beings who lived in the same era as Mother Lishan.

As time goes by, the high-status gods and Buddhas have entered the Nantian Gate and headed towards Yaochi.

At this moment, Mother Lishan and Li Qing slowly flew towards Yaochi.

But they had just flown for a short distance when they saw the Barefoot Immortal standing in front of them, smiling with the gods and Buddhas from all over the world and saying, "This meeting is different from usual. We need to go to the Tongming Hall to perform a ceremony first!"

As one after another the gods and Buddhas changed their paths and flew towards the Tongming Hall under the words of the Barefoot Immortal, Li Qing was also moved in his heart and said to Old Mother Lishan: "I dare to ask Senior Sister, if there are thieves who disrupt the Pantao Club and steal I ate the golden elixir in Laojun's furnace and was caught by my junior brother, will the Jade Emperor give me a reward?"

He had previously thought about whether to take advantage of the monkey's disturbance of the peach party and follow behind to gain some benefits.

But then he thought again, the only benefit the monkey got from the Peach Fair was the Nine-turn Golden Elixir in the Tusita Palace. But this matter has long been planned. The golden elixirs that the Monkey King took were all of great benefit to him.

As a zombie, he was originally extremely yin. If he followed the Monkey King and entered the Tusita Palace to eat the extremely yang Nine Turns Golden Pill, he might just explode and die, and he would die from then on.

Therefore, Li Qing thought about whether to wait for the Monkey King in advance, fight with him, and send him into the Bagua Furnace in advance.

Not to mention what Li Qing was thinking at the moment, she only said that after hearing what Li Qing said, Old Mother Lishan's expression changed drastically. She quickly dragged Li Qing into the sea of ​​clouds, then pulled his ears and scolded: "Now everyone. With all the gods and Buddhas gathered together, how dare you openly speak out about such a big thing? Do you want to be punished by the leader of seclusion for hundreds of thousands of years?"

Li Qing quickly apologized and even said he didn't dare.

At this time, Mother Lishan snorted coldly, squinted her eyes and said secretly: "My junior brother has insufficient foundation. If I teach him to do this, the Jade Emperor will definitely confer it on him again. He will not be under the control of the list of gods. If he is a god As my position improves, my luck as a teacher will also increase a lot!"

As soon as she thought about it, she glared at Li Qing and said, "You are so brave, evildoer. This matter is of great importance. I must ask the leader first!"

After saying that, before Li Qing could reply, she recited the incantation and began to call Lingbao Tianzun.

Let's say that Lingbao Tianzun and Yuanshi Tianzun are accompanying the Jade Emperor at this moment, listening to the Taishang Laojun's sermon.

Just as Taishang Laojun was talking about the golden lotus emerging from the earth, the voice of Mother Lishan also reached the ears of Lingbao Tianzun.

After Mother Lishan told him what Li Qing said, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes and began to consider the gains and losses.

First of all, these things have been decided by the saints long ago and are not easy to change. Secondly, if you really want to act like this, you must have the interest to impress other saints.

Thinking of this, he directly sent a message to Li Qing: "You evil obstacle, you will cause trouble for me!"

After that, he added: "This matter is okay, but you need to give up three points of the origin in the purple coffin in exchange for the price of changing the heavenly secret. If you agree, I will immediately discuss it with the saints. If it comes true, I will come in person to teach you the Hunyuan Wuji Hongmeng Avenue in person!"

After finishing this conversation with Li Qing, Lingbao Tianzun continued to listen to the Tao.

In the depths of the sea of ​​clouds near Nantianmen, after listening to what Lingbao Tianzun said, Li Qing thought for a moment, and then asked Old Mother Lishan to spread the word about Lingbao Tianzun on his behalf.

"I dare to ask the leader, if the disciples offer three parts of the purple coffin's origin, can they still travel back and forth and return to their original world in the future?"

After Lingbao Tianzun heard this, he spread the word: "Yes!"

After hearing the voice in his heart, Li Qing immediately nodded heavily and asked Our Lady of Mount Li to spread the word to Lingbao Tianzun on his behalf.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Lao Jun was talking about the Great Way with his eyes closed.

"Wei Zhi and Ah are far apart. Good and evil are far apart from each other. We must not be afraid of what people fear. It is desolate, but it is not central. The crowd is bustling, like enjoying a prison, like spring on the stage. I am alone, It's not a sign; it's chaotic, like a baby before it's born."

Blossoming golden lotuses emerged from the ground, like petals, floating throughout the Lingxiao Palace.

Except for Lingbao Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Jade Emperor all listened carefully with their eyes closed.

Among the Three Pure Ones, Taishang Laojun has the deepest Taoism and is closer to the 'Tao'. Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and the Jade Emperor all listened carefully.

But at this moment, Laojun suddenly closed his mouth and opened his eyes, looked at Lingbao Tianzun, and said: "I found that fellow Taoist is feeling uneasy, but has he gained some insights?"

The three of them who are currently in the Lingxiao Hall are all clones, so they refer to each other as Taoist friends.

As the Taishang Laojun said these words, the Jade Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun, who had their eyes closed, also opened their eyes and looked at Lingbao Tianzun.

Lingbao Tianzun said with a smile: "I don't have any enlightenment, but there is something important!"

After saying that, he slowly stood up, looked at Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun, and said with a smile: "Two fellow Taoists, please follow me!"

After saying this, he flashed and appeared outside the Lingxiao Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun both frowned in confusion, and then followed Lingbao Tianzun and ducked outside the Lingxiao Palace.

Then, just as they were about to ask, they saw Lingbao Tianzun waving his sleeves and setting up a barrier, then adjusting his clothes, bowing to the sky solemnly, and saying in a deep voice: "Please listen to me!"

As soon as the words "please listen to me" came out, the faces of Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun changed. They hurriedly adjusted their clothes and bowed down.

At this time, a ray of green light came from somewhere, fell into the barrier set up by Lingbao Tianzun, and turned into a light and shadow whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a stiff, unwavering voice that sounded from the light and shadow.

"What's the matter?"

Lingbao Tianzun immediately bowed again and said: "My disciple, there is something in his body that can travel through the heavens and all the worlds. Among them, there are three thousand worlds with heaven and no way!"

After he said these words, the expressions of Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun suddenly changed, and they looked at Lingbao Tianzun with a plain face and a smile in horror.

At the same time, the light and shadow in front of them also trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic voice sounded in the ears of the three of them at the same time.

"Is this true?"

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