Unify all heavens

Chapter 692 A hundred years passed in the blink of an eye

Earthly Immortal World, Xiniu Hezhou;

It is said that after Li Qing returned to the cave, he began to study the poem given to him by Patriarch Hongyun.

The poem says: The blood-red coffin of the prehistoric gods hides treasures for people to find. Purple clouds cover the eyes and the moon is about to tilt. Everything is possible to avoid the fate of the body.

Since Li Qing got this poem, he began to think hard about it.

At first, he only thought that the poetic meaning was that Ancestor Hongyun hid a treasure in the Netherworld's Bloody Coffin and taught him to find it.

But he almost turned the space inside the Netherworld's Blood Coffin upside down, but he didn't find any treasure.

So, he took out the strange poem again and read it over and over again.

And this look really made him discover something fishy.

If the last word of the first sentence of this poem and the first word of the other three sentences are read together, they are

The coffin contains purple energy!

After Li Qing understood what Patriarch Hongyun wanted to tell him in this poem, his expression began to change.

Sometimes surprised, sometimes stunned, sometimes horrified, sometimes ecstatic.

He had never thought that Ancestor Hongyun would be so generous as to give him the Hongmeng Purple Qi that contained the opportunity to become a saint.

Therefore, Li Qing stayed in a daze in the cave for three days before jumping into the Netherworld Blood Coffin with great joy.

He had discovered earlier that there was a sea of ​​purple clouds floating at the entrance of Netherworld's Bloody Coffin.

But he only thought that this purple sea of ​​clouds was the sky in the space inside the coffin.

So I never paid attention to it, I just looked for it in the boundless space.

But at this moment, he realized that this sea of ​​purple clouds was an illusion transformed by the 'Hongmeng Purple Qi'.

So, as soon as he jumped into the Netherworld Blood Coffin, he flew into this sea of ​​purple clouds and began to search.

As the saying goes, if you don’t remember the cold and heat, you won’t remember the year.

Li Qing searched for it in the coffin for seventy or eighty years.

On this day, while he was still in the Netherworld's Bloody Coffin, Taibai Venus suddenly came to visit him outside the cave.


Li Qing, who was in the coffin thinking hard about how to find the Hongmeng Purple Qi, suddenly heard the sound coming from outside the cave and immediately flew out of the Netherworld's Bloody Coffin. Then he casually sent the coffin into the void, straightened his clothes and went out to greet him.

After he left the cave, he saw Taibai Jinxing wearing a white robe, smiling and waiting for him.

"Little old man, pay homage to the Heavenly Lord!"

When Taibai Jinxing saw Li Qing coming out, she immediately smiled and bowed her hands.

Li Qing hurriedly returned the gift and said with a smile: "Since the old official is here, you might as well go into the cave and have a glass of water and wine!"

Taibai Jinxing waved her hands hurriedly and said with a wry smile: "Thank you Tianjun for your kind invitation. However, I have too many trivial things to do and I really can't spare any time. In a few days, there will be the Peach Holy Meeting. Your Majesty ordered me to send messages to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky. , only over 800 of them have been given away so far, and there are still thousands of gods and Buddhas to give away, so I can only thank Heavenly Lord for his kindness!"

After saying that, he bowed his head to Li Qing.

Li Qing hurriedly helped him up and said: "In that case, I won't keep you here anymore. After you finish these things, it won't be too late to come back to my mortal mountain!"

Taibai Jinxing agreed with a smile, then took out a gold-gilded jade post from her back, held it in both hands and handed it to Li Qing, saying: "Please Tianjun accept the post and go to the Yaochi Holy Meeting in person!"

Li Qing was shocked for a moment. He originally thought that Taibai Jinxing was passing by and came to visit him, but he didn't expect that he came to deliver him a message from the Yaochi Holy Association.

"I didn't expect that a zombie like me would one day go to the Yaochi Holy Meeting in person!"

He thought about this with some laughter in his heart, and took the post with a smile.

"Tianjun, the little old man will take his leave!"

Taibai Jinxing raised her hands towards Li Qing and said with a smile, then she attracted a cloud and flew towards the Wanshou Mountain in Zhen Yuanzi.

After Li Qing watched Taibai Jinxing leave, he said to himself: "Since the Peach Saint Meeting is coming, the day when the monkeys will cause havoc in the Heavenly Palace must be coming soon!"

Thinking of this, he began to count the days of retreat in this mountain.

Calculating that exactly one hundred years had passed, he immediately ordered the evil ghosts in the cave to guard the cave and flew towards the heaven.

When he was young, he came to the Nantian Gate and chatted with the King of Growth.

The purpose of his coming here is to know what the monkey has done in the past hundred years.

Therefore, when the King of Growth paid obeisance to him, he immediately asked: "Speaking of which, I have been in seclusion in the lower realm for a hundred years. I wonder what has happened in the heaven during these hundred years?"

When the King of Growth heard the words, he shouted back the heavenly soldiers and generals, pulled Li Qing's sleeves and walked far away, whispering: "Uncle Master, something really happened during this period, that person in Huaguo Mountain This demon monkey was named 'Bi Mawen' by His Majesty a hundred years ago. It was fine at first, but I didn't know where he learned about his junior official status, so he returned to the lower world in anger, and even set up a 'Qi' After His Majesty learned of the name of the Great Sage of Heaven, he sent Li Jing and his son to the lower realm to catch demons. As a result, Li Jing and his son were beaten by the monkey and lost their troops, and they returned defeated!"

"Then Taibai Jinxing suggested to His Majesty that if he issues a decree to recruit people, he will be taught to be a Monkey King. He will just be given an empty title, and he will have an official position but no salary. His Majesty thought for a moment and then agreed with Taibai Jinxing's words. He went down to the mortal world again to recruit the monkey to heaven, and ordered the work officials - Zhang and Lu Erban - to build a Monkey King's Palace on the right side of Pantaoyuan. There were also two departments in the palace: a Quiet Department, A Ning Shen Division. Both divisions have immortal officials to support them. I also sent the Five Dou Xingjun to send the monkey to his post, and gave him two bottles of royal wine and ten golden flowers, so that he could calm down and make up his mind and not do anything wrong again. "

When he said this, the King of Growth shook his head and sighed, and said: "It was better earlier. The monkey was free. In his free time, he would visit friends in the palace and make friends. I don't know if he was brave or too short-sighted. Even if he met Sanqing Tianzun, He was also just called "Lao", and when he met the Four Emperors, he said "Your Majesty". He also talked with the Nine Stars, Five Directions Generals, Twenty-eight Constellations, Twelve Yuan Chen, Five Directions and Five Elders, Universal Stars, and the Gods of the River and Han Dynasties. There are four of my brothers, and they all treat each other as brothers and call each other. Today we travel east, tomorrow we wander west, our whereabouts are uncertain as the clouds go and the clouds come."

"My four brothers originally wanted to make things difficult for him, but he is also very generous. He only uses force to make friends, and does not hold grudges to settle matters! If we live together for a long time, it will be difficult for us to continue to make things difficult for him!"

Having said this, he bowed deeply to Li Qing and said, "It's just that we are too incompetent to be able to vent my anger on my uncle's behalf! Now that my uncle has been released from seclusion, he only said a word of punishment, and the four of my brothers were willing to accept the punishment." Punishment!"

Li Qing waved his hand and said with a smile: "You are serious, what is there to punish? Originally this was a private matter between me and that monkey. Besides, I taught him a lesson in the Water Curtain Cave a hundred years ago. This matter has already been revealed!"

When the King of Growth heard this, he felt relieved and said with a smile: "Uncle Master said this, I feel relieved."

After that, he added: "Speaking of which, His Majesty asked the monkey to take charge of the peach garden a few days ago. My nephew heard that the monkey was about to eat up all the peaches!"

When Li Qing heard this, he immediately sneered and said: "It's okay, let him eat it. After some time, there will be more good fruits waiting for him!"

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