Unify all heavens

Chapter 627 Bibotan vs. Bull Demon King (Part 2)

Of these two sticks, one is made from the condensed divine fire of the Supreme Purity, and is said to be an indestructible divine weapon! One is a long iron-mixed stick that can easily move over seas and mountains!

When they collided at this moment, it was like two pillars of the sky colliding together. At the same time as the roar sounded, there were huge waves on the water above the pool!

It even made the clear blue wave pool become turbid in an instant, and the fish and shrimp in the pool were directly shaken into blood mist by the fluctuations caused by the confrontation between the two sticks at this moment.

Although the Bull Demon King was a strange beast from ancient times and had the power to lift mountains and seas, Li Qing was not inferior to him, and his strength was even greater than that of the Bull Demon King.

Therefore, the next moment the two sticks clashed, the Bull Demon King was hit by Li Qing and took a few steps back.

When the Bull Demon King saw that he had been beaten back a few steps by Li Qing, he was half drunk and suddenly became angry and wanted to fight. He had never been afraid of anyone in terms of strength!

Therefore, the next moment he stopped, he angrily picked up the iron stick and smashed it at him. While Li Qing raised the stick to greet him, he also kicked the Bull Demon King in the chest, causing a sharp pain in his chest. , the cold sweat has already merged with the pool water before it even drips.

Although there was severe pain in his chest, this severe pain aroused the Bull Demon King's anger even more.

At that moment, he gritted his steel teeth, his eyes turned red, and he hit Li Qing with a stick, cursing: "What a rotten beast, let's see how grandpa will smash you into a pulp today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw him using his stick to race the dragon. When he passed the stick, he immediately created a vacuum area.

Li Qing was furious when he heard this. When his heart was filled with anger, he stepped back and used the head of the stick to crush the dragon and hit the Bull Demon King in the chest. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he no longer suppressed the superior divine fire in the stick.

In an instant, only white mist was seen, and the green sacred fire made the water in the pool roar, and the temperature of the water in the pool also became extremely high in an instant!

The Bull Demon King was immediately enveloped in the scalding hot water, as if he was trapped in a large iron pot that was boiling water. His whole body was suddenly red from the heat.

Then I saw him screaming and rolling around in the water. The iron mixing bowl in his hand was boiled red at this time. He threw it aside and did not dare to touch it again.

Even the Bull Demon King, who is known as the Hunshi in the Four Seas and the Demon King of the West, cannot withstand the temperature of this water, let alone others.

Not far away, I saw the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast tied to a boulder at the bottom of the pool by the Bull Demon King. It was also howling miserably and struggling at this moment. Si Ki stepped crazily on the mud at the bottom of the pool, trying to break free and escape.

In the entire Blue Wave Pond, perhaps only the Dragon Palace was unaffected at this moment.

I saw that the All Saint Dragon King was still lying on the ground in a coma, and the translucent prawn was still hiding behind the pillar tremblingly. Little did he know that the pool water outside the Dragon Palace had already been cooked by the super clear divine fire summoned by Li Qing.

Outside the Dragon Palace, even though the Bull Demon King was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, he could not resist the flames coming from the saint. After rolling around for a while, he was sobered up by the scalding water.

The moment his eyes regained clarity, he screamed strangely because the water was so hot. Then the moment his eyes saw Li Qing through the white steam under the water, he screamed in surprise: "Junior brother?!"

When his words sounded, Li Qing suppressed the flame on the stick with a thought, and then opened his mouth to suck out the hot air in the pool of water, causing the pool of water that was originally gurgling to lose its heat in an instant and returned to its previous cold state. .

After doing all this, he squinted his eyes and sneered and asked the Bull Demon King, "Where are your junior brothers here? They are just evil beasts with corpses turned into spirits!"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he secretly screamed, "Oh no!" He didn't know that he had offended this junior brother when he was drunk.

With a smile on his face, he bowed his head to Li Qing from a distance and apologized: "Old Niu, I was drunk just now. I don't distinguish between you and me. If I have offended my junior brother with my words, I hope my junior brother will not talk to me." It’s common sense to forgive senior brother for this unintentional mistake!”


Li Qing snorted coldly and said: "How dare I blame you? I have to take you to the teacher to argue your right and wrong today!"

After saying that, he suddenly waved his sleeves towards the Bull Demon King.

When the Bull Demon King heard this and was about to speak, he saw everything in front of him turned upside down.

He is also knowledgeable. When he saw this, he immediately exclaimed: "What's in the sleeves???"

When he finished speaking, he found that the world in front of him suddenly spun, and then everything calmed down again. But at this time, he also found that the mud under his feet had turned into an endless purple soft step at some point.

The Bull Demon King was astonished that Li Qing could actually master Wuzhuang Guanzhen Yuanzi's unique magical power, and he was also shocked!

He thought that the powerful Bull Demon King was rampaging across the four continents, and no one could catch him in just a few rounds. As a result, he was drunk today and somehow offended his junior brother.

Not to mention that he was frustrated everywhere before, now he had it in his sleeves in an instant.

As soon as he thought about this, the Bull Demon King secretly blamed himself. He promised to stop drinking, but why couldn't he control his mouth today?

Just when he thought of this, he saw a gust of wind suddenly coming from the cuffs as wide as the heaven and the earth.

When the strong wind hit, the Bull Demon King hurriedly grabbed the cloth under him, fearing that he would be sucked deeper. At this moment, he was in the cuffs, and there was still a chance of escaping, but if he was sucked deep into the long sleeves, even if His strength has increased several times, and he can no longer escape.

Just when the Bull Demon King thought of this, he heard a panicked cry coming from the strong wind.

He looked up and saw that in the strong wind was the water-proof golden-eyed beast that he had tied to the boulder on the bottom of the sea.

His water-avoiding golden-eyed beast was originally red, but after being boiled in the hot pool water for a long time, it turned blood red, and a faint smell of meat emerged.

When the fragrance floated in the Bull Demon King's nose, he couldn't help sniffing and sniffed a few more times, then flew forward, caught the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, and landed on Li Qing's cuffs. .

Moreover, after Li Qing collected the Bull Demon King and the Water-avoiding Golden Eyed Beast into his sleeves, he turned around and flew towards the pool.

At this moment, the All-Saint Dragon King in the Dragon Palace finally woke up.

After he looked around, his expression changed and he said in surprise: "Where is the Bull Demon King?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard an extremely small voice coming from behind the white jade pillar.

"Sir, the Bull Demon King and the zombie are fighting outside the palace!"

After hearing this, the All Saint Dragon King stood up with his hands on his chest and grinned. Then when he was about to leave the Dragon Palace to check out the battle, he suddenly turned back, his eyes fell on the wine bottle on the ground, and he said distressedly: "Put away this wine quickly, now This is a gift from the Dragon King of the East China Sea to congratulate me on the birth of my daughter. It is a gift from the Heavenly Palace, so it must not be wasted!"

After saying this, he slowly walked towards the palace gate, but when he was about to leave the Dragon Palace, he heard the same voice from before sounded again.

"Master, there is no wine in the pot..."

The All Saint Dragon King suddenly turned around, with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and said: "Put away the empty wine bottle, find some wine and pour it in. Wait for the demon king from the rocky mountain to come, and he will say that it is the fine wine and jade obtained from the Heavenly Palace." Give them the liquid to drink!"

After saying this, he walked out of the Dragon Palace.

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