Unify all heavens

Chapter 626 Bibotan vs. Bull Demon King (Part 1)


When the two corpses of the shrimp soldier were thrown to the ground of the Dragon Palace, the other shrimp soldier who was kneeling on the ground was immediately frightened.

I saw it trembling all over, its original form showing in panic, turning into an inch-long translucent prawn, crawling and swimming hurriedly and hiding behind a pillar in the hall, never daring to show its head again.

The All Saint Dragon King had stood up in shock at this moment, his face no longer showing any trace of joy, only gnashing teeth ashen, and the two dragon whiskers were not hanging down on both sides as usual, but straight down and stretched straight.

Then he glared with bright pearl-like eyes, trembling all over and said angrily.


After saying that, he raised his hand and pointed to the door, and shouted angrily: "Come on, bring that evil beast in!"

As his voice rang out, more than a dozen yakshas and snail demons standing on both sides of the palace, clutching steel forks and halberds, rushed towards the door in a chaotic manner.

Compared to the extremely frightened and angry Wan Sheng Dragon King, the Bull Demon King was already intoxicated with wine and sex at this time. He didn't even notice the sneer before, but just smiled and laughed with the pretty and pale Clam Demon. His broad palms moved dishonestly over the clam demon's body.

Normally, this clam demon would have been panting seductively, but at this moment, with the corpse of the shrimp soldier in front of her, she would not have any confused thoughts. She just stood there blankly like a stone statue or a piece of wood. There, even though the Bull Demon King's broad palms were groping her body, she didn't dare to make a sound.

At this time, both the Yaksha and the snail demon had arrived in front of the palace, and all they saw was a zombie with long hair hanging on the ground and a blue complexion, looking towards the palace with a cold face.

Li Qing didn't expect that he would travel thousands of miles to look for the Bull Demon King in the Blue Wave Pond, but he didn't even see the Bull Demon King. He even said, "Old Niu, how can I recognize any zombie? It must be Na Si who has heard of me for a long time." Those who come here to join me, my old friends, don’t try to spoil my elegance, just send them away! ’ words.

He didn't know that the Bull Demon King had already fallen into drunkenness. He just thought that the Bull Demon King had forgotten what happened hundreds of years ago, and he was really angry.

So he got angry and killed the shrimp general guarding the gate.

Li Qing thought that he could force the Bull Demon King out this way, but who would have thought that the Bull Demon King would not even see him, and the All Saint Dragon King even sent Yaksha out to get him.

The zombies are all people with a lot of resentment. They have regarded killing as a normal thing since their birth. Even Li Qing himself has no idea how much blood is on his hands.

Therefore, when Li Qing saw the treatment he received after traveling thousands of miles, he became furious.

He didn't use magical powers or summon divine fire. He just flew forward with a cold face, punched and kicked the Yasha snail monsters who had just arrived at the door and looked at him directly to pieces and threw them into the palace. .

He followed closely behind and rushed in with evil eyes in his eyes.

In the Dragon Palace, the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King was looking out the door angrily, thinking about how to deal with Li Qing later.

There has not been a zombie at Emperor Ba's level in this world for a long time, so the shrimp general couldn't see Li Qing's strength at all and only thought he was a zombie.

The Halloween Dragon King was preconceived and thought that what was outside the door was an ordinary zombie.

The only Bull Demon King who knew Li Qing's realm was currently obsessed with wine and sex.

Therefore, when those Yaksha and snail demons were torn to pieces by Li Qing outside the door and their bodies were thrown in, the All Saint Dragon King was so angry that his seven orifices filled with smoke.

But before he could speak, Li Qing strode in.

The All Saint Dragon King was furious at the moment, so he didn't look at Li Qing carefully. He was just shocked and angry at Li Qing's bold behavior.

When he thought of Li Qing killing his shrimp soldiers, Yaksha and the snail demon in front of him, and breaking into the Dragon Palace behind him, he gritted his teeth with an angry smile and said: "What a daring beast, he dared to rape me, the Dragon Palace." Chuang, do you really think that I, the Halloween Dragon King, is easy to bully?"

As he spoke, he grabbed two long swords from the shelf behind him and charged towards Li Qing with an angry shout.

But as fast as he left, he came back even faster.

Li Qing has never fought against anyone since he evolved, so he doesn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King coming with a sword, he subconsciously kicked him.

After evolving into Emperor Ba, his attack speed was as fast as lightning. As soon as the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King raised the two long swords above his head, Li Qing's feet were already imprinted on his chest.

At that moment, there was only a bang, and the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King flew back with white eyes. Perhaps it was a coincidence that when he landed, he fell directly into the arms of the Bull Demon King.

The drunken Bull Demon King stumbled backwards and sat down on the ground with a bang.

The All Saint Dragon King fell on the other side, seriously injured and unconscious.

After the Bull Demon King sat on the ground, he was not angry. He just smiled foolishly, with saliva flowing down the corners of his mouth and dripping wet his chest.

When Li Qing saw this, he sneered and said, "What do you think? It turns out that you, the bull demon, are so drunk!"

As he spoke, he summoned a stream of Yin Qi out of thin air and hit the Bull Demon King.

The coldness that suddenly appeared on his face made the Bull Demon King tremble from the cold, and even he was half awake from the wine.

Then he looked around in confusion. At this time, Li Qing was walking towards him.

When the Bull Demon King saw the seriously injured and unconscious Wan Sheng Dragon King, his eyes widened instantly. Then he saw the corpses of the shrimp soldiers, snail demons and Yaksha on the ground, and he stood up angrily. When two streams of white air came out of his nose, his eyes also fell on Li Qing.

He and Li Qing hadn't seen each other for hundreds of years, and because he was still a little drunk at the moment, and after Li Qing evolved into the Emperor Demon, his appearance changed.

Therefore, he didn't recognize Li Qing for a moment.

He thought that Li Qing was here to seek revenge, and immediately he said angrily with red eyes: "What an evil beast, you know that my powerful Bull Demon King is here, but you still dare to be so arrogant! If I don't cut you into pieces today, how can I Be worthy of my unconscious old friend!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Li Qing. When Li Qing was stunned when he heard the words, the Bull Demon King had already arrived in front of him, and hit him in the heart with a fierce punch.

When Li Qing came to his senses, the Bull Demon King's fist had already hit his heart.

At that moment, there was only a bang, and Li Qing was knocked upside down by the Bull Demon King's punch, knocking down several pillars in front of the door.

After the Bull Demon King punched this punch, he pulled out an iron-mixed rod from behind, and even enlarged his body several times. He walked out of the Dragon Palace with a rumble, swung the iron-mixed rod and aimed at the flying Li Qing smashed it away.

Li Qing had become angry after being knocked away by the Bull Demon King's punch. It was understandable that the Bull Demon King didn't recognize him earlier because he was drunk after all.

But at this moment, the Bull Demon King was half sober, but he still didn't recognize him, and even punched him away.

This made Li Qing furious, thinking that the Bull Demon King a few hundred years ago was hypocritical and had befriended him on the surface, but he didn't care about him in his heart.

Immediately, he directly summoned the supreme divine fire, and instantly condensed it into a cyan stick. He waved it and collided with the Bull Demon King's mixed iron stick.

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