Unify all heavens

Chapter 628 Become famous in four major states

Or it was a coincidence that when the All Saint Dragon King walked out of the Dragon Palace, he happened to see the Bull Demon King and the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast being swept away by Li Qing's big sleeves.

The scene in front of him made the old Dragon King of Bibotan panic. He hurriedly hid, fearing that Li Qing would see him and take him away.

It wasn't until Li Qing left Bibo Pond that he dared to show his body.

Looking at the turbid water, the All Saint Dragon King murmured: "When did such an unfathomable zombie appear in the earthly immortal world? Even the powerful Bull Demon King has no strength to resist!"

As he spoke, he shook his head and returned to the Dragon Palace, sending his soldiers and generals to clean up the Dragon Palace. He seemed to have forgotten the matter and returned to the inner palace to amuse the newborn dragon girl.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there were shrimp soldiers reporting outside the palace. Thirty-five demon kings from Luanshi Mountain came together and were already standing outside the palace.

After hearing this, the All Saint Dragon King straightened his clothes and walked out expressionlessly.

When he came to the main hall and saw that the shrimp soldiers and crab generals had tidied up the main hall, he nodded slowly, slightly lifted his hem and sat on the coral dragon chair inlaid with water-proof beads, fire-proof beads, dust-proof beads, and night-light pearls. , with a hint of pride in his eyes, ordered: "Let the thirty-five demon kings come in!"

Hearing this, the shrimp soldiers on the side swayed to the front of the palace gate and said to the thirty-five different-looking demon kings of the Stone Mountain: "Dear demon kings, my Dragon King is here to invite you!"

When these demon kings with leopard heads, tiger heads, rat heads, and snake tails heard this, they sent gifts one after another to the shrimp soldier with a smile on their faces, along with a gift list.

After the shrimp soldier looked at the gift list, he shouted loudly.

"The Tyrant King of Biyue Cave in Luanshi Mountain sends you 100 pieces of spiritual stones and 100 catties of spiritual herbs. I wish the All Saints Dragon King good fortune and the same as heaven!"

When the shrimp soldier called out the name of the cave, the tiger-headed demon king with a circle of animal skin around his waist pinched his beard and strode into the Dragon Palace.

The moment he stepped into the Dragon Palace, the soldiers in front of the palace shouted loudly: "The Heavenly Leopard King in the Blue Hole of Luanshi Mountain, I will give you a hundred spiritual stones and a hundred beautiful pictures of the demon clan. Congratulations to the Dragon King Fubi." Sky high!”

As the shrimp soldiers shouted loudly, the thirty-five demon kings from the Rock Mountain also entered the Dragon Palace in an orderly manner, met with the Wan Sheng Dragon King who was sitting on the coral dragon chair, and found a place to get close to Wan Sheng Dragon King. The Holy Dragon King sat down on his chair.

When all the thirty-five demon kings were seated, the All Saints Dragon King ordered the shrimp soldiers and crab generals to distribute the white jade wine bottles filled with human wine everywhere, and said with a smile: "Every demon king can come and congratulate Laolong despite your busy schedule. Happy to have a daughter, the old dragon was very grateful, so he took the nectar and jade liquid presented by Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and gave it to all the demon kings to taste with flowers to thank the Buddha!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up a glass of wine and drank it first.

Of course, the glass of wine he drank was the real nectar from the Heavenly Palace. It was filled drop by drop from those so-called empty wine bottles with great difficulty.

As for the thirty-five demon kings sitting down, they all drank ordinary wine in the human world.

Even the ones standing next to them were ugly crab, general and snail monsters.

Unlike when the Bull Demon King came before, he drank nectar and jade liquid and touched the beautiful clam demon.

Different status means different treatment.

But these demon kings don't care about this. They just want to have a relationship with the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King and then annex other demon kings.

Therefore, they all returned from the banquet happily and happily.

During the banquet, in order to increase his own worth, the Wan Sheng Dragon King told the story about his previous invitation to the Bull Demon King.

As a result, he accidentally let it slip and revealed that the Bull Demon King was easily taken away by a zombie.

Therefore, on the way back, these thirty-five demon kings were all discussing this matter.

After all, this matter is really an earth-shattering event.

Who is the Bull Demon King?

That is the existence of "There is a person named Hunshi in the four seas, the powerful demon king of the west". Not to mention their Xiniu Hezhou, even in the entire three realms, the name of the Niu Demon King is known to everyone.

If the Bull Demon King's strength is poor, that's not bad. The key is that after the Bull Demon King has been running rampant in the four major states for so many years, no one dares to provoke him!

Therefore, his status in the demon world is almost second only to those powerful demon clan members who have never shown themselves to be saints!

Even when they returned to their respective caves, these demon kings still couldn't forget this matter. From time to time, he murmured to himself, thinking about the cultivation level of the zombie that captured the Bull Demon King.

The Demon King was like this, so their subordinates were naturally even more shocked.

So, in just half a day, the news that the Bull Demon King was captured by a zombie spread throughout the four major states.

In a forest in Nanfanbuzhou, a crow spirit was talking to a turtle dove spirit: "Quack, have you heard that the powerful bull demon king went to congratulate the old Dragon King of Halloween in Bibo Pond the other day? Fortunately, when he was drunk, he was caught by a zombie! Guagua"

On the other side, in Dongsheng Shenzhou, a carp spirit was talking to a turtle spirit: "Have you heard? That Bull Demon King was beaten half to death by a zombie a few days ago!"

There are legends about three people becoming tigers in the human world, let alone the demon world.

Therefore, when night falls, the legend has become that the Bull Demon King went to congratulate the All Saint Dragon King on taking a concubine, but it turned out that the concubine that the All Saint Dragon King accepted was the old love of a zombie. , the zombie came to look for his old love, and not only killed the All Saint Dragon King and his family, but also the Bull Demon King who congratulated him was killed in the blue wave pool.

At this moment, Li Qing had returned to Hidden Mist Mountain and was sitting on a stone chair.

There is a stone chair below him, and sitting on it is the Bull Demon King with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

They were completely unaware of the news that was known to everyone in the demon world, and were just talking about other things.

Originally, Li Qing only wanted to scare the Bull Demon King, and was not really planning to take him to Lingbao Tianzun. After all, Lingbao Tianzun once said that he could only go to Tianzun Palace to see Lingbao after another disaster after Journey to the West was over. Tianzun.

But the Bull Demon King didn't know about this.

Therefore, he had shouted all kinds of things into Li Qing's sleeves, cried bitterly when he was extremely sad, and made all kinds of apologies and promises.

Li Qing had no intention of doing anything to the Bull Demon King. After all, he and the Bull Demon King were brothers, so they could have a small fight. If it got bigger, both of them would be punished by Lingbao Tianzun. Besides, he would have to rely on him in the future. Follow the Bull Demon King to approach the monkey.

Therefore, after hearing the apology from the Bull Demon King crying in his sleeve, Li Qing forgave him, released him, and took him to his cave.

Then, the Bull Demon King's bruised nose and swollen face shocked him.

When Li Qing asked, the Bull Demon King only said that he smelled the fragrance of the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast in his sleeves, and couldn't help but took a bite. As a result, he was kicked to death by the angry water-avoiding golden-eyed beast. This is what it looks like now.

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