Unify all heavens

Chapter 620 Zhen Yuanzi recruits disciples and teaches the Dharma (Part 1)

Xiniu Hezhou;

Under the soaring demonic aura, in the dense jungle, the Bull Demon King's eyes had been turned into a blue color by the supreme divine fire summoned by Li Qing.

At the same time, the alert look in his eyes slowly melted away like ice under the scorching sun. Then he stepped forward with a smile, raised his palm and patted Li Qing on the shoulder, laughing proudly and saying: " Good junior brother, I didn’t expect you to be my teacher’s disciple!”

After he finished speaking, he laughed again and said: "Old Niu, I am really happy today. Junior brother, come and have a few drinks with me!"

After saying this, he suddenly turned around and shouted: "Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you quickly bring me a drink?"

The group of demons and monsters who had been stunned for a long time became panicked when they heard the cold drink from the Bull Demon King. They looked around for wine and placed it in front of the Bull Demon King.

In just a few breaths, a hill made of wine jars appeared in front of the Bull Demon King.

When the aroma of wine overflowed, the Bull Demon King also laughed loudly and said: "Come on, good junior brother, come and have a drink with me, Old Niu. I have forgotten how long it has been since I was as happy as I am today!"

Hearing this, Li Qing had a helpless smile on his face and said: "To be honest, senior brother, I look like this. Even if I want to have a drink with senior brother, my body won't agree! Why don't I just record these drinks for now, and wait until I become the emperor?" Then, will you drink with senior brother again?"

After hearing what Li Qing said, the Bull Demon King yelled a few times for bad luck, and then he didn't know what he thought of. He suddenly frowned and said: "Junior brother, your zombie body really makes me unhappy, old Niu. If not, I will go to the human world to do it for you." You look for a good body, you swallow his soul, occupy the body, and rebuild your realm. How about you rebuild your realm? Senior brother’s friends are all over the sky and the earth. They will send you spiritual herbs every day and refine elixirs for you every night. It doesn’t take dozens of Year, your state will come back again!"

Just as he finished speaking, he heard a cold snort coming from his ear.

"You coward, you actually came up with some bad ideas. All my subordinates are men with hair and horns. Even if there are many zombies, why not?"

The Bull Demon King, who was still smiling at first, suddenly changed his face when he heard the sound in his ears. He quickly knelt down on the ground and kept saying that he didn't dare.

When the surrounding demons saw this scene, they were all stunned, wondering why the Bull Demon King was kneeling on the ground.

Just when they were wondering, a cold shout sounded in Li Qing's ears, "You evildoer, why don't you return to Wuzhuang Temple as soon as possible? When will you wait?"

Li Qing was startled when he heard this, glanced at the Bull Demon King, and suddenly understood.

Eighty percent of the Bull Demon King was also reprimanded by the Tongtian Cult Leader.

With this thought in his mind, he smiled bitterly and said, "Senior brother, the teacher just informed me and told me to return to Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain as soon as possible. Now I can only say goodbye to senior brother for now, and we will meet again someday!"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he raised his head and said with a bitter smile: "That's all. I have heard about the Wuzhuang Temple. It is the dojo of Zhenyuan Great Immortal, the ancestor of the earthly immortals. I think the teacher will take you to get to know this earthly immortal world." The great power, if you have nothing to do in the future, you might as well come to me!"

Li Qing nodded immediately and said: "This is natural, I just don't know where to look for senior brother when the time comes!"

The Bull Demon King smiled when he heard this and said, "You only need to find a random little demon and ask, and you will know where I am!"

Li Qing nodded heavily and said: "In that case, farewell, junior brother!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew up, but as soon as he flew high into the sky, he flew down again. He looked at the Bull Demon King with a sneer on his face and asked: "Brother, do you know the location of Wanshou Mountain? Please point it out to me. I always I can’t find my bearings!”

After hearing the words, the Bull Demon King waved his hand, pointed at a monster with the head of an eagle and the body of a human body, and said: "Take my junior brother to the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain! I will be grateful when you come back!"

After the monster with the head of an eagle and the body of a human body heard the Bull Demon King's words, his eyes instantly showed joy, and he quickly bowed and agreed.

Then he flew up, flying in front of Li Qing, leading the way for Li Qing.

But his speed was too slow. After Li Qing endured it for a few minutes, he grabbed his hairy neck and flew forward at full speed.

At that moment, all I could hear was the monster with the head of an eagle and the body of a human body, screaming: "My lord, please slow down! My lord, please slow down, I'm a little dizzy!"

Li Qing turned a deaf ear, but stopped every once in a while to let the little demon get its bearings, and then flew up again like lightning.

After the little demon shouted several times and saw no response from Li Qing, he could only endure the dizziness and nausea and pointed the way to Li Qing.

Speaking of which, the dense forest where Li Qing settled before was actually some distance away from Wanshou Mountain. He flew at full speed for five or six minutes before he saw the majestic Taoist Fairy Mountain!

At this moment, the little demon in the body of an eagle or beast in his hand had already passed out due to dizziness.

Li Qing had no choice but to put it on the ground and fly towards Wanshou Mountain alone.

Perhaps Immortal Zhenyuan had already told him that all the disciples in Wuzhuang Temple turned a blind eye to Li Qing's extremely hot figure with soaring evil aura and were busy cultivating on their own.

Because of the urgency of the summons from the Tongtian Cult Master, Li Qing did not bother to appreciate Wuzhuangguan, a treasure land in the world and a Taoist fairy mountain. Fly directly towards the main hall which exudes a powerful aura.

When he flew to the main hall, Lingbao Tianzun had already walked out of the main hall together with Zhenyuan Immortal and Hongyun Patriarch.

When Li Qing saw this, he quickly fell from the air, hurriedly walked to Lingbao Tianzun, and said respectfully: "I have met Master!"

Lingbao Tianzun felt angry when he saw Li Qing, so he just snorted and did not respond.

Li Qing felt strange about Lingbao Tianzun's attitude towards him, but he didn't think about it carefully. He turned around and bowed again to Ancestor Hongyun and Immortal Zhenyuan.

Except for Patriarch Hongyun who smiled at him, the Zhenyuan Immortal also snorted coldly like Lingbao Tianzun and did not respond.

This made Li Qing feel surprised. It was okay for Lingbao Tianzun to be angry with him, but the Zhenyuan Immortal had never communicated with him. Why was he like this?

Just when Li Qing was curious, the voice of Lingbao Tianzun rang in his ears: "You are also a blessed zombie with evil obstacles. Immortal Zhenyuan wants to accept you as a registered disciple and ask for my opinion! I teach you There is no rule that prohibits disciples from taking another person as their teacher, so I call you to come and ask!"

When Li Qing heard the words, he did not answer immediately, and quietly looked at Lingbao Tianzun's face. When he saw that Lingbao Tianzun's expression was wrong, he tentatively replied, "It's all up to Master!"

Lingbao Tianzun nodded slowly and expressionlessly, and said: "It is better to choose the day than to hit the sun. At this moment, you kneel down to the Immortal and respectfully kowtow three times!"

When he finished speaking, he looked at Immortal Zhenyuan with a chuckle and asked, "What do you think, Immortal Zhenyuan?"

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