Unify all heavens

Chapter 621 Zhen Yuanzi recruits disciples and teaches the Dharma (Part 2)

Zhen Yuanzi, who was originally in a bad mood because of the big loss, immediately sighed in his heart after hearing Lingbao Tianzun's words, and said to himself: "Why do you ask me to do something that your majestic saint has decided?"

It was obviously Lingbao Tianzun who first spoke about this matter, suggesting that he accept Li Qing as a registered disciple, but now that Lingbao Tianzun said this, it was as if Zhen Yuanzi had opened his mouth to compete with Lingbao Tianzun for a disciple. .

Zhen Yuanzi now feels as if the two Taoist boys from Qingfeng Mingyue abandoned his Wuzhuang Temple and found another master to become their disciples.

I feel really awkward.

While he was thinking, Li Qing had already followed Lingbao Tianzun's words, knelt in front of Zhen Yuanzi, and kowtowed three times respectfully.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi could only force out a smile and said: "Good disciple, since you have now become my master, I will pass on the skills of the world in my sleeves to you!"

He wanted to say this through gritted teeth, but Lingbao Tianzun was standing beside him, looking at him with a faint smile.

Compared to Immortal Zhenyuan's displeasure, Li Qing was surprised and happy.

He didn't expect that worshiping Zhen Yuanzi as his teacher would have such benefits. He had also heard about the power of the Qiankun art in his sleeves. After the journey to the West began, Tang Monk and his disciples passed by here because Sun Wukong broke five of them. The ginseng fruit tree in Zhuangguan was captured twice by Immortal Zhenyuan using the Qiankun in his sleeve. But Sun Wukong, whose reputation spread throughout the three realms, could not resist at all and was caught twice in succession.

This shows the power of the universe in one’s sleeves!

Speaking of which, Li Qing had been coveting this kind of magic for a long time. He had also thought about asking Patriarch Hongyun to be a middleman and get this magic from Zhen Yuanzi.

Based on the friendship between Patriarch Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi, if he spoke, Zhen Yuanzi would never refuse.

But after Patriarch Hongyun taught him the method of shrinking the ground into an inch, Li Qing was embarrassed to mention it again.

Therefore, after hearing Zhen Yuanzi's words at this moment, his face showed a look of surprise.

"It's true that there is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there is a bright future in another village!"

Lingbao Tianzun on the side immediately snorted coldly after seeing Li Qing's surprised expression.

After Li Qing heard the cold snort, his face immediately returned to calmness. He didn't dare to think about it anymore. He quickly kowtowed three times to Zhen Yuanzi respectfully and said at the same time: "Thank you, Master, for the gift!"

When he finished speaking and raised his head, Zhen Yuanzi raised his hand and pointed at his forehead. At that moment, Li Qing trembled all over, while Zhen Yuanzi murmured the mantra with a calm face.

Only about ten breaths later, Zhen Yuanzi's fingers left Li Qing's forehead, and he said slowly: "I have taught you the formula, you need to practice it hard, don't be lazy! Otherwise, you will be severely punished as a teacher. For you!"

Li Qing nodded quickly and said respectfully: "Disciple, remember it!"

When he finished speaking, Zhen Yuanzi looked at Lingbao Tianzun on one side and said with a wry smile: "Fellow Taoist, then I will go to the Great Leiyin Temple in the West to discuss the ninety-nine calamities with the Western Buddha. thing!"

Lingbao Tianzun smiled and held his hands, saying: "Fellow Taoist, walk slowly. During this period, I will take fellow Taoist Hongyun back to Tianzun Hall! I will not let others perceive the existence of Taoist Hongyun!"

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi glanced at the still heartless Ancestor Hongyun, nodded with a wry smile, then waved his sleeves and flew high into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Until Zhen Yuanzi left, Li Qing did not get up, but turned to look at Lingbao Tianzun.

When Lingbao Tianzun saw this, he immediately raised his eyebrows. He was a figure who could easily plot against Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun, and he couldn't tell what Li Qing meant.

Immediately, I saw him staring, snorting angrily, and shouted: "What do you think I'm doing, you evildoer?"

Li Qing gritted his teeth secretly when he heard this. If he had not seen the Bull Demon King, he would have definitely been satisfied if he had learned the secrets of Immortal Zhenyuan.

But after meeting the Bull Demon King, he found that his strength was still too weak. After all, the universe in his sleeves was just a trapping technique, not a killing technique.

When he was talking to the Bull Demon King before, he had already begun to worry about this matter. After all, in the Journey to the West who knows how many years later, even existences like the Bull Demon King were not there after his son Red Boy was taken away by Guanyin. , while furious, but at the same time unable to do anything?

Niu Demon King, like him, is a disciple of Jiejiao, and his relationship with Master Tongtian is much better than that between Li Qing and Master Tongtian.

You must know that long before becoming a god, the Bull Demon King was already the mount of Lord Tongtian.

Even so, he dared not speak out his anger, so he could only go to the monkey to relieve his anger, but in the end, even he was captured.

In fact, not only the Bull Demon King, but also the other great sages of later generations were hiding one by one.

The backstage of each of them is not a small person.

As a result, they could only hide and dare not show their heads.

So Li Qing discovered that when he came to this journey to the west, even with the Tongtian Cult Master as the backstage, he would not be completely safe. Instead, he will be targeted everywhere because of his identity!

At this time, strength is particularly important!

What's more, he is still a zombie and will be targeted and suppressed by many forces!

He is not a figure like Sun Wukong who is protected by countless powerful beings. The monkey even made trouble in the Heavenly Palace and stole flat peaches and golden elixirs without being punished. He was just imprisoned under the Five Elements Mountain for five hundred years by the Western Buddha Tathagata!

Li Qing asked himself, if he did these things, Tongtian Cult Master would never be able to protect him, and his fate, even if it was not wiped out in ashes, would not be much different.

Because of this, Li Qing is trying hard to be punished by Lingbao Tianzun at this moment, but also has to bite the bullet and learn more tricks from Lingbao Tianzun!

After all, the world of Journey to the West is the most dangerous world he has experienced so far.

Not to mention the other three major prefectures, there are countless demon kings in Xiniu Hezhou alone.

Fortunately, there was a Bull Demon King in the dense forest where he fell before. Otherwise, all kinds of monsters and monsters in the dense forest would definitely take action against him.

This is true for all little monsters, let alone other monster kings!

He is not Sun Houhou or Tang Sanzang. He is protected by immortals and gods twelve hours a day. If he is in trouble, gods and Buddhas from all over the sky will descend to earth to rescue him.

When Li Qing was kneeling in front of Lingbao Tianzun and thinking about all this, Lingbao Tianzun's eyes actually flickered.

Because he could faintly detect everything Li Qing was thinking.

Therefore, Lingbao Tianzun's face was extremely ugly at this moment!

After a long time, he suddenly said in a cold voice: "Do you think I can't protect you?"

After he finished speaking, even Patriarch Hongyun on the side trembled from the chill in his words.

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