Unify all heavens

Chapter 619: Journey to the West in Longevity Mountain (Part 2)

Just when Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi were shocked by the news, Lingbao Tianzun sneered: "For this reason, one of the two sages in the West asked the good corpse to change his name to Subhuti and worship the Western Buddha as his teacher. That monkey’s apprenticeship has been decided!”

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes widened, and he lost his mind and said: "I have heard of Subhuti's name before. In the original Taoist world, there was such a great man, but I never thought that he was actually the two sages of the West. One of the good corpses also worshiped the Western Buddha as his teacher!"

Lingbao Tianzun continued to sneer: "His name is Subhuti, and his place of residence is called Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xianyue Sanxingxing Cave. Lingtai and Fangcun originally refer to the heart, and the Xingyue Sanxing Cave is the word "heart". The slanting moon refers to the curved hook, and the three stars are the three points of the word heart. The square inch mountain of Lingtai and the three-star cave of the slanting moon mean that practice is to cultivate the mind. When the monkey comes here in the future, he will definitely have to practice it first. The monkey nature of the monkey, he practices both Taoism and Buddhism, originally to teach the monkey the skills of Buddhism and Taoism! The two most kind minds of the two sages in the West are just like Subhuti, they practice Taoism skills, but their names are is the name of the Buddhist dharma. Subhuti is the great disciple of the Western Buddha, which means "empty birth". He is known as the first to understand the "emptiness". He is the disciple who is the best at understanding the "empty principle" among the Buddha. It can be imagined that, That monkey will learn the skills here in the future, and he will definitely have the word 'empty' in his name, and then after the teaching is completed, he will go back to the Great Leiyin Temple in the west to become a Buddha and a Bodhisattva!"

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi and Ancestor Hongyun both stood aside blankly. Ancestor Hongyun had only been in this world for a short period of time. He did not know these things in the first place, so he did not talk about them for the time being. But Zhen Yuanzi was almost involved in the spread of Buddhism eastward. He originally thought that the spread of Buddhism eastward was just like what the two sages of the West said. The West is a barren land and needs more people. But I have never thought carefully about the spread of Buddhism eastward to be such a huge whirlpool!

If Lingbao Tianzun hadn't come here today, he might not have thought of this until the end of the spread of Buddhism eastward.

At this time, he was not only shocked in his heart by the minds of the two Western Saints, but he was also more frightened by the Saint's calculations!

At that moment, I couldn't help but wonder in my heart whether Hongyun's survival was also a plan of Saint Tongtian?

After all, Patriarch Hongyun possesses Hongmeng Purple Qi and is a destined saint!

Jiejiao is now on its last legs. If it is true as Lingbao Tianzun said before, the hidden intention of the spread of Buddhism to the East is to destroy his disciples of Jiejiao, then when this matter is over, Jiejiao's vitality will not be exhausted and it will not exist. How long.

And since Lingbao Tianzun is one of the three corpses of the saint, he will definitely not watch this happen.

Then, his rescue of Patriarch Hongyun was no longer simple.

I think it must be because of the Hongmeng Purple Qi on the Hongyun Ancestor!

After all, if he wanted Patriarch Hongyun to become a saint, why not help him become a saint on the day of rescue, but instead sent him to other worlds and returned with his disciples.

He ordered Ancestor Hongyun to give him the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Previously, he said that allowing his disciple to occupy one of the ninety-nine and eighty-one kalpas in the spread of Buddhism to the east was for nothing more than the merits of the spread of Buddhism to the world.

His disciple is a zombie, so it is difficult for him to practice cultivation, let alone become a saint!

But if you gain merit in the spread of Buddhism to the East and integrate the Hongmeng Purple Qi, even if you cannot become a saint, you will definitely become a quasi-sage and fill up the number of thousands of years of Qi for him to intercept the teaching!

The more Zhen Yuanzi thought about it, the more frightened he became.

Then he couldn't help but glance at Lingbao Tianzun, only to see Lingbao Tianzun looking at him with a faint smile. His deep eyes were like two mirrors, seeming to reflect all the thoughts in his heart clearly. Chu general.

In an instant, a few drops of cold sweat broke out on Zhen Yuanzi's forehead.

Ancestor Hongyun on the side didn't know Zhen Yuanzi's thoughts, but was immersed in everything Lingbao Tianzun said before.

After a while, he came to his senses, and then he couldn't help but take a long breath of cold air and said worriedly: "The Western Buddhist world is so proficient in mental skills, can our plan still succeed? If it doesn't work, just forget it, so as not to offend them again!"

Zhen Yuanzi sighed secretly when he heard this. Although he was kind, he was not a fool. I still don’t understand that all of this is a game of chess played by the saint, and he and Ancestor Hongyun have become pawns at this moment. Even if Ancestor Hongyun doesn’t want to, this Lingbao Tianzun must use some Way to get him to agree!

Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart again, and couldn't help but worry about when he and his best friend would be able to realize their wish to travel around the mountains and rivers!

Sure enough, as he thought, when Patriarch Hongyun finished speaking, Lingbao Tianzun smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, don't worry, your giving up your seat in Zixiao Palace back then was a big cause and effect. If this matter is exposed, , if you use this to go to the Western Buddha Realm, the Two Sages of the West will definitely put the past behind you, and maybe even invite you to become a Buddha and Bodhisattva in that Western Buddhist Realm!"

When Zhen Yuanzi heard this, his eyes trembled.

However, Patriarch Hongyun never thought of it so deeply. He just smiled and waved his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist, please don't tease me. I have always been used to freedom. How can I go to the Western Buddhist world to become a Buddha and a Bodhisattva!"

When he finished speaking, the nervous look on his face completely dissipated, and he continued to smile: "However, with the words of fellow Taoist, I felt at ease in my heart, so the matter of planning the Three Lights Divine Water has been settled!"

Lingbao Tianzun smiled, and then glanced at Zhen Yuanzi.

After Zhen Yuanzi noticed Lingbao Tianzun's gaze, he didn't dare to say no. He just nodded with a wry smile, and then sighed in his heart. Then he added: "The ninety-nine and eighty-one calamities have been decided for a long time. How can we make changes?"

Lingbao Tianzun looked at Zhen Yuanzi and smiled and said: "As far as I know, those catastrophes have not yet been determined. If you go to the West at this time and mention this matter to the Western Buddha in person, he will definitely sell you a face!"

When Zhen Yuanzi heard this, he had no other thoughts in his mind. He could only nod helplessly and said: "In that case, I will visit the Great Leiyin Temple in the near future to discuss this matter with the Western Buddha!"

Lingbao Tianzun smiled and said: "Then the matter is settled!"

After saying that, he turned back to look at Patriarch Hongyun and said: "Since the Great Immortal is going to the Western Buddhist Realm, my fellow Taoist cannot stay in this Wuzhuang Temple, otherwise he will be discovered by other great powers. You might as well go back to Tianzun with me for the time being." How about a game of chess in the palace?"

Ancestor Hongyun hesitated when he heard this, and then thought that this was actually the case. If Zhen Yuanzi was not here, the possibility of him being exposed was indeed very high. He nodded immediately and said, "Just like what fellow Taoist said!"

Lingbao Tianzun turned back to look at Zhen Yuanzi and said with a smile: "It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. How about you, Taoist friend, take my disciple under his name right now?"

Zhen Yuanzi couldn't refuse, so he nodded and said with a smile: "That's true. It's just that my Taoist disciple doesn't know where he is at the moment. Why don't I lead the disciple to find him and talk about it!"

Lingbao Tianzun immediately waved his hands and said: "There is no need for the immortal to work hard. My disciple is with Niu'er now. I only need to call out and he will come back in an instant!"

After saying that, before Zhen Yuanzi could speak, he pinched his fingers and shouted coldly: "You evildoer, why don't you return to Wuzhuang Temple as soon as possible? When will you wait?"

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