Unify all heavens

Chapter 456 Clone

While curious, the old demon from Montenegro was also thinking secretly.

If Li Qing's origins were truly astonishing, should he cut the trouble quickly and leave Li Qing in this underworld, or should he ignore past grudges and have a good relationship with Li Qing.

While he was thinking, he heard Li Qing say in a cold voice: "It's not difficult for you to know where I came from, but I'll wait until you survive first!"

The moment Li Qing finished speaking, the old Black Mountain demon's face darkened, he narrowed his eyes and sneered: "It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

As soon as he said this, Li Qing suddenly raised his hand and summoned a purple flame.

The moment the flames appeared, the entire Hell Gate fell into silence.

The sinister wind that was constantly raging 'whirring' suddenly disappeared at this moment.

Whether it was the old demon from Black Mountain or the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King standing at the Gate of Hell, their expressions changed after they noticed this.

They have never seen such a domineering flame, which suppressed the eternal evil wind in the underworld until it disappeared as soon as it appeared!

However, compared to the shock on the face of the Black Mountain old demon, the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King behind the gate of hell was shocked and also showed a dazed expression.

He always felt that the purple flame in Li Qing's hand looked familiar, as if he had seen it a long time ago.

Just as he frowned and thought about when he had seen this purple flame, Li Qing suddenly raised his hand with a sneer and threw the Taiqing Divine Fire at the old demon of Montenegro.

The old demon from Montenegro was startled at first, then subconsciously waved his robe and fan towards the Taiqing Divine Fire, preparing to extinguish it!

As a result, just when the black robe he waved was about to approach the Taiqing Divine Fire, the breath of the Divine Fire suddenly suppressed the demonic energy all over his body.

Suddenly, the face of the old Black Mountain demon changed drastically, and with a hurried scream, it turned into a ball of black mist and surged into the sky.

Even so, there was a little spark on his robe.

Until he turned into black mist, the sparks did not disappear, but gradually grew stronger.

Therefore, I heard the old Black Mountain demon in the air say in shock: "What kind of fire is this?"

As he spoke, the powerful divine fire was about to spread to his body.

Seeing this, the old demon from Montenegro hurriedly gathered his human form in mid-air, and then threw away his black robe. At the same time, he used all his strength to escape into the distance.

Although his speed is much faster than that of Taiqing Shenhuo, the Shenhuo has energy and can chase after the black mist without Li Qing's control. From time to time, he would stop halfway along the road, blocking the way of the old demon of Montenegro, which only shocked the old demon of Montenegro.

Then quickly change the route.

For a moment, the black mist transformed by the Black Mountain Old Demon was seen making a large circle in the sky.

Li Qing sneered when he saw this, raised his hand and summoned another ball of Taiqing Divine Fire and threw it into the air.

Suddenly, a purple light surged into the sky, directly blocking the old Black Mountain demon, forcing him to change his route again in a hurry.

However, he seemed to be very afraid of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King. Many times when he passed by the Ghost Gate and wanted to enter, he always turned around temporarily in front of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King who sneered.

This also led to the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King personally experiencing the violent aura of the Taiqing Divine Fire several times.

This smell made his brows furrow deeper, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

And when he felt the breath of Taiqing Shenhuo three times in a row, some memories that he had almost forgotten in his mind suddenly gradually became clear.

At this moment, high in the sky, the old Black Mountain demon shouted in horror: "That Corpse Ancestor, quickly remove these two flames, I won't pursue you for killing my adopted son! "

Li Qing did not answer him, but quietly looked at the old Black Mountain demon who couldn't help but escape.

It's okay if he doesn't take action. Now that he has taken action, he must eliminate this old monster from Montenegro! To prevent future revenge from the old demon from Montenegro.

As soon as he thought of this, he once again summoned a ball of Taiqing Divine Fire in the panic-stricken expression of the old demon of Montenegro, and threw it towards the old demon of Montenegro who was about to leave this place.

The old Black Mountain demon saw another ball of purple divine fire flying towards him, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "That Corpse Ancestor, I have already told Tutu before that, except for the Ajin Corpse King who has been trampled to death by you, the other two Corpse Kings I have already sent you to hell to suffer! If you take away the flames, I will hand over those two bastards to you immediately! What's more, they are the ones who offended you and have nothing to do with me, the old demon from Montenegro!"

When the old Black Mountain demon was talking, the Land Master next to Li Qing kept frowning, as if he was sensing something.

At this moment, the three balls of Taiqing Divine Fire thrown by Li Qing had tightly surrounded the old Black Mountain demon in mid-air, forcing him to stop.

After seeing the old Black Mountain demon stop escaping, Li Qing no longer hesitated and immediately shouted coldly: "Explode!"

After hearing this word, the expression of the old Black Mountain demon who was high in the sky changed drastically, but before he could react, the three balls of Taiqing Divine Fire suddenly exploded.

Suddenly, purple light covered the sky! Then there was only a "boom" sound, and raging flames filled the sky, illuminating most of the underworld into purple.

At the same time, a scream was just heard and was drowned in the blazing flames.

In front of the gate of ghosts, the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King looked up at the sky, with an extremely complex expression on his face, and slowly said word by word: "Taiqing.Shen.Fire!"

After seeing this scene of purple light shining in the sky, his blurred memory finally became clear!

Immediately, he narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "It turns out he is a disciple of Jie Jiao!"

At this moment, Tu Tu Ye, who had been silent all this time, suddenly exclaimed.

"No! He is not an old monster from Montenegro!"

Li Qing, who was looking up at the purple light shining on the sky, heard the exclamation of Lord Tu Tu. He immediately looked down at Tu Tu and said in shock: "What did you say? Isn't he an old monster from Montenegro?"

The Tutu Master was sweating profusely and said with a trembling look: "My lord, please forgive me, but the little God has just realized that something is wrong!"

Li Qing's face turned cold when he heard this.

Then he said in a cold voice: "What's wrong?"

Seeing Li Qing's expression, the Earthly Master suddenly became panicked and hurriedly said: "The old demon from Black Mountain has always been cautious. Even several roundups from Jiuchongtian didn't force him out! So the little god saw the old demon from Black Mountain like this." He was burned to death so easily, so he became suspicious, and then the little god suddenly thought that when he stood in front of him before, he didn't feel the aura of the great demon from the earthly fairyland from his body, and he suddenly realized the truth!"

After Li Qing listened to Tu Tu Ye's words, his face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water.

Then he asked coldly: "Then tell me, if he is not the old demon from Montenegro, who is he?"

The land master bowed and said with a look of shame on his face: "This must also be a clone!"

When Li Qing heard this, he immediately grabbed the Tudou Master's long beard, pulled him up on his toes, squinted his eyes and said coldly: "What you mean is that I wasted my energy in vain, and I just killed the old demon of Montenegro." Have a clone?"

Seeing Li Qing's ugly face, Tutu swallowed subconsciously.

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