Unify all heavens

Chapter 455 The old demon appears

Although the Land Master was whispering to Li Qing, everything he said was clearly heard by the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King who was more than ten feet away.

He had already been suspicious when he saw the Land Master treating Li Qing with respect. After all, the great God of Fortune and Zhengyang not only did not get rid of the zombies when he encountered them, but instead collaborated with them, and his attitude was still respectful. No matter how you look at it, this seems weird.

But at this moment, his attitude was placed in a position similar to that of a subordinate. Explaining some common sense to Li Qing made him even more confused.

After all, although the Earth Lord's strength is at the bottom among the gods, he is still much stronger than a corpse ancestor. How could he become the subordinate of a zombie ancestor?

While the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King frowned and thought, the Earth Master was still explaining to Li Qing.

"This Hundred-Eyed Ghost King is the titled Ghost King, and the ghost pony has been following him since he came to the underworld. Thousands of years have passed now! And during these tens of millions of years, when the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King is practicing, the ghost pony will also suffer unfavorable effects. With its small benefits, you can imagine how strong it must be! That’s why the little god said that in terms of strength, even the little god can’t resist its hooves!”

When he said this, the Land Master suddenly raised his head and saw the ghost gate closed ten feet away. The ghost horse was staring at him, spraying red mist from its nostrils.

Seeing this, the Earthly Master was ashamed and quickly shut up. He then sent a message to Li Qing: "But there is no need to be discouraged, sir. Even if this hundred-eyed ghost king is in the realm of Xuanxian, he will never be able to withstand your divine fire! All you need to do is release the divine fire. We can make him jump up and down, and when we enter the gate of hell, he will never dare to stop us in the slightest!"

When he said this, the land master couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Although they are both Yin gods, he doesn't know much about this Hundred-Eyed Ghost King. Apart from what he told Li Qing, even he himself doesn't know the rest.

The only thing I know is that this Hundred-Eyed Ghost King is very powerful!

Moreover, this hundred-eyed ghost king would rather stay in the underworld and guard the gate of hell for the old Black Mountain demon than leave the underworld, definitely because it is profitable!

And to be able to make a Xuanxian who would rather disobey the Queen Mother and stay in the underworld and join the hands of the old demon from Black Mountain, this 'profit' may be beyond his imagination!

Therefore, he wanted to see if the hundred-eyed ghost king would reveal the reason for his stay in the underworld in order to survive when the divine fire approached!

As soon as he thought of this, he sent a message to Li Qing again: "Sir, without further ado, why don't you use that divine fire to burn him now, and then we can get rid of the old Black Mountain demon!"

Li Qing frowned when he heard this. He found that Land Master always encouraged him to use Taiqing Divine Fire, as if he had some purpose.

And this feeling made him very uncomfortable, as if he was stepping into a whirlpool of unknown depth.

Thinking of this, Li Qing secretly felt wary.

But on the surface, he pretended not to care and glanced at the land.

He wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this land master!

As soon as he thought about this, Li Qing looked at the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King who was more than ten feet away, only to see him looking at them coldly.

When the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King saw the Earth Master transmitting the message, his brows under his helmet were already wrinkled, and his face was filled with coldness.

He had already warned the Land Master twice, but the Land Master was still stubborn.

At this moment, he was communicating with the Corpse Ancestor, and he must be studying how to break through.

As soon as he thought of this, the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King clenched the halberd in his hand.

If the Earth God still dares to break through the gates of hell, he will have no choice but to kill the gods!

Just when he thought of this, a soaring demonic aura suddenly appeared behind him, and then he heard a cold laughter coming from a distance.

"Hehehehe, land! You are really here!"

As this laughter appeared, the dark yellow sky above the gate of hell was suddenly dyed black by a soaring demonic energy.

When Li Qing and Tu Tu Ye, who were standing a dozen feet outside the gate of hell, heard the laughter, their expressions changed and they let out a secret cry.

"Old demon from Montenegro!"

After the gate of hell closed, the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King narrowed his eyes at the laughter. Then he looked back and saw a fair-faced middle-aged man slowly walking out of the gate of hell with a sneer.

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost King looked cold and said in a cold voice: "Old Black Mountain Demon? If you don't stay in your mansion, what are you doing here?"

The old demon from Montenegro walked like the wind and walked straight past him without even looking at him.

It wasn't until he stood in front of him that he sneered and said, "Of course I'm here to greet the guests from afar!"

The moment he finished speaking, he suddenly flew up and landed within ten feet of Li Qing.

The Tutu Master quickly stepped forward to block Li Qing's face, looked at the Black Mountain old demon with a cold face, and shouted: "You old demon!"

He had just finished speaking when the old Black Mountain demon suddenly took a step forward.

Although it was only a small step, it made the land master's face change greatly in shock, and he hurriedly shut up.

The old Black Mountain demon sneered when he saw this, and then waved his robe and put his hands behind his back. He didn't even look at the Earth Master, but focused his eyes on Li Qing.

Then he narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice: "Are you the corpse ancestor who trampled my godson to death?"

The moment he said these words, he enveloped Li Qing with boundless demonic energy and began to explore Li Qing's body.

Li Qing seemed unaware, but looked at the old Black Mountain demon who was close at hand with a wary look, and sneered: "It's me!"

As he spoke, he was ready to summon the Taiqing Divine Fire at any time.

The old demon from Montenegro laughed when he heard this:

"Okay, okay!"

"I didn't expect that after I haven't been to the human world for several years, a bold corpse ancestor like you would appear in this world!"

"I heard that you can also practice the magic power of 'Law of Heaven and Elephant of Earth'. I wonder if you can practice it for me? This will also allow me, a little mountain demon, to see what you can do!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Land Master, who was shocked to one side, took courage and shouted: "How dare you! Do you practice as you say? You are just a monster in a fairyland. If my master comes out of the house, you won't even be qualified to carry shoes." nothing!"

The old demon from Montenegro glared at Lord Tutu coldly, making him tremble all over.

But the land master did not take a step back, he just kept swallowing his saliva.

After about a few breaths, the old Black Mountain demon suddenly laughed loudly, looked at Li Qing with interest, and sneered: "You zombie ancestor might as well report out of the house, let me see where you are from the powerful disciple, and you can actually make this person The little earthly master said these words!"

Li Qing glared at the land fiercely, and then smiled coquettishly at him.

Not only the old demon from Black Mountain, but also the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King not far away could not help but raise his brows after seeing this, guessing where Li Qing came from.

After all, no matter how bad the Earth Lord is, he is still the God of Fortune and Righteousness who can easily suppress the Corpse Ancestor.

But now, the God of Fortune is acting like this in front of Li Qing.

This couldn't help but make them curious.

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