Unify all heavens

Chapter 457 Leaving



At some point, the dark wind suppressed by the Taiqing Divine Fire slowly blew up again, causing the Tu Tuye's white hair to dance wantonly.

Li Qing's eyes were cold, staring at the old but ruddy face in front of him, and then he thought that the realm of the land was not as high as that of the old demon from Montenegro, so it was normal to be deceived by him. So he slowly let go of Lord Tu Tu's long beard, and then warned in a cold voice: "Tu Tu, remember this, don't do it again!"

The Earth God replied tremblingly: "The little god has remembered it!"

Li Qing nodded lightly and said in a deep voice: "Let's go into the ghost gate to find him!"

Tutu nodded subconsciously, then suddenly reacted and said in surprise: "Entering the pass? That Hundred-Eyed Ghost King."

He didn't finish his words, but Li Qing knew what he was going to say.

Immediately he said: "If he dares to stop me, I will send him to see the clone of the old demon from Montenegro!"

After saying this, he glanced at the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King not far away, and then jumped up.

Seeing this, the Land Master hurriedly trotted to keep up with him on crutches.

When Li Qing landed, he happened to arrive at the gate of hell.

Looking at the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King riding a ghost pony in front of him, Li Qing directly summoned the Taiqing Divine Fire without saying anything.


While the purple fire was swaying, Li Qing said in a deep voice: "You must have heard what I said to the land, given your level of cultivation!"

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost King lowered his head slightly and glanced at Li Qing, then focused on the ball of Taiqing Divine Fire suspended in Li Qing's palm, and then said in a cold voice: "I still said what I said, after thinking about the gate of hell, you have to First ask me about the halberd in my hand!"

As he spoke, he waved his halberd vigorously.


As the sound of the halberd cutting through the Yin Qi sounded, Li Qing's face darkened, and then he slowly held up the Taiqing Divine Fire and said in a cold voice: "Do you know what kind of fire this is?"


The Hundred-Eyed Ghost King sneered and replied: "Taiqing Shenhuo!"

Li Qing was startled when he heard this, and his back showed surprise.

He did not expect that the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King who guarded the gate of ghosts actually knew the name of Taiqing Shenhuo.

Li Qing's face changed for a moment, and he thought to himself: "The land once said that this Hundred-Eyed Ghost King has been in the underworld for tens of millions of years. Could it be that he existed in ancient times?"

Just as he was thinking, he heard a "bang——" sound, but he saw the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King thrust the bronze halberd into the ground, and then sneered: "Boy, don't think that you can travel across the three realms with the divine fire. Tuo Shenhuo, but your realm is too far behind mine, so even the Taiqing Shenhuo can’t hurt me!”

After saying this, he waved his hands casually and said: "This hell gate is not something that a person of your level can break into at will. If you don't want to perish here, leave as soon as possible!"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King, trying to get some clues.

But the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King was completely hidden under his armor, and it was completely impossible to see what his expression was at this moment.

Li Qing felt awe-struck in his heart and thought to himself: "Is he really not afraid of Taiqing Shenhuo, or is he just pretending? Why not test him first? If he is really not afraid of Taiqing Shenhuo, I will turn around and leave!"

As soon as he thought about this, he said coldly: "If you can really resist this Taiqing Divine Fire of mine, I will leave immediately without saying a word!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, it turns out that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

In the midst of laughter, he fiercely lifted up the bronze halberd stuck on the ground, then raised the halberd and pointed at Li Qing. His words changed and he said coldly: "For the sake of you being a disciple of Jie Jiao, I finally persuaded you to Just say it!" When he said this, he paused slightly, then with a cold look in his eyes, he said word by word: "Little corpse ancestor, don't make any mistakes!"

Li Qing was about to speak when the Land Master next to him suddenly raised his hand and tugged at the corner of Li Qing's clothes, saying in a low voice: "Sir, this Hundred-Eyed Ghost King looks confident. The little god is worried that he really has the ability to avoid fire, so why not leave it for now?" Stay away for a while and wait until the disaster is over before you come back to cause trouble for that old Black Mountain demon!"

When the Earth Master finished speaking, he heard the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King sneer.

"You are not stupid in this land!"

As he spoke, he took out a fist-sized red bead from his arms and said, "Do you know this bead?"

The Earth Master frowned and glanced at the bead held in the hand of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King. After thinking for a long time, he hesitated and asked: "Fire-avoiding beads?"

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost King tossed the beads and sneered: "You know your stuff!"

Tu Tu's expression changed and he quickly reminded Li Qing.

"Sir, this fire-avoiding bead can ward off all flames except the ten main fires of heaven and earth. Although the Taiqing Divine Fire is a divine fire, it does not belong to the ten main fires."

When the land master said this, he paused and sighed softly.

Li Qing's expression changed slightly when he heard this. He didn't expect that the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King would have a way to avoid fire, and he could guess that he was a disciple of Jie Jiao. His expression was gloomy at the moment.

Not only did he not take advantage of anything when he came to the underworld this time, he also lost a weapon.

The only thing that made him feel less uncomfortable was killing the two clones of the old Black Mountain demon.

The Tutu Master glanced at Li Qing, then raised his crutch and drew it in the void.

At that moment, there was only a "呲" sound, and a black line two or three meters long appeared in the void in front of them.

After the black line expanded, Li Qing walked straight in with a cold face.

The Earthly Master looked back at the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King who was still sneering, and then he didn't know what he thought of. His whole body trembled suddenly. He didn't dare to look at the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King anymore, and quickly stepped into the black line with sharp steps.

After Li Qing and Tu Tu Ye left the gate of hell, the fire-avoiding bead in the hand of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King suddenly shattered with a 'bang' and dispersed into a ball of rich Yin Qi.

He squeezed away the yin energy and said coldly: "You have so many clones. Now even I don't know where your true body is hidden!"

When he finished speaking, a fair-faced middle-aged man slowly stepped out of the void and appeared next to the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King.

After hearing the words of the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King, his expression remained unchanged. He just looked at the gradually shortening black line a few feet away and said coldly: "If I didn't have a few clones, I would have been burned to death before!"

After saying this, his expression darkened, he narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "You should know what kind of flame this Taiqing Divine Fire is, you might as well explain it to me!"

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost King sneered and ignored him.

The old Black Mountain demon raised his brows and glanced sideways at the Hundred-Eyed Ghost King, with a cold look in his eyes.

Then he didn't know what he thought of, he snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

The Hundred-Eyed Ghost King glanced at the back of the old Black Mountain demon, and a cold look flashed in his eyes. If he hadn't guarded the ghost gate to prevent the demons from the underworld from occupying the ghost gate, he would have gotten rid of the old Black Mountain demon long ago.

Thinking of this, he slowly raised his head and looked at the darkness high in the sky.

Then he whispered softly.

"There are still more than one hundred and eighty years."

Thanks to the book friend Shen Tu for the reward of 100 starting coins, and the book friend Wandering for the reward of 100 starting coins.

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