Unify all heavens

Chapter 258 Nine Yins gather to refine the ghost corpse (Part 2)

As the surrounding environment transitioned from the purple coffin space to the human world, their figures appeared in front of the Earth Temple.

The Tutu Master looked at Li Qing, then suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you for your warm hospitality, little friend. I haven't had such a fine wine for a long time!"

Li Qing smiled faintly and said nothing, just looking at Lord Tutu.

After he finished saying those words, he began to tap the ground rhythmically with his dragon-head crutch.

"Bang, bang bang, bang!"

The moment these four voices ended, Li Qing found a faint mist appearing around him.

He glanced at Lord Tu Tu subconsciously and saw that Lord Tu Tu, like him, was also shrouded in this layer of mist.

Then Li Qing felt that everything in front of him was rapidly growing in size at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just the blink of an eye, he was surprised to find that an ant flashing before his eyes had turned into a giant.

Not long after the ant flashed past his eyes, Li Qing found that the scene in front of him turned into nine colors of black, white, purple, green, red, orange, blue and gray that could not stop rotating.

Just looking at these nine colors attentively, Li Qing felt that the world suddenly began to turn upside down.

Feeling intense dizziness, he subconsciously closed his eyes.


He didn't know how long it took, but when a strange cold wind suddenly sounded in his ears, he opened his eyes.

After he opened his eyes, he saw that the land man next to him was actually emitting a layer of faint white light.

After seeing Li Qing open his eyes, Tu Tuye stroked his beard and said with a smile: "You finally woke up. If you had been sleeping for a while, we would have been discovered by the underworld soldiers patrolling here!"

After hearing this, Li Qing couldn't help but look at his surroundings.

But he saw that he was lying on a dark black hillside, and the Earth God was standing next to him.

After slowly sitting up, Li Qing couldn't help but frown.

He suddenly found that the weight of his body seemed to be much lighter, and there was a sense of weakness all over his body.

At this time, there was another whistling wind blowing past him.


After the sinister wind with a strange sound blew past him, Li Qing's body suddenly floated back a meter or two involuntarily.

And he found that his body was actually a little weaker.

At that moment, he stood up and looked at the Lord of the Earth, with a somewhat unkind look on his face.

After seeing that Li Qing looked strange, Tu Tuye stroked his beard and explained: "Don't worry, little friend, this is a normal phenomenon!"

After saying this, he raised his finger and pointed around, and said: "This is the Netherworld! And my friend, you are in the body of a zombie to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, so I decided to take your soul away without permission. Hook it out!”

After saying this, he stroked his beard and smiled: "The soul will move under the dark wind. It is a normal phenomenon!"

Li Qing's face darkened when he heard this, and he said coldly: "In other words, I am a soul body now?"

Tutu smiled and said: "My little friend, don't be angry for now. I'll explain it to you while I'm walking!"

After saying this, he walked forward.

Li Qing glanced at Lord Tutu with a gloomy face and prepared to follow.

But at this moment, he suddenly found He Fenni lying at his feet.

The moment he saw He Fenni, Li Qing couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Because He Fenni, who was lying at his feet now, had become a corpse.

He didn't even know when this man died.

After frowning, Li Qing subconsciously waved his hand at her, preparing to use the object control technique to control her to float up.

Anyway, He Fenni will die sooner or later, and her death will not affect his plan.

As a result, after he finished waving his hand, he saw that He Fenni's body only moved slightly and then returned to a motionless state again.

Tu Tuye, who was already preparing to go downhill in the distance, was about to look back to see if Li Qing had followed, but he happened to see this scene.

After seeing this scene, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "I almost forgot about the real thing!"

As he spoke, he walked back to Li Qing and said, "Let me take her with her. My friend, you are in the body of a soul now, and you have to adapt to this underworld for a while before you can use ghost magic normally! "

After the Land Master said this, he waved his sleeves at He Fenni.

Then Li Qing saw that He Fenni's body shrank in the blink of an eye, and then flew into Tu Tu Ye's cuffs.

After putting He Fenni's body in his sleeves, the Land Master said to Li Qing: "We have to leave quickly, otherwise if we are discovered by ghosts, we will be in trouble. After all, the old man is not walking through the regular passage." !”

After Li Qing nodded, he walked forward side by side with Mr. Tu Tu.

As he walked, he looked around.

It was then that he discovered that the Yin Qi in the Netherworld was not as strong as he had imagined.

In addition, he discovered that the color of the sky was not pitch black as he had previously thought, but dark yellow.

Even the ground was not filled with bones as he imagined, but an endless pitch black plain.

Except for the dark wind blowing from time to time, this place looks very peaceful.

The Tutu Master had been observing Li Qing's expression. When he saw the look of surprise on his face, he smiled and said, "Although this Netherworld is called the underworld, it is the place where all things reincarnate, but it has nothing to do with it. It’s not much different in the human world, and the things in the human world are also available here. It’s a pity that time is too tight this time, otherwise, I can take you to see the city in the underworld!”

After saying this, he raised his hand and pointed forward and said: "Look, little friend, that is the place where the Nine Yins gather to refine the ghost corpse!"

When Li Qing heard this, he hurriedly looked up, and then his face became shocked.

I saw that the place pointed by the Earth Master turned out to be a green pool.

Although the pond seemed not far away from them, they walked for more than half an hour before reaching the shore of the pond.

This square pool is an oval. The narrow side is estimated to be one or two hundred meters long, but the long side is so long that you can't forget the sides at a glance.

Moreover, at a glance, the water in this square pool is extremely calm. Even if the cold wind passes over the water, it will not cause ripples.

Li Qing stood on the shore, frowning and sensing the square pond water, and found that the Yin Qi in the pond water was not even as much as on the ground.

Thinking of this, he looked at the Earth Master with some doubts.

Because speaking of it, even a pool of water in the human world has more Yin Qi than here.

After sensing Li Qing's gaze, Tu Tuye kicked a stone at his feet into the pond.

As soon as the "pop" sound was heard, the Land Master smiled at Li Qing and stroked his beard: "Little friend, take a look again!"

Hearing this, Li Qing frowned and looked at the pool, only to see that at this moment, countless ripples appeared in the originally calm pool.

Immediately afterwards, countless pale white arms suddenly stretched out from the surface of the pool.

Li Qing's eyes widened when he saw this, because he could clearly see the bottom of this square pool, but after these arms appeared, he couldn't see the owners of these arms in the pool, as if these arms only grew on the surface of the water. of.

At this moment, Tu Tuye raised his hand and grabbed Li Qing's body and jumped into the pool.

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