Unify all heavens

Chapter 257 Nine Yins gather to refine the ghost corpse (Part 2)

After Li Qing heard Tu Tu Ye's words, the look in his eyes changed slightly.

What a good old fox!

Just as his interest was piqued, the topic suddenly changed.

But that's okay, the Tudou wanted to see the purple coffin space, and he also wanted to take the opportunity to talk to him about blackmail.

Thinking of this, Li Qing smiled slightly.

"Even if the landlord doesn't say anything, I'm still going to show my kindness to the landlord and invite you to have some food and wine at my resting place!"

After hearing this, the Land Master narrowed his eyes with laughter.

"My little friend has already prepared some wine and food? Then I'm going to have the shamelessness to try it!"

After Tu Tu said these words, Li Qing smiled and said: "In that case, I am offended, and I hope Lord Tu Tu will forgive you!"

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the Earth Master's shoulder, and then silently recited the purple coffin mantra in his heart.

The next moment, the two figures disappeared out of thin air with the smile on the face of the land master.

As the environment in front of them changed, the two of them appeared in the purple coffin space.

Looking at the dark cave in front of him, the Earth Master's smile remained unchanged. He held a dragon-head crutch in his hand and stroked his beard and said, "Now I finally believe that this place does have the purpose of hiding the way of heaven!"

As he spoke, he raised his crutch and pointed at the cracked golden tablet in front of the cave, and said with a smile: "After all, not everyone has the courage to refine a corpse demon into a golden tablet, let alone erect it in the cave. Come forward!"

After saying this, he looked at Li Qing, who had a look of shock on his face, and said with a smile, "Are you just going to stand here with me and enjoy the scenery?"

After Li Qing heard these words, he moved his eyes away from the golden tablet and invited the Earth Master into the cave with a smile.

After entering the cave, the Earth Master's expression changed slightly.

He looked around the cave with some surprise and said: "What a big move, using the bones and flesh of the emperor's corpse as the road, and the immortal bones of the corpse god as the walls, no wonder it can form a world of its own!"

Li Qing narrowed his eyes when he heard this. If the Earth Master hadn't mentioned it at this moment, he would never have known that the purple coffin space contained so many secrets.

The bones and flesh of the emperor's corpse are the road, and the corpse god does not turn the bones into the wall. It is really courageous!

Not to mention the shock in Li Qing's heart, Lord Tutu finally felt relieved after seeing clearly the refining materials in the purple coffin space.

Then he slowly turned around and looked at Li Qing, and then said seriously: "Little friend, now that we have reached a safe place, I can explain it to you!"

Li Qing nodded slightly when he heard this.

Seeing this, Tutu stroked his beard and sighed softly: "My little friend, you must have heard that the outside world is now in the end of the Dharma era. The capable gods and Buddhas have already gone to the outside world to find a new world. What is left behind are us little gods. , as the saying goes, an ant can live in vain, let alone a god!"

After saying this, he smiled bitterly, and then continued: "Although I am a god of good fortune, but in all calculations, I am just an abandoned pawn. In order not to become a clay sculpture and stone statue in the end of the Dharma era, I can't help but want to imitate those people." Almighty, find a way out for yourself!"

After saying this, he raised his head and looked at Li Qing.

"I am willing to use the refining method of the top ten forbidden corpses in the world to exchange with my little friend for a chance to travel to other worlds. I wonder what my little friend thinks?"

Li Qing was silent for a moment after hearing this, then thought for a moment and said, "Lord Tutu, you may not know that this purple coffin can not only travel through the world, but also travel through time and space!"

When he said this, he looked into Lord Tu Tu's eyes and said pointedly: "I can not only take you to other worlds, but I can also take you back to when the Monkey King was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace, or when Pangu The beginning of the world, the era when Nuwa made stones to mend the sky!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, Tu Tuye's face showed an extremely rich look of horror for the first time, and he looked at Li Qing in disbelief.

This was the first time he heard the word traveling through time and space.

Because even Daozu Hongjun does not have this ability.

At this moment, Li Qing said again: "You probably haven't heard the sermons of Patriarch Hongjun. If I brought you to that era, then you might have a chance to compete for the holy throne!"

When he heard this, Lord Tutu felt that his divine heart was beating violently.

Whether it is becoming a saint or listening to the sermons of Patriarch Hongjun, they all have an unparalleled temptation for him!

After saying this, Li Qing raised the corners of his mouth, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"In addition to the prehistoric world, I can also take you to higher-level worlds! You have to know that among all the worlds, the world level of the prehistoric world is not the highest, and saints are not the end!"

When he heard this, Tu Tuye suddenly smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "That's enough, that's enough. Stop talking, little friend. If you keep talking, I will have inner demons!"

When he said this, he re-examined Li Qing in his heart.

If what Li Qing said was true, then his value would be immeasurable.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the news that Li Qing can take people back to the prehistoric era is leaked, countless gods in the entire world may go bankrupt to find Li Qing.

After thinking of this, Land Master carefully calculated his collection over the past few thousand years in his mind.

During the period when the Lord of the Land was silent, Li Qing suddenly thought that he should go to the gods of this world to sell his place in time travel?

This is a great opportunity to collect materials for external incarnations!

But it was just a thought. After all, if this news really spread, he might be killed by other gods in a matter of minutes.

Thinking of this, Li Qing sighed in his heart.

I still don’t have enough strength. If I had Zhubi’s strength now, this business would really be possible!

Just when Li Qing was sighing secretly in his heart, he heard Lord Tu Tu say: "Little friend, if you are not in a hurry, how about giving me some time to think about it. After all, these things you said made me feel very sad." Shock, and taking advantage of this time period, Lao Chan will bring you into the gathering place of Jiuyin!"

When Li Qing heard this, he glanced at Tu Tu Ye, and a hint of wariness flashed across his eyes at this time.

After seeing the wary look in Li Qing's eyes, the Tutu Master smiled and said: "Little friend, I can roughly guess what you are thinking about, so I might as well make an oath of heaven in front of you, and I will never do it." Tell the other gods what you said to me before!"

After Li Qing heard this, he thought quickly in his heart, and suddenly smiled and said: "The Lord of the Earth is serious, I can still trust your character, not to mention the more gods who know the news, it means The fewer opportunities you have.”

The land man heard this and said with a smile: "That's exactly the truth!"

After saying that, he stroked his beard and said: "In that case, I would like to invite you and me to go to the human world. While I am thinking about this, I will accompany you to the underworld!"

After Tu Tu Ye finished these words, Li Qing smiled and nodded, and then brought Tu Tu Ye back to the world.

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