Unify all heavens

Chapter 259 The Yin Corpse (Part 1)


The moment this voice sounded, Li Qing felt his body being pulled back and forth by many hands.

Just when his face changed drastically and he was about to resist, the voice of Lord Tutu suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Kid, don't move, just wait for a moment!"

After the sound disappeared, Li Qing found that the world in front of him had changed drastically in an instant.

Obviously one second he was still in the pool, and the next second his figure appeared on a flat ground.

It was at this time that he suddenly realized that the Land Master looked very embarrassed.

Not only was his beard much smaller, but the military hat he was wearing was also missing, and his clothes were wrinkled in many places.

After seeing Li Qing's gaze, Tu Tuye smiled lightly and said, "The pool of water we saw before was transformed by extremely yin energy, and those arms were made of that pool of water. The arm transformed by Yin Qi, from ancient times to the present, anyone who wants to come to this place where the Nine Yin gathers needs to be teased by it."

After saying this, he looked at Li Qing with a half-smile, and said: "As the God of the Earth, I could have been exempted from all this, but I am only accompanying you this time with my soul and body. I didn’t come here, so I can only experience it!”

Li Qing nodded slowly when he heard the words. Although he didn't know whether Tu Tu Ye's words were true or false, he did accompany him through the teasing of this pool of water.

At this time, the Land Master waved his sleeves and released He Fenni, who had been kept in his sleeves before.


When He Fenni's body fell to the ground, the Earth Master sighed softly and said: "There is something I forgot to tell you. Because this woman has not yet expired, she did not have any health problems when she entered the Netherworld. The ghost protects her soul, so the moment she entered the underworld, her soul was shattered by the Yin Qi!"

Li Qing nodded without saying a word, and his expression did not waver at all.

For him, He Fenni was just a tool for him. It didn't matter whether her soul disappeared or not, as long as she obeyed him.

After seeing Li Qing's appearance, Lord Tutu sighed in his heart. If Li Qing didn't take him out of this world after this matter was over, he would definitely be punished by heaven.

Since ancient times, there have been only earth gods who save people, but no earth gods who harm people.

Thinking of this, he tapped the ground hard with the dragon-head crutch in his hand.

After Li Qing noticed Tu Tu Ye's movements, he took a look at the surrounding environment.

After all, I finally came to the place where Jiuyin gathers, so I naturally wanted to take a look.

I saw that very high above my head was the fine pool, floating in the sky as quietly as the sky.

Li Qing's eyes flashed with wonder when he saw this. If he hadn't seen it today, he would never have imagined that there would be such a strange place.

At this time, the ground that the Tutu Master had knocked with his faucet crutch suddenly surged upwards, and then like a fountain, countless tiny red sands were sprayed out.

In just ten seconds, a pit more than nine meters deep appeared on the ground.

At the same time, a pile of red sand was built around them.

At this moment, Tu Tuye pointed at He Fenni's body with his crutch.

Then her body was seen slowly floating up and then landed at the bottom of the pit.

The moment her body landed at the bottom of the pit, the Land Master waved his hand to the pile of red sand beside him.

Then all the sand was seen floating up and filling the pit.


After doing all this, the Land Master sat cross-legged on the ground, inserted his crutches into the ground in front of him, and then said to Li Qing with a serious expression: "Little friend, because we are stowaway this time, So there is not much time left for us, especially since this place is a forbidden area in the Netherworld. When we passed through the pond, a ghost messenger got the news. To avoid unnecessary complications, I will refine this Netherworld Corpse for you first. During this period, boundless Yin Qi will appear here! These Yin Qi are beneficial and harmless to you, so you can absorb as much as you can! After all, if you refine it and incarnate in the future, you will need to divide your soul!"

After the Land Master said these words, he closed his eyes, and then his figure began to become transparent.

After Li Qing glanced at the land, there was worry in his eyes.

What he was worried about was not being discovered by the ghosts, but how he would subdue the ghost corpse after the Earth Master successfully refined it.

Regarding the technique of controlling corpses, he only knew one method, and that was the method he used to conquer Jiang Fei before.

But if he wants to use this method, he must first have a body.

Otherwise, how can you use corpse energy to activate the corpse control technique?

And just as he was thinking, a sinister sound of 'woo woo woo' suddenly sounded around him.

Then Li Qing felt a strong Yin Qi that he had never seen emanating from Lord Tutu's body.


And under this yin energy, the surrounding yin wind sound also became louder.

Just when Li Qing was worried that he would be blown away by the cold wind, he saw red sand suddenly blown up by the cold wind and falling on the pile of red sand not far away where He Fenni's body was buried. on him.

The moment the red sand fell on him, he found that his body became heavier.

At this time, the voice of the Land Master suddenly came to his mind.

"Little friend, quickly absorb this Yin Qi, a ghost has already arrived at the shore of the pond!"

Li Qing's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he hurriedly used the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique to start absorbing the surrounding Yin Qi.

When the first yin energy was sucked into his body, Li Qing's eyes suddenly opened.

No wonder the Earth Master asked him to inhale as much as he could, because after he absorbed the Yin Qi, it merged directly into his soul without the need for transformation.

With just a burst of yin energy, Li Qing felt that the strength of his soul was more than twice as strong as before it was inhaled!

Thinking of this, he continued to use the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique without stopping.

At this time, on the bank of the pond above, two ghosts with chains hanging on their bodies jumped into the pond.

The two of them are different from other ghosts because one of them is carrying an ox's head and the other is carrying a horse's head.

Just when they jumped into the pool, Tu Tuye opened his eyes suddenly, and then his transparent body changed back to its original shape.

The moment his body returned to its original state, he pulled the crutch in front of him from the ground with an anxious expression, and then hit the ground hard with the crutch, causing the pile of red sand in front of him to scatter. Come on.

At the same time, he said to Li Qing: "Little friend, jump into the pit quickly and possess that woman's body!"

After hearing what Lord Tu Tu said, Li Qing, who was absorbing Yin Qi with all his strength, looked startled.

Then when he saw the anxious look on the land master's face, Li Qing didn't have time to think too much. He hurriedly ran forward two steps and jumped into the pit.

Upon seeing this, the Tutu Master took a long breath, then straightened his clothes, then raised his head and looked up at the sky.

I saw two ghosts falling slowly from the sky above.

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