Unify all heavens

Chapter 244 The complete Yin-Yang corpse! (superior)




When Li Qing and the yin-yang corpse with a female head finished shouting three numbers at the same time, he threw the head he was holding in his hand. At the same time, the Yin-Yang corpse also threw the palm-sized glass bottle at him.

But when the glass bottle was about to reach his hand in a parabola, the man suddenly rolled upside down in the air a few times and took the bottle in his mouth.

Li Qing's eyes widened when he saw this, and he shouted: "Seeking death!"

As he spoke, he flew after it and reached out to grab the flying head.

During the flight, although the head was biting the vial, it did not prevent him from laughing.

But because he was holding the bottle in his mouth, his laughter was very strange.

"Ho ho ho!"

Li Qing wanted to speed up a little bit, but the original distance between him and the Yin-Yang corpse was not that far, only a few meters. Almost as soon as he flew up and landed, he was already in front of the Yin Yang Corpse.

And the male head flew to the Yin Yang Corpse's chest almost the moment the laughter ended.

And the moment he flew onto the Yin-Yang corpse's chest, the entire Yin-Yang corpse emitted a light blue light.

In the light blue light, the broken part of his head was actually connected to the flesh and skin of the Yin Yang Corpse's chest. In just the blink of an eye, it seemed as if they had grown together.

At this time, Li Qing's palm also passed through the blue light and grasped the male head on the chest of Yin Yang Corpse.


The moment Li Qing grabbed the head, he used his maximum strength to crush the head.

But at this moment, the Yin-Yang Corpse has become a complete body. Even if he squeezes the head to make a sound, the head will still be the same.

Looking at the Yin Yang Corpse whose aura was getting stronger, Li Qing took a deep breath and slowly took two steps back.

Now that the Yin-Yang Corpse has become a complete body, he has to think about what means to use to deal with it. Otherwise, not to mention whether Kang Xingui's soul can be brought back, even whether he can leave is a question.

The corpse-slaying sword can only cut down low-level Yin objects, and it is an attack method within the Three Realms, so it has no effect on Yin-Yang corpses.

The gluttonous sky-swallowing technique is a ghost technique from the underworld, so it is useless.

After thinking about it, Li Qing found that only the purple coffin could be used!

When he fought against Dragon Slaying that day, Zi Coffin had been upgraded and had a "suppression" technique, but it required him to activate it with his blood and essence. The more blood and blood he consumed, the more powerful Zi Coffin was. The power will be greater.

Thinking of this, Li Qing raised his hand and dragged up the purple coffin hanging on his chest.

Although he is flying stiff, there are only about 10 drops of essence and blood in his body, so every drop is less. So far, Li Qing only knows that when he evolves, blood essence and blood will increase in his body. There may be other ways to increase the amount of blood essence, but he hasn't discovered it yet.

Looking at the yin and yang corpses whose aura was becoming more and more powerful, Li Qingjue thought it was better to be safer. After all, every drop of this essence and blood was used, and it would be embarrassing if it was wasted.

And we still don’t know when his next evolution will be!

After thinking clearly, Li Qing gritted his teeth and forced out three drops of blood essence from his body at once, and then used the three drops of blood essence to activate the purple coffin.

At the same time, he shouted softly: "Purple Coffin! Suppress!"

As he finished speaking, the purple coffin on his chest suddenly broke away from the gold chain, turned into a purple light, broke through the ceiling, and disappeared into the sky.

Li Qing looked up subconsciously, but could only see a small hole as thick as a finger that could see the sky, but did not see the purple light.

At this moment, the yin and yang corpses had completed their integration, and then two voices, a man's and a woman's, sounded in Li Qing's ears at the same time.

"Hey hey hey!"

"Li Qing, let me swallow you!"

After hearing the sound, Li Qing looked at the Yin Yang Corpse and saw him flying towards him with a ferocious expression.

Because he wouldn't be able to feel the purple coffin for a while, Li Qing could only hide to the side with a slightly changed expression.

Unexpectedly, after the yin and yang corpses were combined, their speed also increased a lot.

Almost at the same time that Li Qing was hiding to the side, he had already appeared at Li Qing's destination in advance, raised his mouth and spit black saliva at Li Qing.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing hurriedly stopped his body in the air, and then flew to the other side to avoid the spittle.

But just as he escaped the saliva, he heard a "whoosh" sound coming from his ears.

Li Qing looked back and saw that the Yin Yang Corpse had brought out the light blue stick again, and was still twisting its buttocks to swing the stick.

This caused Li Qing to see the direction of the stick clearly, but he had no idea from which direction it would attack him. So he could only slowly retreat as the stick approached, and at the same time, his eyes were fixed on the stick. The stick was swinging in front of him.

For a moment, the stick appeared as an afterimage in Li Qing's eyes.

In addition, the "whirring" sound in my ears is getting louder and louder.

At this moment, the stick that was swinging around suddenly lengthened, and in an instant it went up and down with a "whooshing" sound through the air, and hit Kang Xingui, who was holding Li Qing's right hand.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes when he saw this. He was now forced to the end of the corridor. The place left for him to hide was extremely small.

"Hoo ho!"

Seeing that the stick was about to hit Kang Xingui's body, Li Qing was heartbroken and hurriedly turned around to block the stick with his back to ensure Kang Xingui's safety.

Almost as soon as he turned around, the stick hit his back.


The moment the sound of whipping sounded, Li Qing was hit against the wall in front of him by a huge force. Immediately afterwards, with a huge "boom", his figure broke through the wall and appeared outside the building, and flew hundreds of meters straight.

It can be seen that the Yin Yang Corpse used great strength!

Li Qing finally managed to control his body and stop in the air. Before he could even look at Kang Xingui in his arms, he heard the sound of "whooshing" breaking through the air from behind.

He looked back and saw that the Yin-Yang corpse flew straight out along the hole he made, and quickly approached him.

After seeing this, Li Qing's pupils narrowed sharply.

There is no mention in the original drama that this Yin-Yang corpse has the ability to fly!

However, seeing the Yin-Yang corpse approaching him, Li Qing had no time to think about it and could only sense the aura of the purple coffin with all his strength.

Because at this moment, all his hopes are placed on the purple coffin. After all, his own attacks are completely ineffective against the Yin-Yang Corpse in this state.

When he saw that the Yin-Yang corpse was about to arrive near him, Li Qing finally felt the aura of the purple coffin.

So, he looked up...

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